Any alien/extraterrestrial horror movie recommendations?
Any alien/extraterrestrial horror movie recommendations?
How do they know what language the alien speaks? And how do they know where to mail the broadcast to?
Science has just fucking killed us all, how dare they reveal my location thinking they represent me. unbelievably fucking stupid
>range is 300 light years around us
Why even bother
oh wow i always forget how retarded Yea Forums users are
>DUDE aliens LMAO
We will never come across aliens in our lifetime. Move on already, they probably don’t even exist
Actual brainlet take
do these people not understand if they have the capability to find us they don't care about their empty eaters like we do. They most likely have inter stellar travel and would probably do horrors unimaginable. fucking stupid
stephen hawkins is probably in hell for being an atheist and a cuck. there’s no reason aliens would need to be aggressive if they’re advanced enough to reach earth. slave labour or resources would be irrelevant with that kind of technology, and interstellar wars are unfeasible pointless sci fi cope
its the equivalent of indians 500 years ago sending a message in a bottle across the Atlantic Ocean hoping they'll be nice people on the other side
>scientists right now
>space big so there must be aliens!!
you don’t understand statistics
>lmao religiontards actually believe in le god hahaha imagine being superstitious in the 21st century in the year of Science of Logic
do atheists really?
>ask a reasonable question
How would aliens even understand the broadcast? What aliens speak English or something? They're freaking out over nothing.
yeah they actually seriously believe this shit lmfao because it’s on star trek
they arent broadcasting a message, numb nuts, its revealing our location.
Didn’t we already send a message in space decades ago?
Not to mention what address are they gonna give? 3 Milky Way road? Lmfao
yeah right I'm sure it's some kind of 20,000 page biography of Trump warning other civilizations about white supremacy.
If we do discover aliens, everyone will be disappointed
>WTF, where are the heckin spaceships and green men
basic violation of a well established military situation:
you do not reveal yourself until assessing what you are dealing with
it would actually make sense for aliens to kill us if they saw 21st century retardation
Yes, on Voyager. Actually bought a copy of it.
>there’s no reason aliens would need to be aggressive
we are stupid and we have enough nukes to blow up planets. there is your reason
How are they revealing our location without sending a message?
This is silly. If there were any aliens in that range that could do anything to us, their tech would be advanced enough to have found us already.
Aliens do not exist
Every broadcast reveals a source location and you could only communicate a location by broadcasting it. Wtf are you talking about?
artificial pulses of radio waves
Since you guys are chuds let me see how you respond to a hypothetical situation:
If aliens arrived and decided to erase all "libtards" who would you side with? Alien invaders or humans? Sad thing is I'm pretty sure I already know the answer.
we would be zero threat to aliens with the technology to reach us from far away. them ignoring us is way more likely
>they probably don’t even exist
Kek. user is literally picrel
>Bro the probability of aliens existing is-
No, you can't assess the probability of something happening based off one (1) data point. The fermi equation is absolute pop-sci bullshit
>schizo tier ramblings of orange hitler
>aliens nuke us from orbit as determining we are anti biology based off the tranny leftoid ramblings
kino in its pure form
bunch of cucks itt. aliens should be intimidated by us, not the other way around. they better hope we dont ever get off this planet.
broadcasting a repeated radio wave pulse isnt a message.
literally just an ad hominem that can be applied to you with the opposite sentiment.
Aliens. Next question.
You're not capable of having a conversation outside of tv show quotes
That's a message. It might not have any content to it, but if I send someone a bunch of random characters, that's still a message
"nukes" are a basic quirk of relativity that we're too stupid to control. an interstellar civilization would have at least as much power as the entire planet's nuclear arsenal under active control. read: not being wasted on one-off bombs that don't actually do much damage to anything other than our shitty stick/foil buildings.
So you admit you're a traitor?
It's a signal conveying information, how is that not a message?
Hey, it's the humans from the year 8022. Aliens just got here. What did you fuckers tell them 6,000 years ago?
that trans women are women
>dude the size of the universe and the occurrence of earth-like planets and the existence/distribution of life-enabling elements is just one data point bro
literal retard
>the opposite sentiment.
It wouldn't be an ad hominem then, I'm not important, it would be completely delusional to think so.
True Detective is a Yea Forums staple faggot kys.
Life itself...
what is the percentage likelihood of an earth life planet developing life? oh wait, you have no idea
nope, a message is a communication containing some information, news, advice, request. I'm not here to teach you basic English.
a repeated artificial pulse can contain a message.
Yes. Humans are shit.
nobody said it couldnt. we arent sending Aliens morse code you stupid fuck.
Imagine thinking we're the only life in several billion unvierses with unimaginable chances for potential intelligence to exist
>actual brainlet
abiogensis precursor steps have been performed in lab settings.
>several billion unvierses
what did post number #166945025 mean by this
NASA decided they will attach 1 (ONE) pic to the bottle message to aliens.
What pic do we send bros?
>Humans are shit.
Pathetic nihilism on display here.
>he doesn't know about spectrographic analysis
whats with all the dunning kruger today?
Even if they do exist the possibility that we will cross paths is basically zero.
Nikocadoavocados asshole
Why don't we just blow up mars or something to show them we shouldn't be messed with?
You don't even know the difference between a universe and a galaxy.
Imagine drinking
>life-enabling elements
We don't know how life formed on Earth, there's no reason to assume we'd know what conditions would necessitate the formation of life elsewhere.
>dude the size of the universe
When you only know of one instance of something occurring, the pseudo-statistical argument you're implying is based on nothing
>earth-like planets
Again, just assuming Earth like planet = life or even the possibility of life is just that; an assumption.
No, you're the retard
of course jews want people to think that
Aliens. Way beyond negotiating with libtards.
>A location isn't information
so literally all of chemistry/physics is just an assumption to you.
yes, you definitely sound very, very smart.
doesnt matter, problem is you give aliens your location: now they will anally probe us all
You probably think the earth is round like all NPCs
>"Chemistry and physics says there's life elsewhere in the universe"
>"T-they just do, okay?!"
Go back to your I Fucking Love Science facebook page, midwit
Yeah well that's just like your opinion man
>be ayyy
>receive earth's location
>decide to attack because dark forest and shieeet
>reach earth after long voyage
>get fucking assblasted by type III human civilization
>message was sent like half million years ago