How can something so beautiful be so evil?

How can something so beautiful be so evil?

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literally me

Mother Nature is a cruel mistress

Post pussy

She's a woman.

All white women are evil that’s why I took the Latina pill and I’m never going back

To entice you to let it into your life
Then it fucks up your life and shits on your bed

Reminder that man could have had the entirety of paradise if Eve didn't fuck everything up.

It sucks she's such a POS because I've spilled cum to her a bunch of times

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being good looking means that you never have to take responsibility for your actions. Good looking people can do truly reprehensible things and everyone will just brush it off.

*shits on your bed*

Careful user, jannytrannies hate threads about her getting BTFO.

Attorney here
your IP has been logged and law enforcement will be in touch imminently

Me on the left

Females are disgusting though?

>Megan Fox
>Amber Heard
Who else

>the most beautiful angel is Lucifer

they all do it user
have you never been laid before?

Literally all of our posts+IPs are instantly known to three-letter-agencies and they know exactly who everyone is on this site

The entire reason why women need to be beautiful is because they are inferior but we need to desire them so we can continue the species. they're evil because it's natural

I wish they would offer me a job already

I like your gusto
you start 9am sharp

Had a hot gf that looked like a bit like her. Was crazy too. Narcissistic tendencies.

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File that fun fact under "Who Gives a Fuck"

I'd like to strip her down and lick her asshole if you know what I mean.

The signs were there.

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she did nothing wrong though. based amber

you obviously do

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the beta cope

I give a fuck you discourse killing brainlet bitch. Go huff paint thinner and take a nap on the highway you little queer.

Steinbeck covered it in East of Eden.

my wife is hot and crazy too, but not narcissistic. She's deathly afraid of mirrors cause she thinks it's a doorway to demons.


When did Megan Fox join the Bedshitters?

Amber Heard's lawyer is called Mr Rottenborn. I thought it was a joke.

is she violent?

my house

Sirens are dont just pirate myths

Asians the beta cope. Latinas are usually a handful for most white dudes, unless they're super whitewashed, and they end up leaving them for another Latino or a nigger. Asians are for betas who wanna feel masculine with a docile and passive girl who doesn't care about anything as long as she can live in luxury

no, she's timid and shy. easily spooked

whats her snap?

doesn't like her picture taken, you know the whole "it steals your soul" thing

whats her cell#?

Can't wait until Johnny topples this evil cunt for the world to witness. Hopefully it will coincide with the end of Special Operation and we can have a nice 9th May celebration in Depp's hometown of Belgrade.

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Post pussy

Gotta say, even though she was crazy and often annoying...i miss this crazy bitch sometimes

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you have the right to remain silent

>she will never drain my wallet
it's not fair, bros

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why would they not be evil? they can get anything they want by manipulating simps like you


>she will never drain my wallet
>cause you're going to have to spend millions of dry cleaning your bed of shit stains
why even live

7/10 feet. Not that pretty

She looks a lot like Haley Reed

If you want to happy
For the of your life
Never make a pretty
Woman your wife
So from personal
Point of view
Get an ugly girl
To marry you

Who said that?

I would kill to have her shit in my bed

whatever i don't care

did her ass smell good?

narcissistic personality disorder.

Every single actress in Hollywood is exactly like this.. Amber is just the only one that got caught.

Amber Turd

nature makes things beautiful (mezmorizing) to lure you in to your death, evolution baby

normal i would say, but had a very cute asshole. she was very much into anal too

every single actress, or wannabe actress, period

She sent this to Zack Snyder.
Reminder that she likes to fuck directors. She was recently dating the director of The Flash movie.

Snyder, though, is a family man and ignored her bullshit.

all we get is pics of her shit

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I swear incels are way less mad than people who get hurt by women. holy fuck it's hilarious

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when is she gonna go and testify?