Did you guys really not like this? It was basically True Detective meets Batman. In other words, pure kino.
Did you guys really not like this? It was basically True Detective meets Batman. In other words, pure kino
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>Did you guys really not like this?
Not really no, I sat through Barry Lyndon in a single sitting without ever leaving my seat; this pile of drivel I had to watch over two sittings over two days.
I hardly remember a thing about the film and finished watching it 30 mins ago.
A very average, extremely forgettable film.
i miss that jew kubrick too
I liked Bruce's arc and I think there may be some interesting stuff in the setting for future films but the film drags. There's no reason it needed to be nearly 3 hours. The Dark Knight had a similar runtime but had so many characters and so much shit going on you didn't really feel it.
>It was basically True Detective
True Detective was interesting, suspenseful, and well made. It also had very compelling characters.
This isn't it.
No i wanted the 90s batman tas brought to life and i keep being disappointed by these movies. I mean i get that batman has had many different appearances over the years. Its more the world that was built it was unique it wasnt like ours. I dont want a reality based batman but i also dont want an over the top adam west style of slap stick humor. It functions as a movie and nerds will love it but its not my batman.
Yes it's pretty good. I was scared because my normie friends dragged me to watch the last spiderman movie and that one was 100% garbage, but this one is pretty good. Maybe capeshit isn't so bad after all
It has a lot holding it back
>Paul Dano plays Eli Sunday again
>Batman stands and stares every time a clue happens or someone does anything around him
>trying to make the cheesy slow walk into an intimidating trade mark
>go back to the same locations over and over
>godawful soundtrack
>sudden wacky physical action set pieces
>simple fight moves frequently look CGI
You cannot go back to the past. You cannot reproduce TAS.
Just because it's long doesn't mean it's good. The writing is atrocious, it's like a retard trying to write a murder mystery where there's no mystery to be solved and still has to do it in a very unsubtle way.
Let's not forget to constantly remind the audience how "this could change everything", " this could break the city" etc.
Also, why was Gordon a retard in this universe? His only function was to pose questions like "Is that a USB?" or "Is that a spade?"
>godawful soundtrack
You take that back
modern hollywood lack precious bodily fluids
I didn't care for it. The revelation by detective Batman that Gotham is a corrupt city is laughably weak. Everybody already knows that.
I won't, Giaccino hasn't done anything good since Lost
oh, so it's just another rendition of Imperial march, but with slower tempo
im watching it in parts, like a series
watched 2hrs and gotta say it the best Batman movie by far,
Love the look of Gotham, like that Batman is not too overpowered . Pattinson is suprisingly good, Farrell is unrecoginisable, reminds me of DeNiro's Capone from THe Untouchables and Zoe is just pure sex
yea, true kino, if by kino you mean complete pile of shit
even the car chase?
Thought it was great, up until the tacked on capeshit ending.
Since Mission Impossible 3 aka the best one in the Chise
Best Batman since TDK, not as good as Batman Begins though
They should've done some foreshadowing with the levy thing. It's so dumb to string you along on this Zodiac murder spree then suddenly have the Riddler go "BTW I PLANTED BOMBS AT ALL THE SEA WALLS, YOU KNEW GOTHAM HAD SEA WALLS RIGHT?"
True Detective S1 and 2 have actual mysteries, this movie doesn’t. They should have just hired pizzolatto to write this movie come to think of it.
yeah it's pretty good
>A very average, extremely forgettable post.
He was supposed to reveal the court of owls
but then executives told the director that they're making a trilogy instead and forced him to chop the movie up into pieces
I liked the atmosphere and emo bruce. It makes bruce appealing to chuds, a place formerly held by joker.
Riddler as the main villain is also cool, although he could be smarter and less joker-y. Why can't characters just fucking talk normally? I figured out rata alada 30 minutes before batman did.
Good soundtrack.
Everything else was kinda shit. Final act fucking sucked. Mayor lady was useless.
People are going to the kinoplex for court. That's a given.
it's not horrible but not that great either
it started pretty good but by the end I found myself not giving too much of a shit about it, I liked the art direction tho and most of the performances were good, basically everything but the script was fine
It was the best portrayal of Batman on film.
It was the second best Batman movie ever made. As a Batman film, the only one that is better is The Dark Knight, purely because of Heath Ledger's performance and the diabolic plot he has set in motion. I am incredibly racist, and I didn't even mind the race-swapping in this movie. Jeffrey Wright is an excellent actor and was true to the character of Commissioner Gordon. Zoe Kravitz played the most comics accurate Catwoman (minus the race-swap) and the character was actually pretty interesting. It didn't feel forced, and that's typically my biggest gripe with that kind of shit. Paul Dano was by far the best Riddler ever and his scheme was the best villain scheme ever featured in a Batman movie. Colin Farrell did an amazing interpretation of The Penguin that I want to see more of. I want to see more of Dano as well. Fucking classic. Best Batmobile, imo. Not the most aesthetic, but the Charger aesthetic is pure masculinity. They should have ditched the fucking rocket on the back. How you gonna park that anywhere and nobody says, "That's Batman's car!"???
I don't think that a Batman movie has ever explored the idea that these villains are "created" by the existence of The Batman, which was really great to see in this film. The themes in this movie actually had substance instead of the typical "Me good, you bad!" that is usually represented in Batman movies. It was great to not have to see so much Bruce Wayne, and to have an actual detective story that took a lot of elements from Batman the Animated Series and Batman the Long Halloween (it's been a while since I read it, but I think that's the one they borrowed from).
There were quite a few things keeping this from being a masterpiece, though. Robert Pattinson should have taken some major roids before doing this movie. His portrayal of Batman was pretty good, but didn't require much. Affleck has the best aesthetic and, for an actor playing Batman, that's the most important part because he's wearing a mask most of the time. Also, Hollywood doesn't know how to do a fucking car chase scene anymore, outside of that last Mad Max movie. The part of the chase where The Penguin is like, "HaHaHaHa! I got you! I got YOU!" was pure kino, but the timing of the bat going through the fire, nevermind that there were no consequences for The Pengiun after probably killing quite a few people in that chase, really screwed it all up.
The fighting scenes were really good, with very few jump cuts, but there were some real issues with some of those. Like the part where Batman swings on one of the Riddler's goon's harness and lands on the platform to fight the other goons. Bad. That little part didn't have to be there. The part where Batman is using that gliding suit (I don't remember what it's called, I'm drunk) and then he deploys the parachute so he can land on the bus and ends up hitting the bridge above...like, you should be fucked dude. Broken arms and legs, at least. That bat suit isn't protecting you THAT much. I get that it's bulletproof, but it's entirely unrealistic, and that's clearly what they were going for. And Zoe Kravitz is what? 110 pounds? Her agility I can believe, but when she's overpowering mob goons twice her size, it goes into the realm of the unreal. They tried to balance it out by having Carmine Falcone strangle her, but it doesn't restore my suspension of disbelief.
There's some consistency issues as well with the musical score. When they played "Something in the Way" by Nirvana early on, I thought, "Oh great, we're going to see some James Gunn style bullshit and learn what Matt Reeves has on his playlist." but then they went with an orchestral score and the classic Batman theme in varying tempos for the rest of the movie, until they revisited it at the end to tie the end and beginning. I suppose that's better than the Gunn-style playlist, but it would have been better if they had just had an orchestral score through the whole movie.
I got a real kick out of Catwoman saying that "privileged White men" line and then kissing a White man lmao! Typical of those woke types, "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!" one moment and then later, "Oh fuuuuck...white people...mmmmmm" kek, women are insane. And that shit at the end with the Joker? Come on...I like Barry Keoghan, but no. We don't need another Joker. Seriously, we don't. You can't get Phoenix to do that???
Yea Forums is contrarian.
Ranking of Batman films by kinocity (that I've seen): The Dark Knight, The Batman (2022), The Dark Knight Rises, Batman (1989), Batman Returns, Batman Begins, Batman v Superman, Justice League (4 hour Snyder cut), Batman Forever.
I either haven't seen the others or they were too garbage to even qualify (Batman and Robin, I'm looking at you, nigger).
Ranking of Batmen by aesthetic (role requires little range or skill): Batfleck, Keaton, PattBat, Val Kilmer, Bale, West (pure camp and enjoyable, but not serious). I'm sorry, Christian, the Batvoice was fucking lame. Kevin Conroy has the best Batvoice, but that was a cartoon. Clooney only merits a mention as a terrible Batman. A downright Batfaggot.
Ranking of Batman villains in film: Ledger's Joker tied with Phoenix's Joker (both understood the character but interpreted him in very different ways), Dano's Riddler, Nicholson's Joker, Farrell's Penguin, Devito's Penguin, Tom Hardy's Bane, Cillian Murphy's Scarecrow, Pfeiffer's Catwoman (I think she counts as a villain in Batman Returns?), Mark Hamill (he's just a voice actor but his Joker is pretty great), Aaron Eckhart's Two-Face, Neeson's Ra's al Ghul, Jim Carrey's Riddler (I hate Jim Carrey so much, but we don't see the Riddler much in film and he did OK), Jones' Two-Face (it was bad).
Anyone left off the list I haven't seen or just did a bad job (Batman and Robin, why are you nigger?). I apologize if I missed any of the good villains, but those are the ones that stick out in my mind.
I really hope we get a sequel with more Riddler and Penguin kino.
Something in the Way was good, it's the only real memorable moment in the film.
I love the song, but it's not consistent with the rest of the movie's musical score.
pure schlock.
>I got a real kick out of Catwoman saying that "privileged White men" line and then kissing a White man lmao! Typical of those woke types, "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!" one moment and then later, "Oh fuuuuck...white people...mmmmmm" kek, women are insane.
i love this because anons are fuming just because she said "privileged white men" and just saying that triggers /pol/ even though in context it's the exact opposite
Just finished watching this. Serious question:
Was this movie a purposeful joke?
More like Bladerunner in cape
Explain what you thought the joke was, if you don't mind elaborating.
when that nirvana song started playing i thought it was youtube autoplaying something. i actually paused to stop and find the source. it was so loud and out of place. incredibly poor mix and choice.
>The writing is atrocious
its as simple as this
all of the other elements where there
I didn't give a fuck why anything was happening and none of the characters had any depth whatsoever beyond their physical appearance
that's what modern hwood is now bro
they did it to blade runner
then dune
now bats
they're coming for all of them now
>even though in context
you mean a fucking batman film made for teenagers
It's not an origin story, though. We should know the characters, at least somewhat, at this point. The characters had enough depth so that the focus could be on plot development. We really don't need a new origin story for every character introduced in every single Batman movie. Characters can just be and do what they do. Also, did you miss the parts where Falcone was Catwoman's father and also the guy who actually killed her mother?
>batman film made for teenagers
If you think any film can hold a teenager's attention for nearly 3 hours, you are seriously out of touch with the younger generation. It was clearly made for people who didn't want to see another Batman origin story. It's a detective story with established characters.
It doesn't matter that it is not an origin story. The movie failed to make the characters feel two-dimensional or even one-dimensional. Jim Gordon exist just to spout exposition to the audience. There's no chemistry between any of the characters.
There's also no development in the plot. The movie is filled with false starts and non-twists that just exist to pad out time of this meandering as fuck movie.
Ruined by its third act
Too long and far fetched
So was Riddler just an incel crying for recognition?
It's one autist spamming the board. The movie was fine
literally yes
he also used Yea Forums to recruit an incel army
it's not even thinly veiled in the film either
>I don't think that a Batman movie has ever explored the idea that these villains are "created" by the existence of The Batman
Neither does this film. It explored it as much as TDK explored the issue with those copycat Batmen. It has nothing interesting to say about that idea.
It was fucking boring, all of the Riddler's riddles just ended up being lame puns and Pattinson's Batman felt like a fucking mopey robot. The action had no stakes because he had super armor that made him invincible, and every line of dialogue aside from the Riddler being a weird retard was the most cliched bullshit ever.
I really can't wrap my head around how anyone enjoyed this shit. It was so fucking dour and miserable and had nothing whatsoever to enjoy about it.
Just watched it today. It was a pile of shit honestly. First half was decent.
go back and watch the first 15 minutes of Begins
you get more visceral action, emotional thrust and actual characterizations than the entire 3 hour runtime of this crap