/got/ general

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first for pycelle


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If Robert had found out Myrcella wasn't his daughter, I don't think he would have killed her. I think to punish Cersei he would have executed the boys then raped Myrcella while Cersei watched. Literal hours of fat, sweaty man on girl rape. The girl he raised and thought was his daughter her entire life defiled on his bed in front of his whore wife. Just the raw sexual energy fueled by rage & contempt of Cersei inflicted on her daughter. Myrcella herself would be mindbroken by this entire ordeal, numb to the pain as her father forced himself onto her. Why was he doing this, why was her mother in chains, why was no one helping her. All the while Robert was grunting like the horniest, hungriest stag in the forest. Robert needed an heir and the Lannister family had promised him a womb to sire one. Then, nine months later, Myrcella, now queen after her marriage to her former father and the death of her mother, would provide him one.


*teleports behind the Throne*

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>I've never had anything except my sword. I don't want to die. For me that is the only reason I keep fighting. There is nothing to save myself for or give myself to, I fight because I know nothing else.

The first scene was the coolest thing this show ever did, and it never lived up to sense of wonder and imagination it created. It was still an enjoyable show for 4 season. 5-6 started to dip in quality, 7-8 fell right off.

I'm pretty sure that's the general consensus. It was good while it lasted.

yep. immediately after it just drops straight into drama political vie for power retard shit. normalfags watched it for taboo sex. Martin is garbage

early Game of Thrones, when Breaking Bad was also still airing was the peak of this board.

The best thing about Game of Thrones was was all of the theories about what will happen, scouring the wiki for little nuggets of proof to justify my retarded theory I just made up, only to see swathes of posters and random youtubers making 2 hours video essays about my shitpost.

I miss it

>it just drops straight into drama political vie for power retard shit
this was the good part of the show though and it was good because it was torn right out of real world history. George Martin doesn't even deny, he just recounted the War of the Roses and changed the house names. It's lazy writing, the first book is much more grounded for this reason.
The fantasy elements anchored the show drastically.

The show would have been a lot better if it the fantasy stuff was just implied but never the focus and if the show capped at 6 seasons

i don't get it are you defending the show or something? why did you type all of this shit?

First 4 seasons were kino, people just pretend otherwise because of how shit it became. Up until S6 most were hailing this as the greatest television series of all time

the first season was OK at best. everything else was shit. it wasn't kino

If you knew the War of the Roses, you wouldn't be saying this, it is not that very similar at all aside from some details. It's more similar to the time of Charlemagne with Empress Irene representing Cersei

Stop being a contrarian.

got is dead

get some taste

Digits...also, what is this? 2007?


he took "inspiration" from many events in European history, War of the Roses is where the Stark vs Lannister arc is coming from. I had the book and it literally mentioned on the back of the book that it was a tribute to the War of the Roses

Many places and characters represent real life figures and cities


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this is who you're defending. there isn't a single image of this fat faggot without his gay biker hat

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The guys that obsess about the fantasy aspect are the ones that bother me the most. They miss the fucking point of the series so much. Preston at least is somewhat aware his theories are autistic as fuck and understand ASOIAF is ore politics that deep lore and fantasy, but then there's people like order of the green hand and lucifer means lightbringer who are just downright schizophrenic at this point and care more about esoteric bullshit that's going nowhere rather that the actual text.

>Many places and characters represent real life figures and cities
>Aegon the Conqueror was based on William the Conqueror
>The Dance of Dragons was based on that Empress and her nephew I think
>The Red Wedding was based on that Black Wedding or whatever it was called
>Valyria was on Constantinople
>Robb Stark/Daeron I were based on some young king who died young
And so on...

isnt the whole point of the story that fags keep vying for the throne instead of focusing against the others though?

For me it's King Aegon VI the Reconqueror. Rightful son of Prince Rhaegar and Princess Elia. Rightful ruler of the Iron Throne and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

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you mean King Aegon I Blackfyre?

Get the fuck out danyfag/jonfag

Well, it's been a couple of years so I may be recalling wrong but the entire story was supposed to be an anti-war message. GRRM is a hippie anti-war product of the late 60s and 70s.
The others are probably supposed to represent climate change or something gay like that. I think this was his purpose but then he regret putting them in the story because it pretty much ruins every other story element.

Dragons are nukes too.

has there ever been anything more kino than season 1 got on television?

why would I be against the rightful rulers

All the T*llys had to do was refuse to fight for Robert unless he married Catelyn. Then Tywin would have married Cersei off to Ned instead and she'd have been controlled in the north. This would have solved every problem in series because Cersei wouldn't have been able to ruin absolutely everything she touched


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>3 children at 19
The fuck? Does the GOT mod boost fertility or something, it takes me until about 25 to have 3 kids in most vanilla Crusader Kings.

robert was too hung up on his oneitis with lyanna to marry anyone else, also why would you want ned to marry a bitch like cersei? hate cat all you want but i'd rather have her than cersei


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The new season is gonna be great.
I heard on the grapevine that JRR Tolkien rose from his grave last week and possessed the elevator in GRR Martin's home, moving the Winds of Winter script on the floor there up and down, up and down, for so long that the elevator broke down and the sound woke the fat bastard. When he went to see what had happened an army of dead men burst out, just like the men of Dunharrow whom dwelt in Dwimorberg, and they surrounded Martin's great girth, each grabbing a piece of his wealthy blubber, and demanded that he hold to his oath to release the book and remake the TV series so that Stannis won (as was intended before D&D (Dauron and Dorgoth) forced his fat hand).

Hahaha you have it ready. Love it

Honestly I think it’s a trashy zombie scene and easily predictable. The story doesn’t start until that guy gets executed

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Her flinching like that makes it look like that pussy grab wasn't in the script

Danny hit the wall in between getting into that tub with her plump tuchus and getting out

I'll never understand why HBO let it happen.

Rewatchability value completely gone, making every money maker around it pointless (merch, tours, reruns etc). I visited Belfast to do the tour, doubt many bother anymore now.

i miss that based maario naharis poster like you wouldnt believe

Got twins girls at first and then a newborn after Aegon left for the war, but I think his wife has a fertility trait

you people got what you deserved

Plus the love event that boost both husband and wife's fertility

Imagine marrying a Baratheon princess

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>Baratheon princess
Usurper "princess"


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Deer are pure kino.

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Me on the right

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The White Walkers and Winter were the primary interest and the most catastrophic let-down of the show. Martin's Book Walkers definitely were meant to have far more of a purpose and impact on the story when it was first envisioned. The Walkers are supposed to represent a looming disaster that will eventually come. If the realm has stayed united, they would have been strong enough to combat the Walkers and survive through an intense and long winter. The coming winter was supposed to be the worst yet, one that reached far to the south, and years long so almost everyone not in castles with copious amounts of fuel for heat would freeze to death. And due to the wars destroying manpower, knowledge and squandering resources, the food/labor/fuel supply is desperately low. Maybe they eventually defeat them, but 90% of Westeros is trashed, and whomever is left to rule is king/queen of the ashes. But instead, the winter they hyped up for 6+ years lasted like a month, barely got that cold, and no one in the south would ever believe the walkers were real or were a serious threat.

Wow he's literally Donald Trump of GoT

>the most catastrophic let-down of the show

Why is House Baratheon the most interesting?

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or Euron. Man, everything I was excited for turned to shit.

Also very true. Him and Varys and all the scheming intrigue. "Just make them super stupid and kill them off in whatever generic tv show way"

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>dark hair and blue eyes
Baratheons really have the most attractive traits

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