Movie is under 100 minutes long

>movie is under 100 minutes long
>can easily be watched in three sittings

What's your ideal movie length?

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150 minutes or longer

90 mins or less otherwise i'm not watching it

90 minutes definitely. I always drink beer at the cinema so a 2 hour plus film strains the old bladder aha

>for me, it's 108 minutes

Is there a more soi runtime?

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i can easily watch a movie 2+ hours long op, just have to set it at 2x speed or more. ideally there will be a bunch of slow scenes you can outright skip without missing anything, and of course, the intro + first 10 minutes and credits are nothing but filler, i just go into a video editor and trim that bad boy myself if necessary

name 3 kinos, 2 joints and 7 flicks that have this runtime

if it's animated I can watch up to 3 hours
live action up to 1.3 hours

Shrek only lasts exactly 83 mins without credits. You can easily do another sitting afterwards

Only an alcoholic would drink at the movie theater


if you manage to present a great movie in 90min you are a genius

over 120min and its turning bad, over 3h shows you can't compromise

160 minutes.

>100 minutes
>three sittings
I see you have an inflamed prostate. Check with your doctor, make sure it's not cancer. No, really.

Movie lenght: 100mins
album lenght: 35-45mins

85 minutes

I really like 10 second tiktok videos. 15 seconds is a bit much.

They really gotta consider how much free time your average person has. I don't want to get off work, rush to put a movie on and then go right to sleep once it's over.

long kinos are the only kinos worth watching.
3-13 hours is the best.

Say that to this man

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This. Shoot for the hour and 50 minutes/two hours mark for true kino

You never snuck in beers with your friends to watch a movie you know was gonna be bad? It's a good time you may have missed out

>movie is exactly 2 hours long
>that means 6 bathroom breaks

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Based bladderlet

>8 hour Hindi Bollywood epic that comes in two parts
>watch in 1 sitting
Am I doing it right bros?

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What is wrong with you fags? I'm a fatass yet I need at most 1 break in a 3 hour movie.

ive only once entered a film i thought was going to be bad
nothing else on earth has sobered me up so fast

it depends on the film and my mood. Sometimes I can sit through 3 hours of cowboy kino other times I need to go take a walk midway through a 60 minute cronenberg flick. Sometimes when I'm stressed out from school and work and life stuff it's hard to sit through a movie.

1h25m, perfect length

5 minutes. If you can't get your point across in that time then your movie has failed.

If you can't tell your story in that amount of time, your story isn't worth telling. Don't waste people's time we got shit to do

The perfect runtime. Seethe about it more contrarian fagola

Name a three hour movie that isn't good, I'll wait.

King kong (2005)

That's a good movie though.

that's what I'm going to say if someone dares mentioning The Batman

Reddit is that way

100 or 110 mins is comfy

>1hr 46 minutes

Reddit: The Runtime

Why the fuck would you need 3 sittings for an hour and a half movie you fucking zoomer

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Some people have a life

Scrolling through instagram and checking out those "bussin" tiktoks isn't a life

The shorter, the better.

240 minutes.

I drank half of whiskey in cinema watching Worst Person in the World. Only other person in room was middle aged woman, looking like feminist leaning critic/journalist or something. Film was mediocre anyway

Samego the Bailiff is best movie ever made and its exactly 124 minutes long

I usually only watch movies while drinking and if they're too long I'm usually too drunk to pay attention and just trail off by the end and put on something on youtube instead

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I love my cat

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did you buy or adopt

>60 minutes (end titles excluded)
>can be divided into 12 sittings of 5 minutes each
you can easily find 12 little breaks a day, like, going to the bathroom and such

The batman

you're fucking wrong you son of a bitch i hate you

1 hour 45 mins.

Nah, you are just a kid addicted to his smartphone

>movie is long
>watch movie explained instead
No better feeling bros

The length doesn't matter if I manage to get in to the movie. That's harder for me these days.
t. fried brain

About 120 minutes but when I'm feeling too tired to focus I go for the 90 minutes.
There used to be a time where I could easily watch a 150 minutes or longer movie, but for the past year or so I'm having trouble getting into those movies and the long runtime even intimidates me.


If your "life" doesn't have time to set aside 2 hours to relax you've failed at life. I just use time im with my gf to watch movies.

Movies are supposed to be long. Going to the cinema is an outing. A full day event. People are supposed to be well dressed and discussing relevant topics in the theater lobby beforehand. Smiling with each other. Shaking each other hands. There’s supposed to be excitement and bustling. It’s something that used to be considered important before everyone gave up on humanity

i have literally never had anything else than beer at the movie theater. except that one time i saw disney tarzan as kid for a birthday party