You ever wondered what happened to oldfags who use to frequent Yea Forums here? What are they even doing now?

You ever wondered what happened to oldfags who use to frequent Yea Forums here? What are they even doing now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm chillin

wishing for death

Still here you nigger loving jew.

Anglogermcucks will never be European

we are 'jakkin

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Did the Abatap guy die of aids or something?

based and neither will slavs

Hi oval, I'm still here but my soul is gone

Aby tripfaggots still around? Show yourselves

Anyone still remember
>There is to be no discussion of Anna Sophia Robb

Totally agree my hopefully not Asian friend!

Still here, oval. Haven't made a Ginger Snaps thread in over a year.

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Killed in Ukraine in 2015 I'm afraid. Was recruited by local forces and refused to wear Ukranian fatigues and opted for his own pair of tiger stripe BDUs to look more like a Na'vi. Tragically mowed down by a 23mm when he was spotted 2,000m away by Russian-friendly forces.

He died doing what he loved. I read he was especially handy with a PKM during his short-lived career.

Attached: hes with Eywa now.jpg (480x640, 65.48K)

The tripfags can’t show themselves because their trips have been banned. There was the great tripfag purge of 2012 that killed off all the old LOST era trips and then all the straggler trips got banned. However they can always rebrand and come back.

*straggler trips got banned over time

>this was considered the epitome of Yea Forums humor back in the day
Literally lolsorandumn reddit humor of today.
I'm glad all the oldfags died off or became trannies and hung themselves.

They are unironically missing tripfags aka reddit incarnate lmao, good riddance.

I'm waiting for the soft reboot of Problem Child 2.

Just waiting around for a chance to reference old memes, to keep the glory alive

I’m still here, phoneposting from my bath

2008 and proud

Why even allow trips if you're gonna ban them?

That’s the great conundrum of Yea Forums. Moot understood the importance of trips and encouraged them. The rules of Yea Forums however were basically ripped from 2chan and the rule around tripfags never made sense. Having tripfags was always good for board culture, and allowing people that socialization dimension was always a cool addition to the feature of Yea Forums. Instead of banning they should’ve allowed them to foster. They guarantee the boards would not have become as shit as they have become now. There’s a level of accountability that comes with being a tripfag. And allowing options is always a good thing. Unfortunately the mentality that Yea Forums should always be a “blank slate” of recent trends rather than unique communities prevailed and we are here now. Trips have a lifespan of 2-4 years now because they will be banned in the end.

>What are they even doing now?
calling you homos for liking faggot trash like dunc br49 and the new batman

You're supposed to outgrow this place sooner or later.

They were banned because they were the only thing keeping redditors out and this board from becoming mainstream like it is now.
For example if the 2016 election was clinton vs some other random republican and not trump, this board would be the second fastest board on this site(based on how things were heading) and /pol/ would have stayed the same speed as it was before the election
they killed off the old user base for Yea Forums just to get numbers in

I was a well known tripfag.
Never again, that's all I say.

I'm still here.

Attached: LOSTGet.jpg (1680x1050, 521.45K)

that's cute user
but you're here forever

0/10 i'm still alive

Post the “Yea Forums-LOST” pic please I can’t find it on Faagle anymore

Hi krager

fuck off....please......... just fucking leave........go back you fucking redditors.........just leave us alone, you do not belong here..........

Anglogermcucks will never be European

I've been here since 2011

I'm not familiar with that.

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t. tripfag

Bullshit. Then you’re not an oldfag. Yea Forums was renamed LOST during 2009-2010 when season 6 was on.

Faggot detected

Why did you only join Yea Forums after reddit sanitized it?

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bros...I miss the golden age of Yea Forums (2009-2012) so fucking much.

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seething polack

Golden age started when Yea Forums started right in the latter end of 2006 and the start of 2007. Yea Forums started off sprinting because this was the era of LOST. That’s the main reason Yea Forums got created. So moot could talk about LOST away from Yea Forums.

still here since 2007 or 8 i think they opened this board?

i can't say it was better or worse back then. certainly not so much pol posting or capeshit, but people's taste in movies/tv back then was abysmal. nerd cumming over shit like heroes, hancock, sarah connor chronicles, flashforward.

the lost thread were the comfiest everyone coming up with theories. sadly, those threads opened up the gates of hell and now the average american can't watch shit without thinking "is this time travel?"

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you mean this? 2 seconds searching the archive

Attached: 1383783919597.jpg (284x50, 3.07K)

Thanks brosef

God, I wish I could shrink down and be her insole. Just live under her divine soles the rest of my life.

tripcodes themselves are useful if someone wants to identify themselves as a the source of something. be it OC or whatever else meaningful. the idea is you don't hold onto them for long or try to make an identity out of them.

tripFAGS are socially maladjusted retards with a seemingly paradoxical mix of narcissism and lack of self-awareness who look at Yea Forums, of all places, and think this is the place where they will finally get the respect and adoration they deserve in life. but when (not if) people ignore their horrible posts, they are utterly perplexed. their posts are great, according to them. but all those shitposts are getting in the way! so people just need to see them. so they start replying to themselves as anonymous. first with simple supportive statements like "this" or "underrated." but when no one else catches on and starts giving them attention, it leads them to start holding whole conversations with themselves. eventually they're just talking to themselves full time.

this has happened with every tripfag. its why their trips are eventually banned.

Tldr; tripfags, niggers , jews, and trannies all get the rope

>Implying Yea Forums existed before i started browsing here

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See this is the mentality that degraded Yea Forums. Culture and personality is good. So what most tripfags are unhinged lolcows? That’s the best part of coming here. There’s no reason to kill them off. I’d much rather take that then the soulless Reddit jr posting of today.

Why would you want to come back and shitpost as a tripfag in your 30s? the golden age is over and has been over for years. Have you really not progressed in life since then?

I worked as a gaffer on a Wachowski brothers film.

>So moot could talk about LOST away from Yea Forums.
moot didn't even browse Yea Forums and said he rarely watched Yea Forums shows. in face, moot hated this board and the only times he would ever show up were to shit on us. what are you even talking about

This is just a website bro. You open it and post. That’s all it is.

Not this

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moot browsed Yea Forums for LOST and was here during season 3-6.

Yeah but trips used to post all day every day back when they were neet and it would be pathetic to do that now. It means you never achieved anything in life since then.

a retard publicly simping for himself for hours on end isn't a "lolcow."

Having a trip doesn’t change it bro. All lives are pathetic.

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i can post archive links backing up exactly what I said. can you?

Yes but I won’t


More trips back then unjusted than you'd think.

there's a difference between being a pathetic loser and publicly self-flagellating for 12+ hours a day, while saying absolutely nothing of interest or note, on Yea Forums.

Test pls dont reply

“Self flaggelating” that just sounds like YOUR perspective. I know tripfags that were brilliant. They posted what they wanted and radiated. You can call it what you want but they did what they wanted with or without your sadomasochistic fantasies.

Thuggin mostly

so what tripfag were you?

You’ll never know

I know they did I still talk to them

rent free

cope. moot hated Yea Forums and he hated Yea Forums posters, stop making up your own head canon so you can ride his dick.

I'm still here. I remember posting on this board back when it was created in 2008. It was the summer after my first year of university. The Dark Knight was either about to come out or had just come out. It was good times.

I managed to escape for like 5 years, but now I'm here again for some reason.

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i already know you were one. it doesn't matter which. you're all the same brand of retard.

Only lefit oldfags will remember the real green oval filename and resolution

used to frequent Yea Forums back in 2010. now make youtube documentaries about indian animation filmmakers

Yea Forums is greater than moot. LOST is the true god that created Yea Forums. And LOST will always be the one true god. Seethe Hansdeep Nigelwong.

what about the oldfags who thought you were all fucking faggots for falling for one of satre's attempts at forcing a meme that no one understands, that would never leave Yea Forums?

Satre didn’t create green oval. That guy was a wannabe

whatever you want to tell yourself.

This is my angel

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Seethe Satre, you’re not even French

the rest of yall know

go back

>y-you're the tripfag!

you're a literal retard.



create the green oval? wasn't that shit what showed on screen when a illegal stream of lost died?

i'd love to go back to 2003.

Green oval started as a bot that posted it every morning at 7am North American Eastern time as a test to see the board was running. It just never got decommissioned. And when captcha was officially added to Yea Forums it killed off ovalbot but some human tried to carry it on for a couple years but eventually gave up.

>he thinks Green Oval was a saetre meme
please stop larping, YWNBARO

seriously, clue me in on the chain of logic that leads you to believe is actually a retard who wanted to force memes no one understood?