I can not believe Yea Forums is sleeping on this kino.
Bayhem has been PERFECTED
Just finished this about 20 minutes ago.
Absolute garbage.
Someone better start telling the truth. I don't watch non kinos.
>sleeping on this
just fuck off. nobody likes this retarded lingo
It's kino. Jake puts in Nicholas Cage tier performance and it's fucking awesome.
Bay seems to have mastered his directing style. He's absolutely wild with the camera but he really knows what he's doing.
The story is great, it's as good as any of the great action kinos of the 90s.
It blew me away, and I'm not normally a fan of Michael Bay.
>Dont talk a certain way
Just because you are an uncool boomer that hasnt socialised with anyone IRL for years, you've become so jaded and bitter you spend all your time being angry online.
Absolutely pathetic
Ill give it straight to you, spoiler free for you my fren. The action is kino and the shots are unironically some of the best in recent action movies, also the whole drone thing really plays well with the movie. However, the script is dogshit, like very well likely the worst Bay has directed, there are no characters, as in 0 personality or charm or anything. Plus, the reason why I personally didnt liked it is cause, to say it on a way, there is a constant theme in the movie wich gets brought up constantly and is in the end they just go compleatly against it, making the movie really wierd to be honest and kind of unenjoyable.
TLDR. Action is kino but the script and ending send all that down the toilet making it very unsatisfying
it's woke crap, don't listen to the nigger shill
It has a black actor, but it's not woke.
I've already watched it twice, fellow Baychad.