ITT: Actors younger than their wives

Chris Hemsworth is 7 years younger than his wife

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She's a groomer, many such cases

Bro look at her, I'd be 7 years younger too

She groomed him? Yikes

The goose is also 7 years younger than Eva

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fuck off incel chuds, only men are groomers.

>blue eyed beta males

lmao, even when theyre millionaires blue eyed boys are still beta as fuck and marry old hags.

women who date younger men are especially horny. they like them because their cocks are harder and they can fuck more times a night

weird cope, shit eyes

see also females are grooming, and we must address this crisis

Meanwhile I literally slept with him a couple years ago when I was 20, so

I don't care what anyone says, older women with younger men is hot as fuck, way hotter than the other way around, especially when the guy breeds her

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i'm the same. wife is 8 years older than me. younger girls in my area were uggos back then.

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>Marryiging a half-romanian plastic surgered girl who was fucked for years by Adrien Brody and 7 years older than you
how good must be the sex, fellas, imagine

pressing x to doubt

my wife is 11 years younger than me. doesn't change the fact that female groomers are out there as we speak and raking havoc !!

Meanwhile no you didn't you faggot tranny
Put a gun to your temple and pull the trigger

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he is probably gay

I had sex with a 55 year old woman and mother of 3 at 28 years of age.

wasn't groomed though. she just look young. she looks younger than me even today.

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You will never be white.

It's true but I understand if you don't believe me, I'm not obsessive about it. We met at a party and things happened v naturally, I'm adorable, he's hot, we flirted pretty heavily and he asked me if I would like to "talk somewhere quieter". I played hard to get and said I didn't want to abandon my friend, he gave me his number and told me to "call" him later if I changed my mind. I texted him like an hour later and he gave me the address to a penthouse. The next morning he was like, "That was great, it really was, but I don't want to give you the wrong idea, I'm married, etc." and I was like I totally understand. Still tried texting him again but it turned out his number was to a burner.

lol seething turd-eyed mutt

he's gay, isn't he?

worse, check that webm with his daughters

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>marrying old pussy

Nothing better than plucking a young flower and unloading into it. Can't beat young pussy.

Chad Goose just waiting for an hour at his penthouse because he knows you're coming

She's still smoking hot and give her like 3 or 4 kids.

How old are you?

>I don't care what anyone says but here I'll say something everyone should care ab-
How about no. Your opinion doesn't matter if you won't listen to the opinions of others.

i'm just joking

>Fart his cum out
I have high volume loads so my girlfriends have always spent like five minutes in the bathroom after sex.

How was it? What position did he use?

nothing's worse than fags tho

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me on right

It was great because I'm great, I always like to be in control and on top and be super melty and intimate. He didn't really do anything but lay there and be hot which is all I need. The first time (on the couch) he didn't last very long, I was in his lap. The second was when we went to bed and that was for about ten minutes and really nice. I was surprised he didn't fall in love with me, I'm not like a typical toss around fucktoy hookup or whatever, it was really intimate. But whatever.

This is clearly not the typical case of mommy issues. This is just a guy who loves big-titted blondes who found the best one he could get at a decent age and stuck with her even when he could maybe get a slightly hotter one later in life.

>Either bait, or a feminazi
>The current state of leftists makes it impossible to tell which.

I fucked a huge-titted 40 year old who would get hit on by 20-somethings constantly the day I turned 18. I met her in an internet chat room when I was 16 and she sent me a ton of nudes and called me constantly in the intervening year and a half. She even bought me a ton of stuff on my 17th birthday and a lot of little gifts throughout.
I wish I could say this was bait, and it's fairly obvious in retrospect what was going on. But I have no regrets. She could suck the chrome off a hitch and let me do whatever I wanted to her until she got bored with me when I turned 20.

some guys have all the luck

>He didn't really do anything but lay there and be hot which is all I need.
This is why they say when you go black you never go back. You have no idea what you're missing

nice user

It was really fucking awesome and I'm so fucking glad I was groomed.
Women are just ungrateful.

It made me feel special at a very tender age and gave me a ton of confidence that I didn't have before.

you a chad?

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I'm average height, but I've been told I have very broad shoulders and I've got a great jaw. I look kind of like a cross between a twink and the guy who plays master chief on the shitty Halo show.

Hell yes dude
Got any juicy details?

Now tell the time when Idris Elba went 'bond mode' on you


believe it or not if people praise you for your looks chances are you are chad lite. Most people are average looking and are not complimented in their looks.

I only got the looks when i was that age . lucky boy

That makes me feel pretty good, user. Thanks.

You missed the part where she said "be hot"

Biggest age gap for me was sleeping with a 30 y/o women when I just turned 18 off craigslist. She was a blonde with big tits who worked as a dance instructor. Still surprised I found someone so hot off that site.

Dancers are so much hotter than normal girls it isn't funny.

How big are we talking here?

The eternal question.
There are two types of bit tit men: Those who love anything bigger than a low-C cup, and those who thing E-cups are small.

didn't ask + premarital sex is against the bible

And I'm both

Pretty big probably E-F cup as far as I remember it happened over a decade ago.

You're one lucky mofo, user
Remember that

I love anything C-cup+, but they don't max out on points until Lovely Lilith or maybe ever Maserati territory.

No it isn't

>but they don't max out on points until Lovely Lilith or maybe ever Maserati territory.
I mean those two are like the ceiling for boobs size kek