>that one kid who wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park
What was his name
That one kid who wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park
Me. I think I turned out better for it. Thanks, mom.
me, only with south park though for some reason
Literally who?
my mother let me watch south park and family guy but not the simpsons because it made fun of religion too much
family guy and south park also had to be turned off if an episode made too much fun of religion in one sitting
really tells you how confident somebody is in their beliefs when they think a cartoon can dismantle their child's faith in 2 minutes
My parents were kino and let me watch anything that wasn't soft core porn. Had to stay up many nights to figure out the passcode
My mom let me watch south park but my dad didn't. On the contrary, when I was very little my dad let me watch the simpsons and my mom wouldn't.
Do Americans really
I was allowed to watch The Simpsons but not South Park. I'm kind of grateful for it because later on when I was older I watched seasons 1-10 all at once and the entire thing was new to me. My family had no idea what Family Guy was, I watched every episode of season 1-3 while they aired and it was a pain in the ass to even know when they came on.
I watched The Simpsons and South Park even though my mom hated it, I never watched Family Guy because even at a young age I knew it was shit
That was me and I understand why, those shows are shit. But also,
>didn't allow me to watch Harry Potter, play Pokemon or play any video game where you "kill" an opponent because her women's bible study told her it was satanic
That was just her listening to a bunch of out of touch and stupid women who feed into each other. Love my mom though and she did many things right.
His parents died in a car crash and he was raised by his grandparents.
They made him carry a pocket comb and only bought him cheap, high water jeans.
My grandma wouldn't let us read Harry Potter when we were over at her house because it was about witch craft. We had to lie and pretend we didn't watch the movies or read the books because she was so hardcore Christian
She did good not letting you watch Harry Potter. And video games turn you into a stunted spastic sperg with ADHD so she did right in that department as well.
Why are Christians like this lmao
Were you also the kids who were not allowed to go trick r treating?
I wasn't allowed to play GTA or COD as a kid. I'm still seething about it to this day.
GTA for me because mom didn't want me to kill hookers but Killing Japs with a flamethrower was A Ok
>dad buys GTA III "for me" even though we play it the same amount and try to beat each others record on surviving five stars
>mom walks in one day while I'm shooting the guy who sells you guns and flips the fuck out
>she had no idea the game had graphic murder and assumed it was just some benign car driving game
>dad gets an ass chewing
>game taken away for a week until dad finally gets her to give it back on the condition that I acknowledge it's just a video game and not real at all
Yeah, but when you're a kid, you want to be able to do what the other kids are doing and socialize with them.
She also believed cell phones radiate people so I was the last kid to have one. Some of the rules she made when I was in grade school made it hard to fit in. But then she'd go over and beyond in making me nice food, giving me nice clothes, making sure I was doing good in school and helping me and going without so I could have.
Mothers are good at nurturing, but fathers really help a boy become independent, social and find his path in life. In that way, I think I had too much of my mother and not enough of my father during that time where you first enter puberty and start to find your way as a man and it's attributed to me being a bit behind the curve and weird in some ways, that has carried on with me.
Video games are mentally damaging and those games in particular suck cock anyway so you didn't miss out on anything.
based dad
I wasnt allowed to play m rated stuff but i really didnt want to play any of them anyways
I've forgotten his name. He died of cancer some years ago. We weren't friends. I remember him covering his eyes when I watched King of the Hill in the hotel room on a school trip.
>those games in particular suck cock anyway
I agree in hindsight but the principle still pisses me off. would have rather found out for myself.
>Video games are mentally damaging
Imagine posting on this shithole and saying anything is mentally damaging.
My parents never let me watch The Simpsons, but they were ok with me being obsessed with Pokémon. My sister loved Harry Potter, but I always thought it was gay. I never read past the second book.
I had a friend whose mom didn't really want him watching The Simpsons, but they watched Rated R movies together all the time.
I was banned from watching Power Rangers for some reason. Was also watching the Simpson’s episode where they go to the civil war re-enactment and my dad walked in on the scene where the actors are “fighting” and I think one guy on the ground gets “stabbed” by a bayonet or something. (right before they notice Springfield kids and yell “hey! Those kids are learning for free! Get them!”) He didn’t see the before context, or anything after that specific part of the scene, turned off the tv and said I couldn’t watch it anymore because it was too violent. Pretty sure I was like 6-8 years old at the time.
is it possible to hear an image?
>Yeah, but when you're a kid, you want to be able to do what the other kids are doing and socialize with them.
You don't need to play video games or watch Harry Potter to do that. I'm not saying she didn't go a bit too far but it sounds like she generally did what was best regardless of her silly reasons for doing what she did.
My parents wouldn't let me watch the Alien films. I was mad when they turned out to be less scary than the average Dr Who episode.
No we were allowed but one year I wanted to dress up as the evil and my dad wouldn't let me. I just thought the costume at the store was cool, he had a cape and a pitch fork and horns I wanted to wear it but my dad freaked out and forbid it
This shit started because back in the 90's there were politicians like Hillary Clinton who were trying to ban Mortal Kombat and Doom.
His name was Steven and he was also allergic to everything so that faggot is the reason I wasn't able to eat peanut butter in my own damn classroom.
I know you're here steven. Neck yourself you genetic dead end. God I hope you never bred.
When I came home from school in the late 90s there were three different cable channels that played Simpsons reruns in the exact same rotation. So I watched the same episode three times a day -- 4:00, 4:30 and 5:00pm finishing just in time for dinner.
I once won a pub Simpsons trivia night by myself against teams of 4-6.
The devil*
>Imagine posting on this shithole and saying anything is mentally damaging.
Never said this place wasn't. If I wasn't given unrestricted internet access I wouldn't be here.
Im a zoomer who greup up with ps3 and I would just buy psn cards to buy rated m games on my own. Whenever my parents walked in on me playing gta 4, Id just go to the map
>villain is evil
>his name is "the devil"
You'd think God could have been a bit more original when it came to writing the Bible.
Only Family Guy and Southpark, until my mom accidentally watched some southpark and found out that she really liked it. A year later our cat was named Butters.
based Simpsons quiz expert
What a deceitful little shit
>only allowed to play an hour of video games
>had to spend the rest of the evening watching reruns of shitty american sitcoms
fuck you dad
pretty based desu
I had high intelligence and a promising future, but 10 years later here I am still a virgin on teevee
unironic redditors posting their fake satanic panic stories on here now?
My mom came to me and complained that I "played all those violent video games about killing" once. After I was an adult. Never mentioned it ever before or after.
If you ended up a retarded loser, it's because that's all you've ever been and anything else you tell yourself is just a coping mechanism :)
same to you buddy!
>Dad didn't want me to download Chocolate Starfish from napster
>Did anyway
My parents allowed me to watch The Simpsons and South Park when I was like 6 or 7 yet couldn’t allow me to watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer, what the fuck?
lol my dad arbitrarily chose websites I was and was not allowed to visit because of "viruses". He didn't monitor it at all so I did anyway of course
I'm very high on shatter right now and this webm trips me out.
>that kid with the parents who brought him up properly and didn't grow up to be a total fucking loser
I'm currently killing time at a 6 figure job before I go home to my big titty wife :)
Matt Furie is a faggot but these NFTs are pretty cool actually
you just KNOW when the 4channer starts making up copes to impress anonymous strangers you’ve got them
my dad is a psychopath who was a former anarchist and football hooligan. I fantasized about murdering him a lot. He is tolerable now that I'm an adult and only meet him once a week or less though.
>allegedly successful, happy etc
>shit flings on the internet in anonymous threads that will never be remembered just for a momentary ego boost
quite literally coping with something wrong in your life
I'd guess low self esteem
Same. Never had cable growing up, have no idea how people tolerate ads.
I went from only being allowed to watch SpongeBob to watching Rescue Me/Weeds/Dexter with my parents in a 2 week turnaround period. combined with starting to browse Yea Forums at around that time was really something
Aw look I struck a nerve and now they're projecting their failures onto me lmao
It's funny when you think about childhood and imagine something lasting for years, but then you think about it closer and realize it was actually more like a couple of weeks or a month, if that.
Television wasn't even a thing until I was in my 30s or 40s
based ancientfag
There is not a single episode in any of those shows that made somebody a better person for having watched it.
>better person
all the time I spent just staring at walls and shit and using my imagination alone to entertain myself, when I remember that it makes me feel sad even though I was happy and content when I did it
THIS THIS THIS. please sub to r/childfree if you have not already!! fucking crotchgoblins are killing our heckin planet. please read my philosophical thesis on anti natalism
I never watched Simpsons, Family Guy or South Park not because I wasn't allowed to but more just because I didn't really ever feel like it or look out for FOX.
You will be forgotten by everyone 10 years after dying. You don't matter and literally no one gives a fuck about how "le good le person" you are. :) But that's okay, now go make some more money for shekelberg and consume some HFCS