have you purposely ruined the kinoplex experience for someone before?
Have you purposely ruined the kinoplex experience for someone before?
i don’t get it
If you squint your eyes a bit the red seats in the middle will sort of look like a penis
some guy reserved the end seat in row 11 to be away from everyone else, and OP or whoever took the screenshot reserved the seat right next to him
why doesn't anybody want to be in the middle? isn't that the best view?
Nah senpai. There are bare seats senpai. Elevate yourself innit. Elevate yourself from the premises senpai.
i see the avacado guy's rear end v-v
green is free, red is taken, yellow is creepy OP.
no one wants to hear a bunch of darkies crinkling wrappers and sucking soda in their ear.
The screen is flat, it makes literally no difference the angle you view it at
The Man's South
you’re retarded
you've never been to a theater before
I'd take 19 and jerk off when the couple up front starts making out during a boring part
Based retard
guy on the far end of 11 probably chose that seat because he's self-conscious of his terrible odor. good job OPtard
Why did they change the game?
>reserving seats
Do Eurocucks really?
Why is the theater so large? Where do you live?
imagine how desperate you would have to be to sit in those first four of five rows
why would you willingly do that
way back in the 90s, I think it was billy madison was playing opening night. The theater was packed to the brim of 12-16 year olds and the projector wouldnt start but they kept the lights out. It took them like 45 minutes to get it running. It turned into a total shitshow with people chanting, throwing things, and generally just being stupid teenagers. Everyone over the age of 18 or on dates was annoyed as fuck and everytime the manager tried to come in to calm things down he was pelted with candy. After the movie he was out front talking to like 40 angry people demanding refunds.
These little homemade pocket slingshots (plastic bottle top+elastic band+rubber balloon) could send a balled up gummy bear or skittle from the back row to the front row in near silence and was like firing mortars off into the crowd. One time we kept pelting this couple so the dude stood up searching for who was doing it. We ditched our candy under the seats and asked us if we had seen anything. He then went up the aisles looking and open handed slapped the goth kids like 10 rows in front of us because they had a ton of candy and no clue what was happening. Good times.
Thanks for reading my blog.
this lil nigga
hehe, little teen tricks
But the players stayed the same.
Helsinki Tennis Palace
Yes we do and have for a long time
Pepe butthole lol
That quarter pipe looks too steep
why does he have a condom in his mouth? i hope it's not used at least
Covid approved breathing apparatus
>it took the nigger basketball association literally 75 years to figure out shooting from 3 is better than shooting from a deep 2
how is this our fault again?
90s-00s basketball was more interesting than now
He just wants to wank to Anya in peace
The 3 point line has only been in regular use for about 40 years. The Olympics only started using it in 1988.
I need to see a picture of this cinema because it appears to have no walk ways.
>ayy lmao
genetic abomination
wtf kind of language is that? lmao
Analysis nerds became a thing.
The probability of scoring long 2pts isn't too different from 3 pts so not worth taking those shots.
they hated him because he told them the truth
happened to me when i saw that Rock movie Rampage, six people in the theatre middle of the afternoon, someone two seats away from me. He went the bathroom came bath seconds before the movie started and sat one away. I have my jacket and snacks either side of me so picked them up and decided to move. I was sat middle centre.
Might a person who knows they're gonna fidget/make noises all the time, and doesn't bother anyone else. OP's experience gonna be ruined.
You're gonna awkwardly shuffle past a dozen people already in their seats and you will enjoy it.
Insane. Tell me they stagger the audience members
what's the problem?
no idea. only googled picture of that place
>all those single seats
oof. this film is incel city
Seems comfy. I wonder if the Finns would welcome me.
I take my shoes off and put my feet up on the seats
ima girl btw teehee
I hate to ruin it to you but the yellow seat selection mark appears when you select any seat that is not taken, it doesn’t confirm that he actually bought the ticket
Why the fuck is this pic unzoomable
more like this god
>goth kids get slapped for dindu nuffin
I would slip my tiny peepee between those itchy witchy toesie woesies and keep on slippin and slidin til the goop comes out
mfw a chud sits next to me at the kinoplex
I honestly thought it was a new pepe meme with the rear profile of his head.
>"hello fellow chud"
I have a better suggestion if OP wants to ruin the movie going experience for others
>Get a seat in the middle
>Take a laxative
>Go to the bathroom multiple times throughout the film
>Crop dust the 2 dozen people you have to walk past every time
>we wuz vikangz n shieeet