Favorite late night host?
Favorite late night host?
Do I have a non-far-left propaganda option?
I don't mind a little Mk-Ultra with my tap water on a late night.
Jewish propaganda. Cultural Marxism funded by wealthy Jews.
Late nite shows died once they realized they could shill politics as "comedy"
soulless sackcloth beasts
For people that hate white people they do surround themselves with them
Protip: Just because they don't like Trump doesn't make them propaganda/
The best night hosts were your mom and dad when they split roasted me.
I liked Not Necessarily the News.
Jon still got it all these years later
>it started with trump
obsessed and brain rot
Based blithering retard
Protip: TDS is real and you clearly have it. Also, you should do some basic research on what political propaganda is and then come back and read your post
based and taint locked
Late Night is literally not propaganda. /pol/, however, is.
It definitely started with Obama, and I can remember this in the most objective way:
>everyone shit on Bush
>everyone shit on Clinton
>watch old stuff, everyone shit on Reagan, everyone shit on Carter, everyone REALLY shit on Nixon
>Obama was literally the first president in history that TV wasn't allowed to make fun of
And after eight years of that total obsequiousness, they couldn't find the spark again, so instead of shitting on Trump they just did autistic screeching and death threats
None of these people have any life in their eyes
no, before Obama even see webm
>noooo you can't just admire Obama for being the greatest president in a century and leading America to unprecedented prosperity and international respect while fighting for universal healthcare and ending a global recession, you have to call him the N word or you're librul propaganda
Find me a clip of even one of them saying something right-wing.
Protip: YWNBAW
They don't have to because they're private individuals with political opinions. They don't work for the government.
for me its letterman, pre tonight show conan, and ferguson
95% of late night shows today are just libtards and their libtarded politics, like we dont need 10 different john stewarts
And no it didnt start with trump, they were all libtarded to begin with, its basically propaganda at this point
just like how sports used to be about forgetting about the shit ways of the world everything got invaded with politics, even as the ratings went down they still shove it in your face
>I can't criticize anything he did because someone might call me racist
Uh oh, the /pol/fag is triggered.
>They don't work for the government.
Jon Stewart consulted at the White House regularly
trump's not even in office anymore holy shit bruh
Who's the baldie? Is he as bad as the rest? He has the least punchable expression in the picture.
chud fag detected
That's Rob Corddry, and you're right, he certainly wins because he's never hosted one of those fuckin' things, he just had a zany segment on Jon's show
>Unprecedented prosperity
>One of the largest recessions in history literally only eclipsed by poopy pants Joe
Holy fuck I hate zoomers
actor, does comedies typically
this is a good point, maybe the reason comedy died. The media in general is liberal, but during the obama years its like they had a satanic pact to never criticize him
>Jon is reduced to ripping off Samantha Bee's material
ya hate to see it
hahaha what fucking universe are you from dude? he "fought for universal healthcare" by sucking insurance company cock, letting them shove it in his ass, and then back to his mouth for completion. THAT is his healthcare legacy.
>early life section
Johnny Carson because he's dead and American late nite is cancer.
Greg Gutfeld
I'd like them more if their brain matter was splattered against the wall. Low brow humor for low brow people.
Used to be Colbert back on the Colbert Report. Now I can bairly stand him.
None of this shit has been worth watching since TDS and Colbert during Bush's presidency.
You guys are so fucking stupid there are videos on youtube of John Stewart skewering Obama. Even Colbert teased him, he was absolutely made fun of.
The right just got more ridiculous. Fox ran a 72 hour emergency breaking news cycle when he asked for dijon mustard and when he wore a tan suit. so Fox and conservatards became more absurd and comical than standard political discourse.
The real reason late night shows died is because of podcasts and social media. Back in the day, you'd never see or know anything about celebrities except for gossip magazines and late night shows. now some are on social media every day.
someone should shop jewish over white
>You guys are so fucking stupid there are videos on youtube of John Stewart skewering Obama. Even Colbert teased him, he was absolutely made fun of.
Tell me a scathing jab Colbert or Stewart made about Obama right now. Just quote it. Something up there with Colbert's "Bush isn't rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, it's the Hindenburg" quip.
>any of the people in OP photo
>far left
Colbert has criticized him for constantly saying um, being against legalizing weed, being against gay marriage, and voting for wall money
He should have been Doctor Who.
>1 "Get out of drone strike free" card has been deposited to your account
I think the reason is more that they burned themselves out on Dubya. Dubya was easy to make fun of but there was also genuine dislike so Obama wins and you get a lot of "yes, finally we're free" thought but the reality is that he turned out to be little different from Bush. This is because the President is a figurehead position while Wall Street and the NatSec Industrial Complex (composed of the military, alphabets, State Department and defense contractors) are the ones who actually run the country. But Obama was the Great Liberal Hope and he was also black so they couldn't blame him and had to bury their heads about him, especially once he really started playing up race shit.
Then Trump came along but 8 years of kowtowing and turning a blind eye towards Obama's failings and the changing cultural landscape unleashed by "Trayvon could've been my son" and the Gamer Moment meant they'd gotten a comedy vasectomy. They didn't know how to be funny anymore. They didn't even know what funny was now. Remember Colbert getting attacked for being "anti-Asian" in a bit that was making fun of the Redskins name? Obama and the cultural landscape he helped bring about completely neutered comedy as a whole but especially late night comedy and political satire. You couldn't just focus on taking everyone to task, now you had to only work for one side. You couldn't just be funny, lest some doofus sociologist undergrad on Twitter throw a screeching shitfit. So at that point, with everything taken in a world you now know longer know, what's there left to do but rage and go along with the crowd hoping they don't come after you next?
Johnny Carson
Late night died when he retired.
The reason comedy has died is that comedy is built on the discharge of nervous energy. A lot of comedy is built on exposing silent truths. When Chapelle jokes that transexuals are ludicrous and how ridiculous it is if he was an Asian man, it's hilarious because the whole concept is a joke. However comedy can't exist under leftism because leftist thought is built around para realities; looking behind the metaphorical mirror shatters reality. This is also why the left is so censorious
>Favorite late night host?
None, if I wanted to listen to a leftard pedo bootlicker cry about muh white privilege, I'd go to public school.
I remember reading an article where the Onion writers basically admitted that they had to focus on parody articles of goofy Joe Biden, because they just didn't feel comfortable teasing Obama in the same way.
Fuck, they have a whole wikipedia article about that joke en.wikipedia.org
I grew up on Jon Stewart and Colbert, so seeing them in this light is especially tragic for me. Colbert neutered himself to host the Late Show, which sucked to see, but it was at least understandable, and I always admired Stewart for seeing which way the wind was blowing and bowing out before it got too wild.
And suddenly, out of nowhere, he's back and it's the same shit as Colbert is. What the fuck happened to Stewart, man? Why couldn't he have just stayed retired?
The real change was 9/11. Prior to 9/11 around 12% of Americans left vs right hated each other. However after 9/11 and largely during Obama the narrative changed. Left and Right was no longer about political differences but about how the right was evil fascistic racists (you can thank Stewart for largely fomenting this imo). As such the number of democrats saying they hated republicans exploded during Obamas era. Eventually conservatives caught up and this is why you got Trump as a punishment for the elitist condescension and attacks. The problem here is people that partisan and that desperate (in their war against hyper fascism) aren't going to make non-partisan attacks because it is seen as aiding the right. Look at Biden, he is the most hopeless, pathetic and comedic joke of a president in decades, yet no late night hosts touch him. All the criticism goes one way, because its entirely partisan
TL:DR the left moved way to left and became significantly more partisan so now even the façade of impartiality doesn't exist
When Colbert did his 2016 Election Night Special, you could see him slowly die as the night went on. It was supposed to be a Clinton victory lap but it turned into her eulogy. Some staffers even claimed that Trumps victory essentially embarrassed Colbert on live tv and that the special didn't pan out the way he wanted it to because of Trumps strong lead throughout the night. Some staffers even claimed that Colbert was unapproachable after the special ended.
From that moment forward, Colbert and the rest of the late night media had a vendetta for Trump shitting on their doorstep.
You could save a quarter of america by killing everyone in this image
>we (jews) ruin everything. We're (circumcised) dicks
>Why couldn't he have just stayed retired?
People like him love the limelight too much to really leave it for good. His return in some form was inevitable. Plus so many people were lamenting his absence during Trump and how "he's needed now more than ever!" and that probably motivated him to return.
The funny thing to me about Colbert and other hosts who do political comedy is that theyre probably doing more harm than good for their agenda. Their jokes are cathartic to their audience, who without it might otherwise build up enough anger and resentment to actually go out and do something.
I miss them like you wouldn’t believe, lads.