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thank you user

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>It's a gay orgy episode

>Jack Quaid

wtf how did they link up?

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I hope they have the 3 most boring movies to make him sit through hell for this Boys promo ad hes doing

Jack Quaid confirmed Yea Forums poster

Did you guys see Mike getting uncomfortably close to Jack Quaid?
I get it that it's 2022 and we all must have open mind but that was a bit too much.

He's Rich's younger brother.

jay mentioned wanting to bring his BF onto the show in a deleted twitter post from a few months ago, i think this was him





He couldnt review his own show, that makes no sense

I saw that, notice that with this Mike has become engraced with Amazon Prime, appeared already on HBO MAX because of his small role in smilling friends, ALREADY is in Disney+ alongside Rich in those shorts they participated as voice actors and as you mention it this is a double shot in support of Paramount+.

All he is missing is aligning himself with Netflix and Hulu and Mike will have infiltrated ALL mayor streaming players. He's preparing something monumental, do not be tricked by his aloof demeanor the Stoklasa demon is underway. What his plan and goals are... that is the mystery here.

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Jay & Mike and Rich Evans are my friensd! I know that because we only hnt at Mike's alcoholism and Rich Evans gave up drinking so we keep the reasons quiet though. Say, rermember that time Mike got drunk and porred beer from that giant flask on Rich? Awesome Rich Evens thoughh, know he's the sole, kept his cool and we cheered in our heart when Rich finally got ahold the keys! I love sitting with them and watch the same movies from thier childhoods--I dont get all the stuff but I know the movies are cultral milestones and its nice to have Jay around for all the facts! I also love love when our Candian friends come down to have some beers and talk aboot (HA!) the movies too. They get in their zingers and know the facts too. Theyre just like me when we visit because I pop in to watch. Remember when we had Home Alone on the show and he work the bunny ears because of his cool podcast taht he does? I get smad then though because Alpha mike ridiculously ridiculed rich and he left the show. He shouldnt flex like in front of Home ALone and his freinds. But it was all ok when Rich came back! Reme ber how Home alone was sleeping in the studio with Rich Evans! Anyways I have to go and watch some big thick black spines that migh actually be a movie! Black tank top black spine time! Can you imagine! I wonder what we'll be watching together tonight?

>hates the antichrist
>commits suicide and damns his soul

Fucking finally. Fuck these goddam retards for not uploading for so long.

thanks, I will now post this in every rlm thread

I told Yea Forums RLM sold out long ago but they Yea Forums didn't listen.

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>Mike did the NOT GAYS again
Why doesn't he like seeing men with women in movies?

>Tease the triumphan return of Maxine (used to go by Max) Landis for months
>It was just someone froma Star Trek cartoon because Mike can't help himself

Fucks sake.

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Mike is a homosexual. If gay had a look then Mike has that look. He looks like a queer and he acts like a queer. He's a closeted fag.

I think he feels insecure about being homophobic and has to compensate with shit like this. Obviously the redditor in him has rejected his catholic upbringing but Gods truth never really leaves you

damn it really is probably true, he just happens to have never said a bad word about the animated star trek

>Mike is a homosexual
>I think he feels insecure about being homophobic
The duality of Yea Forums.

I think it happened on twitter. Jack mentioned he was a fan on a RLM tweet

lol why are they sharing clothes? are they actually in a homosexual relationship? I thought you guys were just joking.

does this mean rich evans will be in The Boys

>Nazi flags and boobs everywhere
I'm surprised they didn't all have a collective nervous breakdown watching Stone Cold.

They don’t wear their “real life” clothes on camera and have a store room full of a shared wardrobe. This is rich and mikes massive ego and boomer superstition about being stalked manifesting in a bizarre way. It’s also a control thing for mike and something that makes the others feel like professionals getting into uniform- it’s really pathetic

Rich Evan's will play Homelander from season 4 onwards since the actor is getting cancelled/arrested.

Seeing every other big name guest gel so well with RLM makes you wonder how Max Landis mixed the mark so badly.

I've got word that the Yea Forums resident Jaystalker is on the move again and will soon be releasing the tapes. It will be the biggest and most shocking reveal since watergate. Prepare yourselves

Now they're all crying that the female character was killed. Jesus.

oh my goodness I'll have to subscrime to pribe

Max Landis is the definition of a rich sperg who never learned to socialize since he only used his dad's money to get people to like him.

no, it doesn't, if you have the vaguest most slight glancing familiarity with the character of of max landis

max landis is definitely a sperg he used to post his spider-man fanfic on Yea Forums and pretend it wasn't him and he was all "HEY DID YOU GUYS EVER HEAR ABOUT THIS COOL FANFIC? WOW IT'S REALLY GREAT!" and people would say "your dad killed children max" and he'd start rageposting

>Cry at the smallest chance about sexism and film makers exploiting women in exchange of appearing on their productions
>The only woman they have ever had on the show was because the leader, the director mind you was fucking her and the moment they broke up she's gone

Keep it up Mikey boy, you ain't fooling none.

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this is a good episode

except for Rich "All the Things" Evans. he's the weak link.

I think you guys didnt notice these guys were always "woke" and got tricked by the edgy jokes.

Someone find me a download or torrent for Stone Cold STAT. That movie looks like Cobra 2.

The comment about the film feeling like a sequel is apt because a lot of these action scripts start as sequels until they get spun off.

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Some kid i used to be friends with told me about Stone Cold back in elementary school, never actually saw it, but am sure as shit going to now.

i wonder if mike and jay know that jack quaid is in A Star Trek

i know they don't watch cartoons but if they found out would they be mad

Yes, standard for clothing to be on set which they change into. It happens in media of all forms, evne pornography.

it’s fucking weird, mike

Sometimes I like to imagine what it would be like to be a minor celebrity and invited on to BOTW and have fun with the guys. Think I might need some real friends

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Are you saying that Rich Evans exchanges clothes with pornstars what

They weren't though. Do you not remember them making fun of Sensitive Joss Whedon (SJWs)? Or Mike going on a rant about modern female action protags being lame as fuck? Yea they're woke now because they're afraid of being cancelled and also because they don't want to lose whatever tenuous connections they have with the outer edges of Jewywood. It's made them very lame.

I'll be your friend :)

was this a good celebrity episode or a bad one?

you could do it, just become a len kabisinksi

You can always join the upper tier patreon level and be part of the bimonthly raffles to have "virtual botw" where you get to watch a movie with either Josh or Jack thru zoom. Last months winner even said that he heard Jay on the background when he was watching Rambo with Jack, lucky fucker.

Did someone sponsor them to have Jack Quaid on? Feels weird to have a current actor on.

anyone that can force a smile around patton oswalt and stomach his insidious jew aura and fake sociopath emoting without their primal caveman soul compelling them to instantly attack him is going to hell.

Fucking saved

it's great. best ep in a long while. Jack Quaid has good chemistry with the guys

can I get in on this? maybe we can be an iconic trio

if you lied to me again im finding you

He's the most innocuous guest they've had so far. Not really funny, but not odious either. He blends in well.

Sure frens

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They mention it in the description

progressives hate Joss Whedon too though, and did for a really long time, because he's fake. And you dont have to agree with absolutely everything to be woke, they dont like female action protags, but you can easily find feminists who would agree with that and say its lazy to think making a strong female character just means making them an action dude. But they always complained about gratuitous nudity, cardboard female characters and the like in BOTW.

celebrity wise I'd say he's been the best guest so far, though I dont remember much about the Blair Witch guy's episode

Do they always give a "READ BEFORE COMMENTING" wall of text like this on their videos? This is the first time I clicked it and jesus. So much for never reading comments if they're worried abut that shit.

They've never done a huge wall of text like this before, no. Wonder what the deal is this time

i didnt read the description

>After a year-long hiatus, the Plinketto board is back, in Bog form! Thank you to our special guest for wallowing in our misery with us!


>BEFORE YOU LEAVE A COMMENT: Here’s a handy list of fun facts that we are aware of but didn’t specifically mention in the video:

>1.The character in 100 Million BC that Mike refers to as "William H Macy" is played by Christopher Atkins, most well known for his role in Blue Lagoon but he also played a main character in previous Best of the Worst movie Beaks: The Movie.

>2. The helicopter pilot in Stone Cold is played by Gregory Scott Cummins, the same actor from previous Best of the Worst movies Hack-O-Lantern and Action USA. He also plays Mac’s dad on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

>3. The role of Ice in Stone Cold is played by William Forsythe, who we just recently mentioned as being in Raising Arizona in our Darkman re:View. Yep, we know that’s him!

>4. The elderly police chief in Bog is played by Aldo Ray, who previously appeared on Best of the Worst as the pizza shop owner in Shock 'Em Dead. Please visit for more info.

>5. In addition to his roles that we mention at the start of the video, Jack Quaid also stars in a Star Trek TV show.

>So as a reminder, these are all things we are aware of. You don't need to tell us. Good night and good luck!

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Why don't they pause the movie when someone goes to take a piss?

I was wondering if you could stop putting this, I like to think that the posters are generally different people, and it makes the thread feel small and sad to scroll and see one "username" attached to so many. It also seems to defeat the point of this site

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They can still see it through the peephole

Why don't they piss in a bucket in the screening room so they don't miss any of the movie?

Jokes on you, they were all quality shit movies

Stone Cold is based. Genuinely great action movie.

they hate eachother and don’t want awkward silence or to extend their work hours unnecessarily. you will not find a single recent pic of them hanging out outside of their youtube content, they all have their own friends

I legitimately think Mike hates women

In drink there is truth.

Probably a pain to sync the footage and sound of the movies.

I don't know who this actor guy is and the only thing I'd want to watch him in is a porno with Jay. A gay porno.

i love rlm fan theories