Not my problem
Not my problem
checked and based
niggers deserve to be cocked alive in sunny africa meanwhile I can get a nice tan up here in europe.
KEK has blessed you brother may you go in Q’s graces
Geothermal activity
Winter vs Summer
So what
sadly, it is
Tell China, India, and most of Africa to depopulate?
climate change is a load of bullshit
you can see how it’s Crusius look at the lines on the nose I know it’s hard for you to cope with internet memes but you’ll get over it or you can blow your brains out
No one says it isn't Crusius just that ugly tranny looks like chudjak too
you laugh but by 2012 we will all be underwater
If global warming is real why's it so fucking cold today?
the koch brothers said it's not real, so it's not real.
>man made climate change is significant enough to cause harm to humanity.
>the climate goes through natural cycles and we are about to go through another one, which explains the reason for current climate issues.
What the fuck, either option is shitty for mankind. Whether it’s natural or artificial, humans need to be terraforming earth to suit our needs better
This but unironically
>sjws make life insufferable for everyone
Who gives a shit? The world will adapt like it always does. Species will die out, and the ones who survive will evolve to the new climate. Boo fucking hoo.
>humans need to be terraforming earth to suit our needs better
Which would mean making it warmer so there's more arable land.
Unironically this
start with yourself :^)
Space and nuclear energy are the solution but you wont hear leftist politicians caring about either.
Not my problem
you did this look, it's your fault
there's plenty of land, people just aren't spread out. Cities are the issue, always have been.
>I will now consume the bug and wear the skirt
Thanks for opening my eyes
You calling him a tranny?
Don't forget to live in the pod.
A polar bear would kill me, idc, I hope they all die. Polar bears provide 0 ecological benefit.
Nigger did you just arive from 2017? You people really can't meme
Wow you're a real independent thinker. By the way, what's your income and BMI?
Every single google doodle or whatever it's called it's some sjw bullshit. I'm gladly using Bing now
Absolutely, nuclear (thorium) and renewables (mainly solar) is the energy future
There was more arable land during the ice age wasn't there?
thank god I don't have kids
stuff like this never worries me. organic matter has a way to survive shit like this. we'll be gone and nature will restore itself in a few centuries.
Use yandex
99% of species that have ever existed are now extinct.
For me it's brave
wow its summer time.
exchange of matter
now show the sattelite image of another place at those same years, where it happens in reverse (2000 dry/warm ; 2020 ice/frozen)
Polar bears population is thriving and higher than ever. Propaganda pics of them on iceflows like this only work on smooth brained retards.
Holy coperino
It's afraid
the point is that 99% of people who unironically use the word "chud" look like doreen and crusius.
Fuck polar bears they're white devils.
It's funny how the people most terrified of change are the ones who have nothing to begin with. What do you actually have to lose if there is more livable land? Afraid you'll somehow lose your government autism-bucks?
may Climate judge the unbelievers
omg before humans ate meat and owned homes and cars the planet was frozen in time and absolutely no changes came on it
don't look up wasn't supposed to be a documentary
Not my problem.
How come we don't get more global warming kinos? Large parts of the planet being left uninhabitable and retards trying to farm in Siberia soil is a great setting for a science fiction movie.
Just make the climate unstable so agriculture doesn't work and we're fucked.
>meanwhile I can get a nice tan up here in europe
Shut up or someone is going to turn the sun up again. Remember that prolonged heatwave we had in 2020 and when it finally broke everyone was tired because we finally got the first decent sleep in over a month.
20c is hot enough. Anything more and we should all get the day off work.
Do you parents make you wear a helmet even when you're inside?
don't call me chud, chud
And ice age is literally when the earth has polar caps. We've been in the holocene of an ice age for thousands and thousands of years. The climate change scam is literally "pay the tribe chief to change the weather". If any of these faggots actually believed it the messaging would be to kill everyone in africa, india and china, and not to import third world retards to the west where they can contribute even more to muh emissions. Also, notice how it's all about emmisions. Nobody gives a fuck about all of the trash being thrown in the ocean, again from africa and asia almost exclusively. No, to prevent "climate change" the west must pay jews to relocate niggers into the west and give up all forms of personal autonomy.
I thought leaders claiming they could control the weather went out of style with rain dances and human sacrifice, guess not.
Better centralize control over the energy sector into the hands of the state, live in a box, get rid of my car, eat bugs and do whatever the elite tell me to so they can save the planet in some undefined way.
It’s more about stealing money. Who has money to be taken? Not Africans.
Faggots derailing my thread, recommend me some docu kinos before the janny wakes up and bans me
Mope (2019)
So when it dips down again, on schedule, they can say We did it!
no unfortunately that will be global cooling