Are MPDGs an authentic artistic expression of young male romance and misplaced desire for female idealization, or a tired and cynical screenwriting trope that negates character agency and relates women (and the actresses that play them) to an unfulfilling one-dimensional overly sexualized stereotype?

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Yes. However, girls seem to have forgotten this.

Aren't you tired of making this thread every day?

and incels have forgotten deschanel's character character was a satire of what manchildren think they want in a girl, they ironically think that character was unironically supposed to be some dream girl come to life

>young men want a girl that's interesting and cute and nice
>this is considered an awful thing by women

Yeah, what? And what's with "overly sexualized" in the OP? Not at all the case.

>Are MPDGs an authentic artistic expression of young male romance and misplaced desire for female idealization
Yes, when it was new

>Or a tired and cynical screenwriting trope that negates character agency and relates women (and the actresses that play them) to an unfulfilling one-dimensional overly sexualized stereotype?
Yes, when it becomes stale/lazy


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Are NNDNs an authentic nigger expression of black nigger romance and misplaced desire for nigger idealization, or a nigged and niggerish screenwriting trope that niggers negroe agency and relates the nigger (and the niggers that play them) to an unfulfilling nig-dimensional overly niggerized nigger-type?

They’re really not sexualized. In the canonical examples, 500 days, Yes man, etc. they barely have sex and aren’t some sex goddesses. They’re just supportive girlfriends who ask the protagonist to be truthful and self reliant (adult) men. I don’t see why the trope gets everyone pissed off. If a female film critic feels oppressed by the idea of a supportive girlfriend in a movie, that’s their own problem. The trope is fine.

is this the new DW Griffiths movie

>canonical examples have the same actress
that's gotta mean something but i'm not sure what

Nellie McKay is a manic pixie in real life.

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“Black Anality” argues that “black” and “anal” are rendered ideologically, discursively, and representationally synonymous, and that black female flesh becomes the material space on which this convergence occurs. Drawing on an archive of online, widely accessible black pornographies, I develop the term black anality to describe how black pleasures are represented as peculiarly and particularly oriented toward the anus, and thus as peculiarly and particularly attached to anal ideologies. In doing so, I depart from black feminist scholarship, which has long examined the buttocks as an imagined locus of racial-sexual difference and which has developed a set of analytics that now predominate in the study of black female sexualities: spectacularity, excess, grotesquerie, and display. “Black Anality” offers a new set of analytics for black feminist work on sexuality: spatiality, waste, toxicity, and filth. These analytics, I argue, allow black feminists to consider how black female sexuality is imagined to be rooted in (and perhaps generative of) certain kinds of filthy spaces, particularly the ghetto; how black sexuality is constructed as literally and metaphorically dirty; how black sexuality is posited as toxic, non-productive, and nonreproductive; and how black sexuality is imagined as wasteful. In turning attention to this understudied and overdetermining space — the black anus — “Black Anality” considers the racial meanings produced in pornographic texts that insistently return to the black female anus as a critical site of pleasure, peril, and curiosity.

Nailed it.
Backlash against the "manic pixie dream girl" trope is entirely about belittling men for wanting to be with women who are fun, thin, and feminine. Nothing more.


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They’re also not one dimensional. In every example I can think of, the girl has varied interests, usually an arts or music passion, a fulfilling career, sometimes great conversation, and they’re usually doing fine in their lives. It’s the male figure who needs to fix his life to be with her and complete the romance.

In 500 days this kind of happens but then doesn’t because the male character pussies out of being a man.

In Yes Man, the character lives up to his promise and gets the “manic” girl.

Why even call them this derogatory term?

They are passionate
??? Usually a young girl with some excitement in their lives? Should everyone be a bitter middle aged woman?
Yes everyone dreams of a supportive and loving partner. So?
Yes and? Females exist.

I believe they're called this because they usually have the pixie haircut. That or they had this haircut which was called pixie because of the archetype, I dunno

Yes she invented it and is the classical example. Anyone seething about it is just seething about Zooey.

This hipster juggalo AV Club invented the term and has since decried the term.

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>no face paint

Deschanel without bangs

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What a joke. Who listens to these people?

But in 500 days it all turns on her sexualization. He didn’t care she liked The Smiths. Or stupid jokes. It all changes when she wanted to fuck. This is the core dichotomy of MPDGs. Male protogs can’t actually treat or deal with women outside of their own (real or imagined) sexualization and fantasies. Summer is actually pretty average, far from “pussy on a pedestal” girl, but Tom can’t get past that. he’s not mature enough, he can’t get past getting laid, and the superficial. That’s the whole point. She meets a guy that does.

From a kino POV. There’s not another “romcom” with such obviously flawed and real characters. Desu it really is a smart, strong, complex and under-appreciated art

Good post but the Before series has flawed and real characters too.

No. This girls are attractive to the guy not only because they are beautiful but because they are free, usually self assured, and represent something the man wants in himself.

To be with the mpdg, the guy has to change who he is and become a more interesting person.

In 500 days he was a Pusey who couldn’t do it

In Yes Man, or in Garden State, the sex has nothing to do with the male protagonists’ journey into being who wants to be. The girl is like a reminder that he can be someone other than who he is, and serves as a guide. The girl usually sees something in the guy that nobody else but the guy himself does, and sometimes the guy even ignores it out of despair and having given up, but because of the girl he can really he himself.

In 500
He didn’t have the guts to be himself and she didn’t have the patience to wait around for him. To avoid dealing with the fact that the issue was his relation to himself, he sexualized and objectified her.

This is not some essential ingredient of the mdpg. It is a man who encounters one and almost does the right thing but tragically fucks it up.

It’s key to understand that he’s not attracted to her because she is sexy and beautiful, although that helps, but because she is the woman who would be the right woman for him if he were himself truly and fully. He feels this instinctively but fucks it up, and later rationalizes the fuck up with some bullshit.

women are things

Imagine every other female being jealous of the MPDG. That's basically what it comes down to. I've met a few MPDG, and I'm ashamed to say I never followed through attempting a relationship with them due to my own shortcomings. Never appreciated what they could've offered me, if I were more open to the notion....

...but to see another female trash a MPDG, even trash the notion of one? It kind of puts a mirror on those females who probably have a personality of a door knob to be honest. I wonder what they got going on in their lives that stand out from the banal mediocre stock of vaginas out there?

The mpdg is a good person who is living a life in direct contact with life, she may have regrets but she is actually on the path to herself. The guy who encounters one is off his path and basically dead as a human being, just barely surviving. The mpdg jolts him awake and helps bring him to life. If she’s doing “emotional labor”, it wouldn’t be a love story. Usually there is a point at which the guy has to choose whether he wants to wake up to life and his purpose or not. This may or may not involve a breakup (temporarily), but if the guy finally gets it and sees that to get the girl he needs to live fully, and also that he wants the girl because he still has that part that wants to live deep inside him(albeit silenced and squashed). If he can jolt himself awake, the he gets the girl and they live happily ever after. As in Garden State, and Yes man.

If not, as in 500, it’s a tragedy, and they go their separate ways.

The “soul mate” aspect is also key here. These characters are usually meant to be together and what that means is that they will help each other live fully as happy interesting people.

Maybe the guy will never meet a mpdg again, and what’s so shiny about this girl is not her sexual attraction (or only and primarily that) but this quality — that she is the girl for him, and for him as he really should be. This is the universe and life and the great ebb and flow waking up to his life by giving him a pair. So even in his usually grey and boring vision, she stands out as vibrant.

But the male protog narrative journey, his “heroic” quest, is essentially fucking/ loving her. (Because really it’s about sex and taking, not love and sharing, it’s a one way toxic relationship, she’s beautiful but not “real”) That’s the reflection back on the protog, his failures.

Really MPDGs are a Mcguffin for male protog. character development and whatever he does, and she (whatever the ridiculous thing the scriptwriter come up with, regardless of internal logic or truth) ..plot.

MPDG’s always break down as a kino character if you look at them too closely.

There are men who live sad and lonely lives. And the only difference between a man who is happy, and becomes a great person is that mpdg who finally gave him the motivation to become himself.

Pair bonding is important for animals. If nothing can make you do things, not even self respect, you might do it when you see a vision of yourself reflected in your attraction to the girl. She sees this in him too, so it’s not one sided. Otherwise she wouldn’t show interest. Some of these males are young losers, not exactly conventionally super handsome or interesting men. She sees her mate, tries to get him to wake up from the civilizational nihilism we live in, and take a chance in life for her.

In some movies there is an alter surge male romantic interest that is presented for the mpdg and we see that she really doesn’t love him as she would the male protagonist but she is settling. So it’s good for her too that the male protagonist overcomes his nihilism.

Ya I was in love with Zooey Deschanel so I married one.

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That’s really not true. Most Mpdg’s have other male partners usually an ex bf who comes up in the course of the drama. the mpdg would be stuck with this guy who just wants her because she’s pretty or something like that. These male alternatives (to the protagonist) are often more conventionally handsome and successful too.

What’s going on here is that the girl and the protagonist experience this magic of true love, and it’s true love because they are specially built for each Tiber. This doesn’t make sense but it’s a feeling in the movie. They spend time together, and the more they do, the more they face the mistakes they made. In garden state she has to face her decision to forgo schooling despite being qualified, and he has to face his chemical emotional-castration.

500 is not a canonical classical example. Really it’s a tragedy of the process going wrong because the man lacks courage.

It’s like a guy and a girl who walk by each other and feel a spontaneous attraction and love.

We must understand why the mdpg is so shining. She is literally a bundle of light. It’s an animal perception issue. The male protagonist’s field of vision highlights what he needs. It’s like if you were thirsty then you would notice water more while walking around a grocery store.

Has anyone seen this movie?

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Compare this, where the girl takes the lead.
To 500 where she also takes the lead.

This is because the mpdg is herself interested in the guy and makes him take notice of her. She does so because she feels the instinct too. His job is to be the man who she sees, and he wants to be but hasn’t become because he is a coward. This is really the hero’s journey and coming of age issue. In garden he does it, even though it requires facing his dad and the harsh sad truths of his life. In 500 (which is very well acted by the way), he is so afraid of what would happen if he did this that he intentionally fumbles it and then tries to role play as a conventional normal couple so he can feign outrage when she is confused, off put, and disappointed that he doesn’t want the true exceptional love she offers (or properly which she sees and wants to share with him).

>think they want in a girl

This character is only offensive to confirmed nihilists who are offended that people see meaning and value and love in life.

>if you want an interesting girl who has her own hobbies and can inspire you that's being a manchild
You a jew?

By the way this kind of interaction is inevitable if the male puts himself out there, aka goes to appointments or the store or to work. If he sits at home all day, it may be possible at a coffee shop or something but otherwise more difficult.

Just think of this.

Anytime you really want to approach a girl, you want this because she wants you to approach her.

MPDG were only thing in like 2008-2012, yet people still complain about them, what the fuck are you complaining about? they don't exist anymore, move on already nigga go home

I would love to date a girl with actual life and zest in her instead of the walking dead zombie women I habitually date. I haven’t dated a girl I consider living in over a decade, easily.

female hands typed this and it's so obvious

True MPDGs are almost entirely fantasy, it is an idealization that is very specific to a certain time that compounded all "desirable" traits in a woman from that time. The most you will find now is surface level looks trying to imitate the feeling.
Though, I did "date" a MPDG for like 4 days before I dropped her after calling her a putrid cunt after an argument about Battlestar Galactica and The Stooges of all fucking things.

> his “heroic” quest, is essentially fucking/ loving her.
It’s becoming the man who can love her, which is the same thing as becoming himself — and not the husk of a man he is when the story begins. There are no fuckboy mpdg Romantic movies with some jacked millionaire who is living exactly the life he wants.
Sure. But for her too. She wants the love. She needs the love. She will likely be lonely or in a loveless (nihilistic) relationship without the male protagonist.

These are things that happen in life. It’s not just some deranged screenwriter’s imagination.

>women that are as passionate as men about life and hobbies and aren't vapid is entirely fantasy
I agree

So to classify these, we need to generalize the phenomenon. Mpdg movies are just romantic movies about romantic stories — love stories, in which sort of miserable normal people experience this moment when their lives might become fulfilling happy love.

I would consider this a mpdg movie too. Maybe in “reverse”. The guy is the flashy and interesting love figure who disrupts the ready boring staid girl’s life.

Most of my qt Manic Pixie Dream Girls became fat single mothers whose only marketable skill is selling useless shit on etsy. It's a tragedy men must witness silently and w*men will never understand how painful it is to see.

The mdpg disrupts the male figure’s staid sedated life and he is jolted awake because of it— if the story resolves in a good ending, he becomes an interesting self fulfilled person.

Women need this too. So the mdp guy.

Another example.
The interesting vibrant guy kind of fixes the depressed girl.

A bittersweet movie in which the guy is the mpdg and the girl is not brave enough to love him fully, which would involve resolving her own self doubt issues.
See these guys are the “alternative” and she ends up with someone like that. The whole movie is sad for a reason.

She misses out on the passionate love and full life she could have had. The memory and feeling of longing is itself beautiful because it connects her to this lost one in a lifetime opportunity she will never get back.

It’s like this. Life gives you someone who is perfect for YOU to fix yourself. And you have the free will to fuck it up or not. If you’re a man and fight for love, you can have it. If not, you can resolve your issues later on but you will never have that love.

Dude, that’s, just like, your opinion. that’s your reflected personal desires. I want it to be that too. But it’s fantasy.

That’s why the kino works. It is not real or True. That’s it made you believe it is wonderful, and shows the power of carthetic kino. We all try to find comfort in our own illusions, and those other make, to try to get though this horrible thing called life.

>women that are as passionate as men about life and hobbies and aren't vapid and virtually unfuckable is entirely fantasy
You can find loads of women that are turbonerds with passion for their interests but every single one of them that is single is a acne-ridden landwhale. The problem is having their sexual/relation driven life be more relevant than their personal interests. If they are 300 pounds and only shower once a week there is an above average chance they take more pleasure in their hobbies than male attention that they don't get anyways.
Sometimes I admire the architects and their ability to covet the lard along with the woman.

The mpdg knows exactly what you need and this is why they seem “perfect”. They are perfect, for YOU.

Here she is told what she needs to do and forced to face herself but she doesn’t fix it and gives up anyway. Later on she does it much later but without him, and so misses out on this true love experience.

No. We can discuss this scientifically. Do examples. Your thesis that the “quest” is entirely based on sexual attraction is wrong. It’s based on love but it’s a love movie and love here means more than sex.

These are movies of self exploration and development that involve a romantic partner because we human beings pair bond to be fully normal beings.

Also my point about the MPDG always initiating first contact, can you give me a counter example?

This is important because it indicates the girl is interested in the protagonist and its not some one-sided obsession. Why would she be interested in these flawed guys? Well they seem like genuine good guys, and diamonds in rough, or interesting/fun. In all examples. So these are believable. Or not?

Yes man

>They’re just supportive girlfriends who ask the protagonist to be truthful and self reliant (adult) men.
Because most women can't even do that.

These aren't conventional relationships. They are worthy of a plot and a movie because they're different. You can make some movie about love-less random hook ups and relationships all you want with self-absorbed people but those wouldn't be mbdp movies.

I liked Yes Man, it was pretty cute

>movie about love-less random hook ups and relationships all you want with self-absorbed people
bro i love lars von trier

Characters in a story represent polar opposite positions. If you have a depressed guy stuck in his shitty life then you have to have a happy girl who loves her life. A story about the first guy can't be told without the second if it wants to be about change. Guy who hates his life isn't going to change it on his own, he needs someone different to show him something else is possible. This is just writing fundamentals.