
I can not believe Yea Forums is sleeping on this kino.
Bayhem has been PERFECTED

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Just finished this about 20 minutes ago.
Absolute garbage.

Someone better start telling the truth. I don't watch non kinos.

>sleeping on this
just fuck off. nobody likes this retarded lingo


It's kino. Jake puts in Nicholas Cage tier performance and it's fucking awesome.
Bay seems to have mastered his directing style. He's absolutely wild with the camera but he really knows what he's doing.
The story is great, it's as good as any of the great action kinos of the 90s.
It blew me away, and I'm not normally a fan of Michael Bay.

>Dont talk a certain way
Just because you are an uncool boomer that hasnt socialised with anyone IRL for years, you've become so jaded and bitter you spend all your time being angry online.
Absolutely pathetic

Ill give it straight to you, spoiler free for you my fren. The action is kino and the shots are unironically some of the best in recent action movies, also the whole drone thing really plays well with the movie. However, the script is dogshit, like very well likely the worst Bay has directed, there are no characters, as in 0 personality or charm or anything. Plus, the reason why I personally didnt liked it is cause, to say it on a way, there is a constant theme in the movie wich gets brought up constantly and is in the end they just go compleatly against it, making the movie really wierd to be honest and kind of unenjoyable.

TLDR. Action is kino but the script and ending send all that down the toilet making it very unsatisfying

it's woke crap, don't listen to the nigger shill

It has a black actor, but it's not woke.

I've already watched it twice, fellow Baychad.

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Stopped at 40 minutes. I'm too old for mindless dumb action movies and i'm 24. When will you guys actually start recommending good movies on this board for a change


This isn't a thing. Fuck off shill.

stop being so pretentious

Baykino is too high test and based for Yea Forums

Sounds like you have low-test, bro. Sad.

This movie sucks dude. Every shot is like 1 second and then it goes to another. You can't even tell what's happening. I wish this board would talk about movies that aren't super well known and sort of "flew under the radar", or not talked about as much.I saw butch cassidy and the sundance kid recently and it was 10/10 kino.

ok, tourist

I disagree with you about the ending.
jake's character was going for suicide by cop, his bro chose the best possible way to solve the situation. What happens over the course of the film makes the ending genuinely tragic, despite Jake acting like a homicidal madman throughout the film.
I don't agree that the script was dogshit, it wasn't Shakespeare but it was really dynamic which is what matters with a film like this. I also thought it was genuinely moving at times, despite how a lot of it was pretty dumb.

You'll understand why these films are important when you're older.
Go watch Andrei Rublev or something.

Everyone's seen that, and yes it's good. Go make a thread about it if you want to talk about it.

Could’ve been a top 5 Baykino if it wasn’t for that ending. Completely ruined it for me

The use of drone mounted cameras during the bank robbery and the chase scenes was something I've never seen before.

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Did you forget to take your IBS pills today, grandpa?

Not him. But perhaps your kneejerk reaction is indicative of someone that does in fact act and talk like an illiterates hoodmonkey?

"hoodmonkey" isn't a word.

These films aren't important lol. All I'm saying is this board could use more recommendation threads or some sorts. Like the movie unstoppable was great. Or joe (2013) or killer joe (2011). Never seen these type of recommendations. Always the same dumb shit.

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It was kino. Felt like a spiritual sequel to Pain & Gain, but with the kinetic energy of 6 Underground. I'm loving the direction his style is evolving. Almost feels like the best is yet to come.

is it funny like Pain & Gain though?

Bay is a pretty important director. Very few directors in his strata have such a unique voice, and I can think of absolutely none who are as experimental as him.
You complained about the length of his shots and being unable to tell what's happening. Did you think it's because Bay is bad at making action movies? That he can't make a legible scene? No, Bay is actually doing something you don't quite understand. You certainly don't appreciate it.
Now, is what he saying intellectually important? Are his themes complex? No, not particularly. He's a populist, he makes films for people who aren't interested in A24 bullshit. Should these people just be served shit? Why? Maybe they have other concerns. Bay respects his audience, he respects people that a lot of snobs don't. I think that's admirable. He doesn't just show up and do the bare minimum.
Tony Scott was the same kind of director btw. Unstoppable was awesome, I agree. It's not a highbrow film, it's the same kind of film as Ambulance.
There are recommendation threads here, I see them all the time. But if you're 24 and just finding out about Tony Scott and William Friedkin then maybe there should be more.

The script isn't as tight, but Bay's direction is at the peak of his career. The titular AmbuLAnce chase scene is probably an hour and a half long and somehow keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time.

still can't believe Tony Scott died. i thought he just wasn't making movies anymore

>I'm loving the direction his style is evolving. Almost feels like the best is yet to come.
I've never been a fan of Michael Bay desu, but Ambulance really made his style click with me. I get it now. Some of the shots in this made me jump out of my seat.

Not really.

I think he probably felt guilty for consistently mogging his brother.

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I wasn't even saying bay isn't an important director, i get that. But this movie is nothing new and not important. It's lame. And there aren't many recommendation threads and when there are it's just one movie and very rarely. Yes there is more and i wish i know a place to find that. This board isn't it.

>Hey, fuckly, listen to me, my movies exist because of women, because they've driven men batshit crazy into 'man caves' and Call Of Duty XI. Did they have giant robot movies in the 1930s and 40s? No, all of those movies had dance numbers. Back when a guy could punch a dame for overcooking a chicken there was no shame in watching some fool tap dance his way through WWII. Now these bitches expect you to change a diaper and shave your balls? Fuck that. Giant robots. I am a great artiste, with a capital T,I,T,S,A,R,E,G,R,E,A,T. You don't think I could make "good" movies? I went to school at Wesleyan, I studied under Basinger. I can make anything go triple platinum, anything. I could make just the poster of a movie and it would win every Oscar in every category every year, fuck James Cameron and his stupid boat.

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They have completely different styles and do completely different movies for the most part. Barely comparable. It's honestly a bit weird how different they are yet both so successful within their niche. I wonder if they had arguments over creative differences. Especially since Exodus is dedicated to him and we all know what thats about.

>But this movie is nothing new and not important.
I think it's pretty important in his artistic development. Ambulance is the first time in my opinion that he has shown real mastery of his art.
>This board isn't it.
No. You must be kinda new because you're complaining about this thread and it's WELL above average for this board.
Tell me what kind of film you want to see and I'll recommend one or two. I've seen them all.

I always try and shill unstoppable when I have the chance
I’d put Tony Scott over Michale Bay when it comes to experimentation, no other director went as hard as Tony did with his filming and editing style did in the 2000’s. But now that he’s gone Bay is the last of a dying breed when it comes to the type of action kino he makes

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It was spastically directed, the drone shots were laughable, it looked like a parody. Waste of Jake. Stop liking things ironically, it's reddit tier. The kind of person you thinks sneed xd and wojaks are funny.

Tony Scott went hard, but I don't know if he's as experimental as Bay. Every shot in Ambulance is crazy.
But I maybe need to rewatch Unstoppable. As much as I'm being condescending as fuck to that other user, I do remember feeling frustrated that I couldn't find anything like it after I watched it.
I rewatch True Romance at least once a year, but it's been a long time since I watched anything else by him so you might be right.

I saw it last week. I'm a former EMT so I was hoping that would be more of the film's focus than it was. The movie is basically one long car chase. It's ok.

I don't think it's above average for this board. New movies are always talked about here. And idk man I just like good movies i don't care if it's particularly by a director who is succeeding in his craft. Why would i care if this is him showing his mastery in directing when it's still just a dumb movie you know? I've been thinking about watching more movies from the 00's that i might've missed. It's gonna take me a whole lot of googling.

It would have been far better if it was 2 white guys. The black guy as a brother felt weird.

Do you think it was accurate in how the girl was the best EMT in the city because she would do things like
>hold a patients hand
>ask them their name
>slap them and shout "stay with me"

Buy one of those "1000 greatest films ever made" type books or whatever and then come back. No one is responsible for educating you but yourself in this matter. Yea Forums is a funposting board

the drone photography is absolutely insane

One thing I liked about it is was how she rushes into the emergency situations like the downed cop, which I was shaking my head at in the theater because literally the first thing they teach you in EMT school, and is repeated over and over in subsequent training is that scene safety is your number one priority. You don't go into anything that sounds dangerous until the police have said it's ok, and if you don't feel safe somewhere you leave until the police have secured it. So I would have said her rushing into the car accident, and then her rushing into the bank heist were unrealistic, but the whole situation with the ambulance being hijacked happens BECAUSE she rushed into a situation before it was secured, and indeed before she'd even been dispatched (note how when they're leaving the bank the first cops on scene are asking who allowed the ambulance in).

So I think the movie was showing that as a medic she actually had serious problems, and that caused the whole situation.

What was most unrealistic though was the cop surviving his injuries. He would not have been able to up and moving around after being in cardiac arrest. The transfusion would not have worked as it is shown, so he certainly would have died from shock. And even if he did survive the surgery, he would have gotten gangrene and become septic.

oh also something really unrealistic was her and her partner sitting down to lunch. As an EMT, particularly one doing 911s, you will literally never get a meal break. As soon as you call in service from one job you'll be sent to the next one. This is one reason why there is a big problem with obesity and general lack of fitness in EMS, people just get fast food every day and inhale it between jobs. It's definitely one part of the job I do not miss at all.

considering how much that cop was leaking the whole time, he should've died super fast

>Why would i care if this is him showing his mastery in directing when it's still just a dumb movie you know
That's fair, I guess I just look at things differently to you.
>I've been thinking about watching more movies from the 00's that i might've missed.
Idk what you've missed but
>City of God
>Eastern Promises
>Southland Tales
>Dead Man's Shoes
>Red Road
All kino.

>And even if he did survive the surgery, he would have gotten gangrene and become septic.
Yeah, I feel like you would have rubber gloves in the back of an ambulance, right?
>So I think the movie was showing that as a medic she actually had serious problems, and that caused the whole situation.
I didn't really pick up on that as a non-medical pleb. She seemed like pretty much just a hero to me.
Anyway thank you for your service. I have a couple of friends in that line of work and I've heard some fucked up stories.

definitely. One thing you frequently see in movies and tv (though it wasn't as bad in this movie) is where someone is in cardiac arrest, they use a defibrillator to shock them, and then they immediately spring back to life. In real life that doesn't happen. When you're in cardiac arrest your heart isn't pumping blood (which carries oxygen) to your brain, so your brain cells will start dying. But another issue is that blood doesn't just carry nutrients to your cells, but also removes waste from them. So as you're sitting there in cardiac arrest your brain cells aren't just dying from lack of oxygen, they're also getting filled up with their own crap. So when people recover from cardiac arrest (which is itself rare) they often have brain damage, will require a long term hospital stay to recover, and almost never recover fully. So the cop didn't spring back to life, but he was awake and alert afterwards, which coupled with his injuries was very unrealistic.

I liked it, but it was funny how in the first half of the movie they were making such a big deal over the cop dying would mean a life sentence in jail, but later in the movie they're literally sending a car armed with a minigun into a crowd of like 30 cops which somehow only kills one and they never mention it again.

I appreciate you sharing this info with us, it's cool to learn about it.

the dye had been cast

Did you happen to see The Guilty? It's not about an EMT, but it's about a 911 dispatcher so maybe you would have some insight into that?

i'll save this list and check it out , thanks.
Yea Forums is definitely a funposting board, just think it could benefit more with recommendations of some sorts. Not necessarily "greatest" films of all time.

no problem, if you want EMT kino I have two recommendations

1. Bringing out the dead - Nick Cage plays an extremely burned out paramedic in early 90's NYC
2. The Ambulance - B horror movie about an evil doctor who is using a custom tanklike ambulance to abduct diabetics for underground experiments to find a cure for diabetes. In classic B movie fashion they didn't have money to hire good actors for the leads, but they did have money to get some well known character actors who steal every scene they're in. This one is actually on youtube I think.

no I haven't, I'll check it out though thanks

it was ok
pretty skippable though

Looks woke AF with the colored guy being the hero. Is it like that?

bringing out the dead was solid and I've been interested in The Ambulance since I saw shout factory put it out on blu ray


Ignore every post before this. It's Kino but it has...Woke elements, well things you'd have ignored 10 years ago but now feel like it's an agenda.