Why is no one here talking about Northman? Has this movie not repeased in ther United Gays of America yet?

why is no one here talking about Northman? Has this movie not repeased in ther United Gays of America yet?
I saw it today. It's pretty good desu but it will flop, I don't think normies like this kind of movie. Also how was everyone so wide?

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we don't really talk about movies on here

>why is no one here talking about Northman?
Because tourists don't watch movies and only want to talk about things they don't like

Them howling before the raid was the best scene

Great movie, lots of fun. Don’t know why so many people are sleeping on it or hating on it.

>I don't think normies like this kind of movie
Yeah normies are more into black male x white female couples

>Make all white cast movie
>Doesn't sell and no-one cares about it
I guess diversity really was our strength all along

the wolf ritual was insane I agree

Even though I live in a huge (multicultural) European urban area I would need to drive 50km to watch it without terrible subs. Cinema releases are more and more terrible here. Also I probably have the chinese coof atm.

Movie really shows how outdated, regressive and bigoted all-white culture is. I'm glad we've gone a long way since.

Anyone on Yea Forums who says this movie is bad is being a contrarian.

Should the valkyrie reveal have been left for the final shot or stay as is and just happen randomly in the middle of the movie first?

I just got back from seeing it. It was raw, viceral and straight forward. There wasn't a lot art-fag crap. Queen Gudrún highlighted the manipulative nature of women. Olga was a liberal art witch without a women's study program. All the characters are human and flawed, which made it interesting.

Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that the final fight between fjorn and the protagonist is a ripoff of obiwan vs anakin at mustafar

>Olga was a liberal art witch without a women's study program
And she also becomes a baby factory at the end

I didn't like the ending. Would've been better if Fjölnir survived at the end rather than pulling the stupid asspull of him getting beheaded out of nowhere.

NGL, it was the first thing that came to mind - It serves as perfect setting for the Gates of Hel, but Star Wars loomed over it in a weird way. I'm sure this wasn't lost on Eggers.

just got out of seeing it, was 10/10 for me outside of some zoomers yelling or clapping during a couple scenes

but who was the good guy and bad guy then

i think if it weren't introduced beforehand it would have confused people

because of the fact that you see it before and understand when it drops off the cliff that it's a supernatural being of some sort, it makes more sense when you see it at the end

Everyone was dead silent when it ended.

This is the highest honor you can give a movie in Japan.

He should have got drowned in the lava like bjork and dafoe fucking promised.

The movie does a good job at showing how ingrained the beliefs are to these people that it lets you decide how to interpret those scenes.
>Yes I do think he was cut down by Odin and saved by a Valkyrie
>Yes I do think Olga somehow snuck in and saved him
both are valid ways to watch it

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Neither was very good by the end. I would say Nicole Kidman was the most evil, a typical Jezebelian whore

after valhalla rising, everything else viking has become unwatchable

I thought this movie would be woman-friendly because Anya was in it, I took my gf and she was not happy about it. She said she didn't really get anything that was going on and it was too violent and "manly". She also hated Uncut Gems when I took her to see it.

yeah I thought it was a little too on the nose when Amleth is put into a robotic suit and asks if Olga is alright

Mustafar IS the first thing that came to mind, and Mustfar still has yet to be topped when it comes to volcano showdowns, but I wouldn't necessarily call it a rip off because I'm not sure it's that original of an idea

unless you had something more specific in mind that I missed

Tell her it's not her place to understand and give her a hard fucking. That'll set her straight.

Sounds like a fine woman to me.

Disappointing desu. Wait for a torrent.

>unless you had something more specific in mind that I missed

I was talking more about the part where he goes
>"You were my brother Fjolnir, I loved you"
and then lets him get burned by the volcano lava

Northman did it better 100%. Nothing can match the kino of when Amleth had his arm sliced open and went fucking super saiyan and they end up dealing mutual blows

That and the first raid were the best scenes. Also Dafoe slapping his dick was kino.


I'm going to sound like a pleb but I kind of wish there was more action scenes. The marketing was very deceptive

This is a bleak movie in terms of the condition of man. Live in 1st century northern Europe and wait to be slaughtered and enslaved. I guess it's kinda like now, without social media.

Just got back from the theaters, had about half-full seating, which is honestly more than I expected.
>mfw my high ass went alone and accidentally selected a seat within the first 4 rows

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>What I wanted
Live action season 1 Vinland Saga by Eggers
>What I got
Weird ritualistic wandering fever dream with good sets and editing.
I kind of want to rewatch it, but I forgot how bad movie screens look nowadays and there's no IMAX release around so I'm going to wait for it to come out on bluray to see again.

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>Vinland Saga
dear god shut the fuck up you stupid bandwaggoning zoomer that manga is fucking trash

>The marketing was very deceptive
marketing was dogshit in general. pic related. this looks like a Netflix series poster

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This. I was waiting for the lava drowning bit but it never came. Fid they just run out of vfx budget or something?

Yes but Askeladd is still kino.


Askeladd would kick your ass.

It's amazing the lengths directors have to go to - to have movie with literally no diversity. I applaud Eggers for this. That said, I will kill my wife and kids if he gets picked up by globohomo to direct the next Disney+ Star Wars saga.

Honestly I'm surprised they got away with the focus on blood, the mystical qualities of blood and lineage. Heinrich Himmler would have liked this movie.

I thought it was good up until right after the farm arc.

what the fuck was that?
did vikings do this?

And what was the dancing shit?
It looked like Hawaii Dwayne Johnson ritual crap.

I have no interest in going back to a theater ever again. Just release movies straight to streaming, it's 2022.

I tried to hear if they pronounced it kiev/kyiv when the characters were dividing up slaves and picking cities to send them to. I think it was Kyiv, but I could be wrong

>The first Norwegian king Harald Fairhair is mentioned in several sagas as followed by an elite guard of ulfheðnar. They were said to wear the pelt of a wolf when they entered battle.[20][22] Ulfheðnar are sometimes described as Odin's special warriors: "[Odin's] men went without their mailcoats and were mad as hounds or wolves, bit their shields...they slew men, but neither fire nor iron had effect upon them. This is called 'going berserk'."[

I liked it on the big screen but having to trust a crowd of people to be quiet throughout is my problem

There's a lot of theories about what a "Beserker" actually was and how they gained their reputation.

The middle road answer is they were elite warriors who wore animal skins and whipped themselves up into a frenzy and hysteria before a battle to be more intimidating. Other ideas are that they did psychedelics or were actual psychopaths and were just told to be as crazy as possible against enemies.

I think they just did rituals, kind of like you would see in the movie where they went into a trance-like state and were "possessed" by the spirits of wolves

did anyone else think the scene with the cricket game was useless? All it did to affect the story was the main character ended up getting promoted, but him being a supervisor slave instead of a regular slave didn't even factor into the story that much

Anyone want to talk about that scene?

It gave him reliable access to Olga.

it introduced Fjolnirs youngest son.

This was great, but felt more Hollywood than The Lighthouse or Green Knight.

it shows how sports are cool

I enjoyed

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I saw this in the dolby theater they had at my AMC and I know I sound like a shill, but the sound was so fucking good. Especially during the ritual scenes where there was loud banging of drums

yeah it blows my mind some people ITT are saying wait for the torrent. must see in theatres for the audio

This. I don't think it was bad. It's really well shot, and the cast is good. There's a lot I liked about it, and I'd take blockbusters by Eggers than other directors. But I think I prefer Eggers, when he's doing more contained stuff. I think he can pack more into it. This left not a lot for the viewer to interperet, which isn't a bad thing or the point of films. But I think it's one of the strengths of his previous film. The ambiguity. There's not a lot of ambiguity or subltelty to this, but I don't think that's the intention. It's straightforward myth making. May be it will grow on me. Though I also went into this watching all the trailers and interviews like an ass, so I was probably bound to be disappointed.

the volcano explosion holy shit

What are your Eggers rankings?

lighthouse>northman>i haven't seen vvitch yet fuck


vikings are played out and as boring as capeshit, get better taste fags.

I don't really buy this explanation that the movie is a deconstruction of toxic masculinity or whatever, considering the real villain of the film was a woman and Amleth has an honorable, noble death. He avenges his father and makes sure that his blood line continues.

Not much is worth watching anymore. This was.