What if it's good?

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Not enough black women tbhfam

It doesn't matter. idiots will still watch it either way

wich one of the two niggers on the sides is going to be the actual main character, who is going to lecture everyone every moment and steal the focus from the white dude?
just asking

>dad is way into star trek
>never really gave it a chance
>liked the Abrams films
>went back and watched original series
>suddenly have a lot to talk about with dad
>look at what they're doing for Paramount+
>picard and all the rest of it looks like woke shit
i feel like I got bait and switched getting into star trek in 2016

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>two dykes on the left
it's pozzed

>What if it's good?
You'd have better odds playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets in the gun.

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It probably won't be.
But consider this alternative.

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It won't be, Paramount is incapable of making anything good.

The things that make Discovery and Picard shit aren't isolated to those shows. It's ingrained into all the major studios now. The people they're hiring, what direction they want their properties to go in, what messaging they want for their brand as a whole through the products they put out etc.

Discovery and Picard are what Star Trek is now.

Watch some of the originals with your dad user.
There's only several hundred hours to choose from.

how are they making money with any of this shit? I don’t know anyone who watches it

Will it at least have self-contained episodes with, you know, cool space mysteries? Instead of le overarching plotline drek that all nu-trek seems to be.

>sure, the same guy who's shit on my table two times already is squatting over my plate again, but who knows what's coming out?

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there's a general up for this garbage
if you want specific threads, remove the fucking general faggots

Good thing you still have TNG, DS9 and ENT

I want it to be, but we all know it'll be meh at best...

Plus, even if it IS good, we're stuck with a very limited number of seasons because Pike getting chair'd is already confirmed in DIS, and they'll be real fucking stupid to attempt to remake TOS, let alone have Kirk show up.

>overarching plotline drek
I wouldn't mind this but every overarching plotline is "save the universe" shit and that's gotten really tiresome.

just ignore modern shit and i personally switch VYG with ENT.

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The general of which you speak is composed of shrieking faggots that are there to discuss tripfags and their feet. Star Trek discussion is verboten there, unless it is feet related.

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>let alone have Kirk show up.


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I want to be surprised, disappointed, upset, literally anything, but I'm just... I'm not surprised. I can't even be surprised anymore by nutrek.

Just fucking end me.

>What if it's good?
Don't be so fucking stupid.

>I want to be surprised, disappointed, upset, literally anything, but I'm just... I'm not surprised.

I'm in the same boat. It's a weird feeling, having been a fan of Star Trek basically as long as I can remember, that there are multiple Trek series running right now, and a new series coming out, and I just do not care. I watched a couple episodes of Picard S2 just out of morbid curiosity, but I just cannot be bothered to even pirate SNW.

I know what it's going to be.

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Picard S2's setting is weird, still not sure whether I like it or not.

Mhmn. I get that. It feels so bad that we finally can have high budget tv trek, only for it to be shat on all over the place by incompetent writers trying to pander to audiences that don't even watch trek, will not watch trek, and want to alienate the existing fanbase in the name of "sociopolitical progress" or "diversity". I mean christ, Lower Decks is probably the best nutrek shit we have, and it's really just making fun of classic trek as a whole.

How many fucking series are they making now, Jesus fucking Christ focus on one and try to not make it unmitigated dog jizz

All of these black and minority and strong female characters they're pushing, but do you see and podcasts/youtubers with black people discussing Nu-Trek? It's always white guys.

Honestly, the best part of DIS was the booker/michael moments. The rest of it was just pain retarded. Usually romance is the worst part of a show, but this one was surprisingly... Not shit compared to all the other romance subplots. Slampig Tilly also got spared a lot of shame by being written out very early on, and then coming back right at the end to do the right thing.

Watch the original movies & TNG.

> Focused on optimism & exploration and so hopefully will not further tarnish the Federation the way Picard did.
> 3 of the 4 leads are white.
> 2 of them are male and seem to be the focus and are allowed to get laid.
> Pike was the best part of Discovery and is the lead here.
> The 1 white female lead is a sexy fucking milf.
> The new Uhura seems likable enough so far.

> Threat of wokeness appearing in alternative forms from Discovery/Picard is still very real.

Star Trek the undiscovered country is really good
Never expected a star trek movie to be about the collapse of communism and the wall going down

It’s gonna be crap.

I want your hard drive


The female uniforms aren't skimpy enough

>white captain
big yikes, that's very problematic for a show that is supposed to take place in the future

user, a turd in a pile of shit is still shit. All I'm saying is, it was the most decent shit that was taken that season.

All nuTrek is unwatchable faggotshit this will be no different.


The Book of Captain Pike

That’s exactly what’s gonna happen.

why are they all wearing yoga pants

can't wait for michael burnham to show up

it's fine

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>"Sorry xir, we have to make the two leads white males, they were like that in the original show"

Two episodes where Michael takes over the show.

It looks more promising than anything else Trek-related since fucking ENT, but we're still trapped in the Kurtzman-zone so there's no point in getting excited.

It won’t be

The one on the right, he looks gay. But then again, the one on the left is a woman. I'm guessing he lectures everyone else, but she lectures him.

The crew is SIX women to three men? Fuck that. I bet the Captain will be gay.

if hes so hated, can someone explain why he still has a job? and even if he ISN'T hated, who lets someone produce like 4 fucking shows. let someone else have it.

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It's because of a fucking throwaway line from the fucking 1965 pilot where Pike says something like "Women on my bridge?" jokingly. Because of that the tranny writers had an aneurysm and made the whole bridge ugly women as a gotcha.

honestly they should be gay considering how many times they've been tricked by space whores in the TOS

Hey if Pike was gay it would be fine, even cool, but to Hollywood being gay means being a RAINBOW FAGGOT.

nothing good can come of a rotted foundation. let the original crew have their ending.

Because streaming services WANT to attract artistically illiterate retards to watch their shows as they are too dumb and spooked to pirate their content. I just made this up, but it's probably true

My dad loves the original series. Hated everything after besides the movies till he saw enterprise. I've watched a few episodes of it because my dad actually liked it. Highly recommend if you like the original series, it's alot like it. Humans have balls again.

I'm hopeful for strange new worlds because they seem to be trying to appease old fags
>Pike is captain not a literal who
>non serialized
>og timeline

There's like 20 producers on STD. I don't know about the other shows, but I think they need to keep making shows until there's enough work for every producer.

Harry Mudd's sex robots were the cure for inceldom in the primitive pre-holodeck era.

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technically in TAS there were holodecks

I saw a screen in the credits of Picard that was a wall of accountants. I didn't save it.