>movie characters talk about evolution as if it’s real
Movie characters talk about evolution as if it’s real
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Explain to me how it isn't real.
>evolution? Hah! The earth is 6000 years old, see! You say its so slow going, thats why you cant see it! Well since the Earth is 6000 years old, no wonder we dont see it! Cus it couldnt possibly have happened in that short amount of time! Check and mate atheists! *kisses crucible*
So you’re saying you want to come from a monkey?
>So you’re saying you want to cum from a monkey?
We share a common ape ancestor with chimpanzees and monkeys, yes.
Why not
comedy kino
>NOTHINGNESS somehow EXPLODED into space, time, energy and the laws of physics
>after this random atoms flew around for NO REASON until they randomly happened to create the extremely delicate and precise conditions life could exist in on earth, thanks to the nothing that exploded exploding into just the right subatomic conditions that could support consciousness
>then the random atoms started to become alive because... well because they just randomly did, okay. they started to replicate by accident and made germs
>and the germs changed into fish that randomly by pure chance particle spasms developed extremely complex organs to capture light and represent images to a conscious brain despite being totally blind that had a precisely balanced chemical makeup that the random spastic atoms from the big nothing that created everything happened to make
>and then these water breathing fish started to breathe oxygen because... well because of the autistic whizzing aimless atoms, and then in a gorillion years the fish were monkeys because... because they just fucking were!!!!
>and that’s why you are here
>and everything you see and can conceive of just happens to be there because of the unconscious totally senseless collision of atoms that the nothing created that somehow just happened to pinball until they made an accurate representation of reality inside the most complex organ in existence and this was all meaningless and random and just happened to occur
>oh yes, and despite all this my specific political, moral and scientific beliefs about this ludicrously insane complicated world my random atom brain that exists on extremely delicate perfect conditions just happened to evolve to understand (there is no reason the data we receive should be accurate, just useful) and that the determined and causal chemicals in said brain made me believe, are undeniably true and you’re a chud if you don’t think the same
"""want""" has nothing to do with it
>protestant reasoning
>kissing a crucifix
they don’t do shit like that
I have yet to see an atheist explain how living organisms came to be
I believe in all this to justify having homosexual relations. Sad, aren’t I?
because they don't know. just because they don't know doesn't make it plausible that magic sky daddy did it.
I've yet to see a religious person do it either
random chemicals started to replicate for no reason and got more complex and turned into animals who then became conscious as an accidental byproduct or something lmfao. don’t ask for evidence of this or for it to be recreated in a lab
>n-n-n-no u1!1!!1!1
Kek you proved my point faster than I was expecting
I've been reading the Selfish Gene and the behavior of animals is both intriguing and hilarious.
Cuckoo birds will lay their eggs in the nests of other species and the owners of that nest will(more often than not) provision the cuckoo chicks because their genes have programmed them to "provision whatever is in the nest".
Another fucked up thing is that Cuckoo chicks will push the eggs of the "adoptive parents" out of the nest, so that the Cuckoo chick will obtain even more resources for itself.
Human beings do this as well though.
For me, it's Creation (2009).
I get that you're being disingenuous here, but even what you choose to exaggerate and mock says a lot about how little you actually understand any of the science you claim to be smarter than
You don't really understand anything, do you?
Midnight mass? This u?
Motte: God isn’t real and life just happened
Bailey: We don’t know! You’re the one making claims here!
Same shit every time bro.
Cuckoldry is literally named after the cuckoo
>Human beings do this as well though.
Of course, thus the word "cuckhold".
The "battle of the sexes" revolves along two general strategies.
Men want to trick females into fucking them, then not provisioning the children.
Women want to trick men by fucking other men, and having their partner provision some other dudes kid.
>constantly reduce theist stance to a retarded strawman
except that falls apart when you realise a lot of dads want to spend as much time as possible with their kids and will go out of their way to do it. life is more complex than reductionists can account for
Hahahahaha WTF people actually think this shit ahahhahaha and they also think men are women if they cut their balls of lmfaoooo
I know, it’s ridiculous. We all know that the world was created last Tuesday.
>except that falls apart when you realise a lot of dads want to spend as much time as possible with their kids and will go out of their way to do it. life is more complex than reductionists can account for
I don't understand. How does this make anything fall apart?
There are hundreds of millions of absentee fathers out there.
Uh, our ancestors were fish, chud.
It can be recreated in a lab, and can be witnessed occurring in a lab, with viruses and bacteria.
>You don't really understand anything, do you?
1 Peter 4:18
King James Bible
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
niggers. niggers do not describe the human race.
Underrated movie. Darwin's wife was a devout Christian.
>life has been created in a lab from inanimate matter
at least try to be honest bro. this has never happened and would be a huge deal if it did.
he was for a while. he was only agnostic when he died, never atheist
>niggers. niggers do not describe the human race.
There are plenty of deadbeat dads found all across the planet.
I was referring to the replication and increased complexity.
But either way, creating self-replicating life in a lab is on the verge of happening.
That's what the movie shows, him coming to terms with his Christianity and his work, as well as the death is his daughter.
You're misunderstanding evolution on a fundamental level. Evolution very explicitly isn't random, it's a process that entirely has to do with nature selectively favoring more successful traits. Fish didn't randomly start to breathe oxygen, it was a gradual thing that happened because there were benefits to being able to go on land for extended periods of time for those fish and so genes that made those fish better at doing that ended up having a better chance of being successful and passed on to the next generation. Eyesight and complex brains didn't come about randomly, they came about because being able to see and think were beneficial. You might be thinking, "how can something as complex as an eye evolved that way?", but it's not as crazy as it sounds. All you really need is clusters of cells that can do the absolute most basic task of sensing light. Organisms that can do that are better at navigating, and so they'd be more successful, and from there you end up with a slow process of better and better light detection because things that can "see" better are more successful. Give that enough time and you end up with structures like eyes. Brains can develop through the same concept, just with different logic behind why they get selected for (if you're a multicellular organism then surely you'd be more successful if you could coordinate your body more efficiently, no? Nerves cluster, and eventually become more specialized.)
Americans in charge of culture
>The Bible is true. It’s says so right here in The Bible, retard! NYEH!
abiogenesis will never ever happen in a lab. i’ll happily admit I was wrong when it does, but it won’t. changing definitions around is cringe as well.
its just a plot device like the multiverse
>christfag larpers on fourchannel
>on the verge of happening
2 more weeks, trust the plan
why would it never happen in a lab? we already know if happened once on primordial earth, these circumstances could be understood and recreated with enough time and effort
it is fundamentally random though, in that no guiding force is making it happen, atoms collide and the more successful clumps of them replicate.
But the multiverse is real. You wouldn’t be able to refer to possible worlds without it, I.e. you wouldn’t have an imagination.
i can prove it, as we can see OP is a HOMO erectus
natural selection is making evolution happen, there is no consciousness behind the process, but its definitely not random
the things I picture in my mind aren't an entire universe. running a mental simulation or reasoning probabilistically isn't proof or evidence of any other universe
we assume it happened, we don’t know it did. and the chances of it happening are obviously incredibly tiny. i’ll believe it when I see it.
>turn on documentary
>turn that shit off
the universe is fundamentally random and so every process in it is aimless and random. we make it easier to understand by placing it on a progressing scale but the reality is it’s just random shit happening
They created self-replicating synthetic cells in 2016. Does that not meet the standard of creating life in a lab?
Let me know if you need more time to move the goal posts.
ontological argument has been debunked.
I'm pretty sure that article shows it happening.
Yes it is, lol. Your entire reasoning for there being a universe at all is based on a mental simulation.
>copy something that already exists and make it function a certain way
>this is the same as inert matter becoming self replicating with zero intervention
It has, but the debunking was unfortunately debunked.
Then you are misunderstanding the article or what abiogenesis actually is.
abiogenesis is the only reasonable explanation, there might be some still unknown processes involved that will get uncovered in time.
the other explanation, god, doesnt even really make sense from a religious perspective, why would the creator of heaven and earth seed the planet with single cellular life that takes another 3 billion years to spawn humans, with all kinds of evolutionary dead ends and mass extinctions in between. it seems pointless
Explain this. Checkmate Creationists.
>with zero intervention
>in a lab
There's that goalpost shift I predicted. How do you create something in a lab with zero intervention?
> why would the creator of heaven and earth seed the planet with single cellular life t
Gee, I dunno user, why *did* you do that?
There is a universe, there's no reason to think there are many.
on Yea Forums
I didn’t mean non artificially, I meant without actively constructing the process using already complex molecules. They can’t make a molecule self replicating, that’s the thing they’ve never done which is the integral first step. They know RNA can self replicate, but they can’t get that to happen. You keep linking shit about cellular life. Abiogenesis is inert matter becoming self replicating and they have never managed to do that.
No, there isn’t a universe. Prove it.
> buh, muh observation
We observe multiple universes, user. For example, I’m currently observing a world where the version of you is slightly more clever. It’s a pretty nice universe.
>missing link(s)
>colossal leaps of alleged evolutionary with zero proof
>thinking "hurr durr millions and millions of years" is somehow more plausible or fact based than "hurr durr sky magic
>Being this much of a fucking retard.
>if I was some incomprehensible infinite being, I wouldn’t have done that!
lol ok meat monkey
Evolution is real
Really good movie.