Why are whites so violent?

Why are whites so violent?

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Anya Taor Joy is so sexy I would just devour her asshole for hours

We are the blond beasts of the north. We subjugated the entire world at one point. Fear us.

Fuck this movie was good

Check out this goat

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Yea Forums likes to point the finger at blacks and other minorities as being violent while overlooking the violence from white people. 50,000 white people have been killed by other white people in Ukraine in just two months. That is more casualties than any African country but Yea Forums is completely silent about it…

Never happened. You are the blonde cucks of Asia. You were eunuchs in the Chinese imperial court at one point.

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the guy's autistic, hunched posture kept ruining it for me

How did this happen?


Go watch this movie right fucking now don't let it underperform like Blade Runner

I want a white girlfriend so bad

nippon strong

why is somaliland blank? it should be green

what the fuck is the Meiji era then, nigger?

This movie is
>high test

And, most importantly, it has this amount of niggers: 0

Because whites have the correct balance between measured violence and civilized behavior.
Based Japan

>south korea

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This shit was kino as hell.
Unsurprisingly this board doesn't have many threads about it.

Unironically I think many of the board "members" are burned out on Yea Forums and we simply shitposting here out of habit. No-one watches new movies anymore.
Plus I won't pay fuckin 20 bucks for a ticket. It used to be 5-10 bucks. Fuckin scammers

>the correct balance between measured violence and civilized behavior.
that also applies to the japs, maybe that's why they beat the russians and steamrolled Asia before America had to nuke them to make them stop

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Why is America green? We're the only country to never been conquered

if only there was some kind of explanation of what the colors signify
a key, if you will

movies dont exist to me until i can pirate them in pristine quality

FINALLY one historical movie with an accurate white cast. After 10 or more years of nothing but hebrew woke bullshit.

You are glorifying a film about evil white men behavior. Nothing in this movie was "kino". White people need to learn.

you faggots whine about racism, sexism and representation 24/7. literally every single fucking movie that comes out, you are crying about on the internet. you have gotten so much worse than the left ever was

War for conquest/profit and slavery was a part of all cultures throughout history. No point in moralizing about it.

Stupid people tend to be violent because nonviolent solutions to social problems tend to be complex.

White people are intellectually inferior because of a download spiral. Societies of stupid people tended to value the most brutal and the most sociopathic, because these were the natural leaders of a stupid society. As such, stupidity and brutality became the valued traits that were sought in reproductive partners, leading to even more stupidity and brutality.

Some suspect this downward spiral was caused by lack of vitamin D in northern latitudes.

Hello, jew.

Colonies much?

From an user in another thread
>So because he had a decent thing going, Fjolnir didn't deserve retribution?

No doubt that Fjolnir deserved it, but that's not the point. The obsession becomes Amleth's undoing, ultimately. He throws away everything for his short term fixation on immediate revenge and gratification, and it leaves him alone dead, and his love and family alone hoping that these kin that he mentions might give them a decent life without him around.
>He wouldn't have a family or any type of resolution if his uncle got his way, he is entirely justified based on how the society itself treated life, death, and slavery. By happenstance he does find someone to confide in, but like any person, we can be set in our ways. He chose the vision of a legacy that will never be seen or heard by his children or wife, but what he would believed would be seen by his gods, and the same goes to Fjolnir who told him to meet him at the gates of Hel.

Amleth really doesn't seem to care about that, only the immediate death of his father and the assumed abduction of his mother. Again, not that these are unjustifiable or wrong motives, but they're short sighted and not at all altruistic.
>It's not meant to be altruistic, it's a personal revenge story from the perspective of an individual in a society where shit is always fucked, but the question does remain that if Fjolnir had not killed Almeth's father how life for everyone would've been. Almeth's life was destroyed by his mother and his uncle's actions, he is reactionary to that because had another second or two happened, he would be dead. Why not use the life he had to kill the man who killed his father and who sent someone to kill him, in a society heavily into grievance matches and honor duels.

Enjoying a movie =/= "glorifying", nigger.
>evil white men behavior
explain how what is depicted in the film is exclusive to white men, and how it is evil
> Nothing in this movie was "kino".
according to you? why?
>White people need to learn.
learn what?

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2 + (2*2) = ?

Live or die!

Cultural/historical perspective is fair, but it shouldn't dismiss that The Northman has themes and idea about cyclical violence and obsession that are relevant for modern people. It's not like it was filmed so Norse warriors from 900AD can watch it.
>Of course not, but it is possible to make a movie that is literally just about 900AD Vikings, and we see that though our own lenses. I wish the director's cut was the theater version, but that's to be determined. Violence is cyclical, yes and he could've lived a live with his waifu. You might as well say that if nobody hurt anyone we would all be happy.

Lack of empathy

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What will be his verdict? Does Varg believe nordic people did human sacrifice?

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What did you contribute? My guess is nothing. Taking credit for other peoples accomplishments, typical wh*teoid lmao

>Taking credit for other peoples accomplishments
I get that this is b8, but this is first grade level shit that should always be dispelled, even if said "ironically". You either are responsible for the actions of the group you're in, or you aren't. You need some serious mental gymnastics to be able to pretend otherwise.


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Why is the jewish spammer like this?



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dudes there's no way that guy is serious, don't fall for obvious bait

a colony is not a country

Why does the jewish spammer do this every day?

how is the weather in tel aviv

This movie completely bombed in Europe, nobody wants to see this proud boys power fantasy


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we're just built different. if you aren't white, you wouldn't get it


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Daily reminder. This is how you look in the eyes of every single person you've ever come in contact with

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And being Lawful Good


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>subjugated entire world
You literally could not get past the Volga or Bosporus. You got your shit pushed in over 1000 years by the huns, then the turks, then the Mongols, then the turks again. Try again.

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The children here would rather shit post about marvel movie 262 than actually watch films.

uhhh, you forgot the Arabs.

>we're just built different. if you aren't white, you wouldn't get it


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>being blond
that's for women

Holy fucking based.

I took it very much as a tragedy an Amleths fixation because there was no reason for him to not just leave. One his wife and children may not survive (what use does any one have for them) and chances are his uncle as his tiny village would never bother coming after them.

Ouch! This is too jewish!

None of the countries in the Americas have been conquered either. They didn't even exist back then.


What the fuck are you talking about. The entire world belongs to Europa. Every single country in the world needs at the very least, western influence to survive.


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Good edit. Now make him have blonde hair and a10 eyes.

Savages who lived in mudhuts unlike the Greeks who were starting to build civilization.


holy shit he's awesome


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americans are so nasty