This is the worst mobster flick movie and only plebs praise it

This is the worst mobster flick movie and only plebs praise it.
There's too much unecessary violence in the movie. I mean, I get it, mobsters are violent and kill people, we don't need to show it happening in great detail. It detracts from the movie, and isn't done in a very tasteful way, the only people who like violence portrayed in this way are edgelords who want to self-insert as some badass mobster who goes around killing people. Mobsters killing eachother in this way doesn't even happen that often in real life, but the idea you get from this movie is that it happens often and should be considered a crucial part to being a mobster, while in reality it is not necessarily the truth. Mob flicks should take killing eachother for granted, there are other ways to portray mob violence than to show graphic images of them killing eachother in cold blood. I can't help but think that part of the reason as to why it was portrayed this way was to show that being a mobster is not a good thing.

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>and isn't done in a very tasteful way, the only people who like violence portrayed in this way are edgelords who want to self-insert as some badass mobster who goes around killing people
It's supposed to be distasteful and have a bit of shock value to it. The point of the movie is that there's a thrill to the idea of living without laws and rules, but the long-term of it is that you're surrounding yourself with sociopaths and in time you will inevitably get burned just like everyone else they come into contact with. It's the best mob movie, it cuts through a lot of the bullshit and glamorization. It manages to be honest about the appeal of that lifestyle, and it's also honest about the destructiveness of it

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The movie closely follows a true story and all of the people who were murdered in the film were murdered in real life, retard. Also, you're filtered if you think you're supposed to self-insert as the mobsters--they aren't good people and the hypocrisies of their lifestyle are a major theme in all of Scorsese's mob movies.

funny thing is more people than the movie showed were killed IRL because of the lufthansa heist

lol, OP being a huge fucking faggot like usual

>The movie closely follows a true story and all of the people who were murdered in the film were murdered in real life, retard.
That's obvious, I knew that, but it still could have been portrayed differently from the way it was. I think that the way many of the mob killings was shown tried too hard at sending the message that being a mobster is a bad thing and showed the characters suffering afterwards. Take Casino, for example, it was also a mob flick that was also based on real life events, but they didn't dwell too much on the death of characters that affected the plot directly, it was done in a different way which didn't detract too much from the movie itself. It was bearable to watch, meanwhile Goodfellas had scenes where you saw the deaths of the characters involved first hand and to me that part of the movie gave a feeling of uneasiness that could have been avoided altogether and still have been a great movie.

I think this is my favourite movie full stop.
>'s fucking hilarious
>'s based
>3.violence is fun
>4.every scene entertains you one after another there isn't one bit of filler in it

Once Upon a Time in America is superior.

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Getting really sick of this board's contrarianism.
>ewww it was too violent
Pussy. Go back to watching capeshit.

.violence is fun
That's my main issue with this movie, too much unecessary violence. It wouldn't have affected me at all if it had been a fictional movie, but it is based on a real life story and after you get to know some of the characters and become attached to them, having them die in such gruesome ways just makes it less immersive in my opinion. I couldn't identify myself with the things that took place which were too violent, at that moment I stopped being immersed in the story and started thinking to myself that I was watching a mob flick. That's a moment that shouldn't have happened, even if it meant making the story less believeable. Don't get me wrong, though, it is still a very good movie, especially in contrast to most movies out there, but it wasn't my favorite one.

Only the 4 hour cut.

yeah it's totally unbelievable that mobsters were so violent, and it's also totally unnecessary to show mobsters as violent, in a movie that is trying to portray the realism of mob-life

>t. retard

michael franzese says that goodfellas is in the top 3 mob movies in accuracy of the essence of the street life

Gay, just say you're gay.

>this movie is bad because it made me uncomfortable

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My girlfriend is a vegetarian who scorns violence and won't talk to me if I so much as raise my voice to her, and yet she still loved this movie and has more testosterone running through her than you do, you fucking wet flannel.

>This movie sucks because it shows violent psychopathic murderers as violent psychopathic murderers. They should leave that part out of a movie about a guy in a murder organization

What? Did you fall asleep at the end of casino?
Just admit you’re retarded and move along

>yeah it's totally unbelievable that mobsters were so violent
That's not what I'm saying, everyone knows that mobsters are violent, there's no need to put in gruesome realistic scenes of violence that mobsters take part in, it should be obvious that it happens from the get-go. There was nothing to be gathered from those scenes other than the violence itself, and to a certain degree it was unecessary. Casino is my favorite mob flick which also contains violence, but it is done in a different way and it doesn't take away from the experience from watching the movie, you can be immersed in the movie from the start and the immersion doesn't go away. The same cannot be said for Goodfellas, there are several points in the movie where you can't really immerse yourself in the story enough because of how much violence there is.

It is also violent, but it isn't quite as violent as Goodfellas. And there's also a buildup to the violence, it doesn't come out of the blue, there's a point in the movie where you are expecting him to get whacked but it doesn't happen, then when it does it doesn't come as a surprise. Goodfellas displays violence out of the blue without much context or buildup.

Casino is literally more violent than Goodfellas. I don’t understand your take. It’s completely nonsensical.
>In casino it’s just different okay
How motherfucker? There’s a scene in Casino where a guy’s head gets squeezed by a vice until his eye pops out

I'm trying to explain that when I watched Casino I managed to be fully immersed in the story and the things that happened from the start to the end, and I think it has something to do with how the violence was portrayed in the movie, which for me didn't happen in Goodfellas. There were points in Goodfellas where I spaced out and wasn't very immersed in the story and I think it has something to do with how the violence was put into the movie, which ended up being alienating because of how violent it was. Maybe it isn't even the violence itself, but how it is used in the movie and how often it happens.

casino is still a violent movie, but it takes a backseat because the movie is primarily concerned with showing the operation of the casino itself, and the breakdown of the main guy's relationship with his "wife"
i can only think of a few exceptionally violent scenes in casino: the ending, the guy that was using signals to cheat getting his hand broken, and the gangster that got his head popped. goodfellas has twice as much murder in it

Mobsters kill each other in way worse ways than this and are generally even bigger sociopaths than portrayed here.

How about the pen scene? How about the scene where everyone gets murdered?

Your argument boils down to “I’m autistically fascinated with casinos therefore it’s better” which is a fine opinion. But don’t pretend it has anything to do with Goodfellas being violent

And they're miserable for a reason

Stupid scene, people don't freeze after you shiv them

>Your argument boils down to “I’m autistically fascinated with casinos therefore it’s better” which is a fine opinion. But don’t pretend it has anything to do with Goodfellas being violent
lol you must be fucked in the head to read what i posted and make that response. the only death that i actually remembered from the montage was his wife passing out from the hot shot
i also like goodfellas more you retard

>I don't remember the violent scenes in Casino therefore Casino is less violent than Goodfellas
How long did it take to get to school on the shortbus? Genuinely curious because I know it has to drive longer distances to pick up a lot of retarded kids.

NTA but everything about Casino was over-the-top to the point that you couldn't really take the violence seriously in the same way you did in Goodfellas. It was more extreme but less impactful. Goodfellas was stylized in some ways, but the characterization, performances, dialogue all felt very realistic and grounded, so the violence felt less like movie-violence and more like you were actually seeing people getting stabbed and shot and stomped out

did your boyfriends in film school laugh it out of the building lol

lol, you're still wrong you moron. goodfellas is more violent of a movie. the focus is on tommy, the violence lingers significantly longer in each scene. i didn't remember every death in the final casino montage because it wasn't designed to be as memorable

Tommy literally only kills two people in Goodfellas.

I think three. Morrie, Stacks, and Billy Batts.

Oh, and Spider.

Oh I didn't remember those other two, I guess violence wasn't the focus of goodfellas to me.

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IRL tommy desimeone was a homicidal maniac because he had a brother who ratted out to the cops and he felt like he had to constantly prove how big of a tough guy he was iirc

It's okay
Godfather still remains the GOAT

Sopranos > Goodfellas > Godfather

what causes delusion like this? why do you think you're intelligent? more than the first half of goodfellas is showing how much of an unhinged monster tommy is, while the majority of casino is...actually about running the casino and trying to woo his wife. this isn't hard

You can't compare a show to a movie.

I'd reverse it but I still consider your ranking acceptable desu.

I just did

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Martin Scorsese literally had to cut scenes from Casino because it was too violent and had an NC-17 rating originally. What the fuck is your argument? That you don't feel like casino is as violent as Goodfellas? Because that's bullshit. That you don't remember as many violent scenes in Casino? Okay, you have a selective memory. That there's a less violent tone in Casino? That's bullshit.

Lmao low test pussy kill yourself

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Why is De Niro centre of the poster? Liotta played the main character

>Scorsese literally had to cut scenes from Casino because it was too violent and had an NC-17 rating originally
ok? they're not in the final movie?
>What the fuck is your argument? That you don't feel like casino is as violent as Goodfellas?
lol you call me autistic yet you aren't capable of discerning the "feel" or the focus of one movie from another. i read through the thread again and there were 3 other anons that basically said the same thing i did in a different way. you're an angry clown my dude

Go back to watching Disney movies made for children, you jagoff.

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Honestly one of the best films I've seen. I keep meaning to rewatch it as I haven't seen it in 10 years, but its hard to find 4 hours to watch a movie nowadays.

it's a bad film because it's basically just a montage. there's no soul to it. it's one of those scorsese flicks where he makes criminals look cool but the story ends bad for them, so it "absolves" him for glorifying criminals, despite everyone viewing it as a cool criminals flick not "tragic story about blabla where the bad guys dont win".

Casino is a much more stylized film so the violence isn't as emotionally compelling or anything but it's still ridiculous to claim that Goodfellas was excessive

Thats not Casino

>but it's still ridiculous to claim that Goodfellas was excessive
One scene that comes to mind is them stabbing a guy in the trunk of their car while he is begging them for his life. Every time I want to watch Goodfellas I have that scene in mind, and it takes effort for me to actually want to consume the media again. If I'm not mistaken then it happens pretty early on in the movie and sets the tone of the movie moving forward to be that, a very violent movie.

Not what I was trying to say, I think Goodfellas is a great film and the violence was appropriate

Standard cope by people who cant accept sopranos mogs the shit out of these movies

>back in the old days things worked a little differently
>four hours of violence as the entire rolling stones discography plays
Why is every Scorsese flick like this?

If a guy getting stabbed in the opening of the film affects you more than Joe Pesci being tortured and buried alive while weeping for his brother then you're just a pussy

Why are you watching gangster movies? Its like not liking a boat movie because you're afraid of water. I don't think the movie is the problem.

You are repeating the same point over and over. Your post could be much more concise.

>I can't help but think that part of the reason as to why it was portrayed this way was to show that being a mobster is not a good thing.

No shit? There's a reason you never see Henry ever kill anyone. He's actually a giant pussy and just uses the mafia to glamorize his life without having to work hard like a real person

He literally only knows how to make one movie and thats it, and simps keep buying it

Fuck your mother with that lame dick take?

Sopranos is the GOAT of TV shows

>raging bull = the wolf of wall street
>taxi driver = goodfellas