Just saw it.
>some liberties were taken but relatively accurate historically and culturally (according to gf, who is scandinavian)
>well shot
>nice soundtrack
>manly as fuck
>no niggers
>no faggots
>no trannies
MOTY for me so far.
Just saw it.
>some liberties were taken but relatively accurate historically and culturally (according to gf, who is scandinavian)
>well shot
>nice soundtrack
>manly as fuck
>no niggers
>no faggots
>no trannies
MOTY for me so far.
this is your brain on Yea Forums
>no niggers or trannies
>best movie of the year
same, it was fantastic
>no niggers or trannies
>best movie of the year
>le heckin based epic racist kinerino!!!
kys immediately
Flop of the year so far too lmao.
>movie about scandinavians and slavs
>based on scandinavian legend
>no niggers
How is this racist?
There's a lot more to a movie than just that.
>nigger bad
>tranny bad
> no nigger or tranny good
really firing on all cylinders here, huh chudleys?
Yeah, like the first 4 points mentioned in the OP, you retard.
movies should reflect the time theyre made in rather than the time theyre set in, otherwise youre doing a disservice to your audience (not just whites, no matter how much you wish it was)
so would you be mad if there was a movie based on african culture that had all niggers in it?
what's the problem?
>(according to gf, who is modern day scandinavian)
never said it was, but making the that inference that "movie good because no minorities" is unironically retard-level movie criticism
are you insane
So, Black Panther 2 should have white Wakandans then.
god i wish you were fucking dead, bait or not
>nooo my secret edgy club
grow up
She studied scandinavian history and folklore in uni.
>le heckin based epic racist kinerino!!!
>never said it was
Off yourself, you retard.
that green text is clearly speaking in op's voice, and it says he's calling the movie racist (that's why professes to like it). can't you read?
Cringe snownigger pandering
Just as bad as dark nigger pandering
Same subhumans, different appearance, no wonder they want to mix so bad
If we are to believe Asians migrated to Scandinavia and became Scandinavians then we should also be able to believe Africans migrated to Scandinavia and became Scandinavians
movies set in a certain locale or dealing with a specific cultural background can and should still be diverse. black panther successfully did this by featuring white characters as the antagonists
see above, black panther 2 should and will feature non PoC characters
Are there any uncomfortable hardcore sex scenes? I want to watch this with my parents
I am the OP, and I enjoyed that there were no blacks and faggots shoe-horned into a movie about a scandinavian legend. Problem?
You forgot to include pronouns in your post.
>>no niggers
that's what everyone normal thought back in 1990, you are the re programmer and its not working anymore KEK
No. There is gore, and there is a scene where the berserkers slaughter a slavic village, take slaves, rape the women, and lock the rest of the people they don't want in a burning building.
its not necessarily something id want to see with my mom but theres not a ton of nudity or sex
t. faggot who probably screams and cries whenever there aren't enough dark people on the screen
just open your wrists
yeah man I hate pronouns too. I'd kill somebody on the spot if they referred to me as "he"
the fact that people actually believe and encourage this delusion is insane
Unfortunately its also not very good
i’ll refer to you as reddit and gay
>see above, black panther 2 should and will feature non PoC characters
That's not what I said. I said that there should be white Wakandans in Black Panther 2.
i already bought tickets sorry
villains cant even be evil anymore, thats problematic and toxic
>rape the women
Hmm yeah maybe I wont take my parents then
Thanks anons
More people would've been interested in this movie if the shill campaign hadn't revolved incel rage. You shot yourself in the foot
lots of chud coping and seething in this thread, don't you have bbc and shemales to fantasize about?
It's only implied that they're raped. It's not shown.
You really belive Yea Forums has that much influence? Normies just think its a Viking movie you autistic troon
>they mostly raid the boards at night... mostly.
yes basically
normal people want normal people in their movies
i don't see a problem with it
>no trannies
What the hell is this?
how can you fags fall for bait this obvious is beyond me
It's normal to be on the left and support violence so don't worry.
Poes law my negro
A swedish zoomer.
where did i say the PoC characters in the northman would have needed to be scandinavian?
It's not that this is bait. It's that there are ACTUAL "people" who believe in this kind of retardation. World's fucked brehs
Why would there be PoC in a farm in 10th century Iceland?
You're a faggot and a nigger
Congratulations on having a cutie scandi gf, user. I hope things are going well (if you're also white) and i hope you plan on marrying her and making atleast 4 white babies.
If youre not white tho, you should kill youself seriously, literally, and unironically because there are too many colored folk shitting up the planet with their existence
I am white, relax.
trade and travel existed, if even that is too difficult for a screenwriter to manage there are several scenes featuring supernatural characters, gods and valkyries and the like, which you could have expanded and cast with a PoC. it would literally take almost no effort except the will to do it but, especially considering the actors previous projects, i assume that it was intentional
Is your gf based
She is learning. She started using faggot to describe people she doesn't like. She used to have lesbian bff lmao.
>trade and travel existed
It's ridiculously difficult to get to Iceland from Africa and why would a trader visit some small farm in the middle of nowhere?
>gods and valkyries and the like, which you could have expanded and cast with a PoC.
Why the fuck would the scandinavian gods be black?
Its a good start.
Seems pretty agreeable