Druk (2020)

My girlfriend wants to watch this with me and her guy friend tonight, is it good?

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It's certified kino but "Guy friend"? Really nigger?

>guy friend
you can only imagine a white guy saying this

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Why the fuck was the last thread deleted? It was literally a question about a TV show character. I hope the janny who did it dies of 3 cancers. Ban me, fuck you, I've got unlimited ips to burn anyways you dickless piece of shit

We lost DRUK betas

It's pretty good but I got offended when my friend said Tommy reminded him of me bc we both live alone with elderly dogs, drink too much and have shit jobs
fuck the janny

Post your DRUK tales anons, i'm here to listen

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Asking if a TV show character's lifestyle is sustainable is apparently off topic on Yea Forums. That's it, I'm done.

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Before I go on dates, I chug this amount of gin(40% abv). I just eyeball it to this amount every time

How many drinks is this would you reckon lads?

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seek help

equal to 3 beers maybe. enough to get you comfortable but not drunk

>falls for obvious bait

>look forward all week to watching a new kino on the weekend (streaming)
>order pizza, pour a drink, get comfy on friday
>drink too much and fall asleep before the movie ends

Ah fuck I have ruined so many movies like this.

Thats it? That makes me feel better

Something like that, I drink an equal amount (half a bottle of 37% vodka 350ml) for similar results

I love it when this happens because you made the tranny janny seethe but the mods don't give a fuck. I called the /int/ janny a retard and then reported my own post so he'd read it. I only get muted and not banned. It was satisfying as fuck.

Holy based

24 fl oz
3 nodes
8 oz each
8 shots
unless the bottle is filled more to the top
then maybe 6-7 oz

We lost, its over

somebody explain the alcoholic meme
im addicted to nicotine and even had rounds with weed and coke
but i never got the drinking meme. after one drink i get a nice buzz that lasts hours and i don’t see the point of drinking more. plus most of them don’t even taste good?

Because you lose yourself in it, can act like a ridiculous retard, you have fun, and you're totally in the moment.

I'll spam and bump this thread the entire night if that's what it takes. I'm not admitting defeat to a fucking internet janitor who would last 3 seconds in a fight with me before getting his skull crushed all over the pavement

i can do on Yea Forums sober tho

tolerance goes way up and then you have to drink to avoid withdrawals
being an alcoholic fucking sucks

What do we have to do to the janitor

I drink 4 nights a week then give the other 3 days to recover

If I didn't work I'd drink every night

Tomorrow is the last night i will ever drink

I couldn’t get hard during a one night stand cause I drank too much. I’m never touching alcohol again

Only time that happens for me is if a condom is involved

I just flat up refuse to fuck with one now and would rather not have sex then put on the cuckglove

based whisky dick user

His whole reasoning for removing the thread was probably the fact that people mostly talked about alcohol instead of my perfectly valid question. So he knows he's in the wrong by punishing the OP who did nothing wrong because he has a hate boner for the community that showed up in that thread. Jannies are by default retards but this is the first time I've seen one blatantly breaking the rules for his own pleasure.

agreed brother.
i can’t even cum with that shit on

The more you drink, the more you need to especially as time goes on. As both a stoner and a drunk, one good bowl of weed and I'm good. Hits fast and hard, lasts a good time. I know a second bowl of weed will have half the effect, if that so it's not worth it. A 1/4 glass of vodka and I just start feeling a buzz. If I want more buzz it means more. The amounts vary person to person but the important point is how the buzzes build and that once you're hooked on alcohol it always has you wanting more.

happens to everyone, don’t sweat it and keep drinking

Yeah, in the past I'd still, quite pathetically, try to get that think over my half flacid/chubbed cock just to get my cock in for a few seconds and add another number to my lay count

But now I'll just say I'm not wearing that and only SJW/maskmandate type of bitches seem to get mad

You lost

Based. Fuck condoms. It's medieval

you’re not worried about disease?

I've never seen it but I think I can relate to the main character.

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what diseases would i be worry about?

there is no std that is going to impact my life. people who say "lOL AIDZ" are retarded because you only get that if you're literally fucking gay men/trannies/prostitutes, etc.

everything else is easily curable (eg chlamydia) or i guess at absolute worst herpes but even that is often symptomless, body eventually represses it and the majority of population has anyways

What he said.
If you aren't fucking gutter trash whores you're fine. Having sex with a condom doesn't even count in my eyes.

Don't care about that anymore. I fucked a slut 2 vweeks ago and came inside her raw.


>after one drink i get a nice buzz that lasts hours
You have no idea how lucky you are. I have 1 drink and it's literally all I crave until I run out. From my perspective you are saying you're getting your dick sucked and then before you coom you just say "yeah just 1 in and out was good enough"
It's literally a brain switch thing that happens. Look it up.

>get drinks with a girl from tinder who has good taste in films
>looked like a 7/10 from bio
>meet her irl and she’s 5/10
>conversation is really good tho so keep drinking in hopes i become attracted to her
>6 drinks and 2 shots later im drunk af
>she invites me back to her place so we can listen to her frank zappa records
>try to imagine sex with her and still my dick is dead
>back at her place and 20mins she starts getting mad close to me
>after 10 mins of doing my best on ignoring her advances she straight up asks me if i want to make out
>go for it cause ik i would be stupid to turn down sex
>start making out and i’m still soft as fuck
>she’s all over me and keeps putting her tongue in my mouth
>everytime i pull away she pulls me back to her
>puts my hands on her panties and she’s wet af
>i’m still soft af and panicking inside
>she tries to touch my penis and i don’t want to know i’m soft af
>end up just fingering her and keep telling her i’m about to fuck her
>she cums from fingering and wants to keep going after she pees
>grab my shit and dip and block her


>being that guy who goes to a bar to talk to the bartender (usually a woman) all night

holy cringe

literally paying a woman to talk to you why you drink

just get a prostitute, its less pathetic

>Go to bar
>Pull milf
Lifes fucking good

I've banged literally 100+ girls off dating apps but still have never approached a random woman at a bar

How does it work bro, I'm not kidding. I feel like half of the time they're already with someone or I'd be creepy if I went up and talked to


Honestly if you are even semi good looking just go to a local pub, get a drink and sit down in a corner and you'll be approached by some drunk chick before you even know it

I've technically done this before (waiting for Tinder dates to show up) and haven't had happen. Feels bad man

Online dating is based but having to worry about flakes/setting up the date/having to have bullshit small talk text before getting her out, etc. is annoying. I rather just go out and make shit happen

Its not a 100% effective strat, if you wanna pull random sluts consistanly then you need to approach them

It's never worth it, you're better off having a drink, leaving and jerking off.

>Not being a sigma male who pulls women without even talking to them

I quit drinking on 4/20. Take me back

It's funny, I'm so polar the opposite. Had too many girls lie about being on the pill or who they fucked last night. Unless I know them well I want that condom so I can use them like a fuckbag and not worry about a random sperm linking me to them for eternity or getting whatever soup of bacteria they have mushing around in their cunt and ass.

I don’t use condoms because I can’t find any that aren’t too big

I wish I had a gf with guy friends she’d fuck

Anyone else a milf pulling chad?

I got you covered. At least I hope...

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DRUK betas you lost, you dont even post

Was at one time. But 33 now. They aren't in to it if you're not 25

You're funny

>and her guy friend
God. I used to be this pathetic. My oneitis friendzoned me. I would bend over backwards bringing her food and gifts and flowers and other shit. I literally bought her an ipad and a tv. The worst moment was during one of her birthday parties. It went late into the night and rather than her parents driving me home they just let me stay over (they liked me). I remember like an hour after her parents went to bed we were watching a movie and she told me another friend was coming over, he was a senior at our school. I didn’t really know him but had seen him around. Anyway he comes by and we are all hanging out and she says she’s going to bed but he can stay over too he just has to leave early before her parents get up. We turn out the lights and are just laying there in the guest room. About 30 minutes go by and I see her come into the room and then see him follow her out, I guess they thought i was asleep. They went into her bedroom and for several hours I laid awake listening to them laughing and then her moaning as he fucked and fingered her. I cried softly and even tried to masturbate to the sounds but I was too emotional to get hard. I fell asleep and didn’t wake up when he left but I’ve always hoped they didn’t see the dried tears on my face because I’m still friends with her.

>I’m still friends with her.

>My girlfriend wants to watch this with me and her guy friend tonight, is it good?