Can we please get a Lalo show
Can we please get a Lalo show
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Never seen the show but people love this guy for some reason, Qrd? Have a bump
>people love this guy for some reason
Fucking WHY
it would be good content
He's muy guapo, muy intelligente, y el Diablo.
Well, he is a white-looking Mexican. Both parties should like him.
> paco paco paco en mi caballo
He stole the show from the first syllable he uttered.
> white-looking
> both parties
American moment.
Let's Follow Lalo
He is an absolute chad of a guy that is pleasant to watch because on the outside he oozes confidence and loving his life, something that the faggy media and, by extend, this generation is lacking more every year.
Also, he is ruthless, quick-thinking, and won't stop before absolutely nothing to achieve his goals.
I'd rather watch his escapades than some retarded Mary Sue show like Killing Eve, where we are trying to get forced to root for "Le stronk serial killer gurl", which deserves to get shot on sight over how much of a fucking shallow faggot she is.
Anyone got the screencap of the guy's idea for Nacho and Lalo to start rival empires in the wake of Walt collapsing the southwestern drug trade?
half of the story revolves around these guys Gus and Mike, as well as their mole Nacho, trying to pull fast ones on the cartel
this guy is a dude from the cartel they're trying to screw over who magically knows Gus, Mike, and Nacho are scamming him, but doesn't know the details. so every episode is just him coming so close to figuring things out it forces gus/mike/nacho to come up with some even more insane scheme to stop him, and seeing them all dig their graves ever deeper to try and stop this guy who's just doing his own thing is pretty great
like, his best episode, he randomly decides to go look at a particular car in the desert that had been mentioned to him a while ago, figures out it had bullet holes in it (it shouldn't have) then goes back and interrogates the car's driver in the middle of the night. he doesn't use torture or anything, but it's a cartel guy asking the same question to the driver and his wife over and over and the driver's being forced to lie to him because he knows he can't reveal the scheme to him, and it just creates a really tense atmosphere.
imagine a prequel where you have a general idea of where things are going and suddenly a force of pure charismatic chaos appears at the end
For real it puts the "Lalo didn't send you?" scene from BrBa into a whole new light, they did an amazing job establishing why Saul is scared shitless of him.
right.. now tell me it again.
why did he kill those two poor farmer people wife and husband with scisccor in the start of season episode 1 season 6?
From the creators of AMC hit show Better Call Saul
Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan presents
also why is kim wexler now literally just a SJW marry sue, that story about that mexican kid who was offered to drive richy richs car around as richt richs goes in with machete and robs a liquor store, it was like even worse than those twitter fantasy stories u see about Luke Skywalker stopping vladimir putin.
he looks like Mexican Josh Brolin
this fucking spick has derailed what was a fantastic character drama and turned it into the bullshit action schlock Breaking Bad was. no, DON’T give him his own show.
The guy who shaved his ZZ Top beard, the guy who Lalo payed for his dental work... that's him burned up back at the hacienda. The dental records match. Lalo's been planning for this contingency for awhile. Shame about the lady though, but hey, he's a bad guy.
oh damn so he paid for his dental work incase he needed a decoy. thanks user, looking back now it was stupid of me to miss it.
wouldn’t an autopsy be able to determine that the decoy was killed from a stabbing and burned afterwards?
probably, but it's tv. besides, the cops may know not to fuck around too deep in cartel matters
is it just me or is she extremely attractive in the first episodes of season 6? like she completely mogs anyone else, has that milf look to her and cleavage to go with it, couldnt find a picture of her from the second episode season 6 where her cleave is on full display
Hola Lalo
>is it just me
no, she’s legitimately one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen
So season 6 is shit, right?
yeah. but since ive already watched the other 5 seasons which were also shit, im gonna finish it.
You don't have to finish your bowl of shit to know, that it's a shit.
one of the most entertaining villains in years
It's weird but I was really rooting for Lalo while watching these recent eps. I don't know if the showrunners intended for you to root for the main villain though. I hope he wins and gets his revenge but considering Breaking Bad it doesn't look good for him.
other than being a murderous drug lord, he isn't really doing anything wrong. it would be nice to see him get his revenge on gus, but we know it won't happen
Don't normally watch TV shows because I hate being edged for 100 hours and maybe ending up disappointed in the end, but I've heard nothing but praise for both shows for years, so ill give it a go.
No way ill catch up before it ends so do you recommend BB or Saul first? Also movie y/n?
BCS is written with the presumption that the viewer has already seen Breaking Bad (which sucks, because BB is exceptionally inferior to BCS). If you can get through Breaking Bas’s ridiculous asspulls and contrivances, an actually good character drama awaits for you with Better Call Saul
>"paca paca paca paca en mi caballo"
>*climbs into the ceiling*
>*teleports behind you*
>"heh, nothing personal, mijo"
>"paca paca paca paca en mi caballo"
>*crawls through tunnel*
>*teleports behind you*
>"heh, nothing personal, mijo"
>"paca paca paca paca en mi caballo"
I want vince to make something new after this, maybe a spy show or something.
> i fricking love my hecking based spic daddy!!! give me more slop to consooooooom
The body double thing sort of made me realize there are some weak plot beats or things that don't exactly make sense in both BB and BCS. But overall they are both nice.
He's a charismatic hjgh functioning psychopath. That's why
This reminded me of LALOLA
Garbage argie melodrama about a genderbent man.
Lola, formerly Lalo.
Lalo makes me wanna grow a mustache
isnt it sociopath since psycopathy is ur born with it but socipathy is ur molded by the upbringing
Isn't Mike supposed to be an ex cop?
How is he so elite with skills and knowledge equivalent or even better than a special forces operative?
people like you are why most tv shows are dogshit nowadays
Could be either seeing as we don't know his backstory enough. Either he's born this way or his upbringing made him this way
literally me
why do you guys like dumb spin offs
mommy gib milkies
isn't it heavily implied he's a vet? who's to say he wasn't a special forces operative?
I don't think those are the definitions of those terms. They're not well-defined at all afaik.
Him and Nacho are the only reason to watch. I skip all the Saul and Kim parts.
based skipper. kim is just a joke at this point. sjw self insert powerfantasy.