How viable was his lifestyle, realistically speaking?
How viable was his lifestyle, realistically speaking?
Two hours ldft at work before I can start drinking. I'm so thirsty
it is when you make so much money that you can take week off to sober up and start from beginning again
wfh has been a disaster for my liver
Share your best DRUK stories
I'm 11 months sober, that's probably my best one. Hitting a year will be nice. Part of me misses it still, obviously, but the simple fact is this is the better overall life.
Best of luck, everybody.
wahts a wfh
I know that feel
>I switched to pain medication tho
you drink in your cave all day every day only haveimh to remember to turn the laptop on in the morning all while on salary
well, he does have two heart attacks. he also looks old as shit but is supposed to be like 45 at the beginning of the series.
I haven't drunk since I got on Ritalin. It's just so much better than alcohol. You can enjoy some in the morning and still have a productive day.
what are we listening tonight
>go study with some friends
>we drink a bit
>feels like only a bit anyways
>glance at my tall glass as i'm leaving, and think "did i have four of those?"
>hop behind the wheel and pull into the street
>instantly realize i am fucking plastered
>it's okay, home is almost a straight shot away and it's late as fuck
>immediately run a red light, try to apply brakes halfway through intersection, slide through (winter)
>"oh god i hope nobody saw that"
>cop behind me
>"oh god oh fuck i'm dead game over"
>he doesn't even react
>can only assume he saw my brake lights and thought i slid through the intersection, and figured it wasn't worth going after
>or was on his phone
I assume you already know that will wreak havoc on your liver and kidneys
Its over DRUK bros
say it aint so
I wanna know what happens to DRUK threads, one moment its bussin posts going off left and right and then the next its completely dead
Tranny jannies can't hold their liquor and seethe every time us DRUKbros start having fun. And the worst part is, they do it for free.
Drank 2 litres of wine last night, just cracked open a new bottle. Let's get it
It catches up to you sooner or later. recreational sex, barfights, drunk driving, work, spending.
It's the only way to have his chad energy
my nose was bleeding pretty heavily the last time I did blow but that was three weeks ago. I think I'm ready to get back on that horse this weekend
drank a six pack of Milwaukee's best ice last night and woke up with a splitting headache, guess I'm getting too old for this shit
Two hours left before I start work.
I've been drinking all day. Gonna come in and crush them into submission.
>Drinking before work
I've painted myself into a corner. If I don't come in with stuff coursin' in my veins I'll seem out of character.
>be me, 30yo boomer corporate laywer
>live in city with rideshare cars that are just parked everywhere and can be opened with an app
>be drunk at party
>instead of taking a taxi home open the app and find a nearby car like ive done dozens of times
>drive to the otherside of town because drunk and want to get macdonalds
>drive back on the ringroad to my side of town eating fries
>100m before i get my exit blue flashing lights show up behind me
>take the exit and pull over 1 min from my house
>cop walks over
>"do you know why i pulled you over"?
>try not to slur my words, say I have no idea
>your driving with your lights off and were swerving erratically across the lanes (been driving +30 minutes across town without lights at this point)
>shitting bricks, apologize and blame the strange rideshare car for me not knowing/realizing the lights were off
>no papers or ID on me either
>he walks back to confer with my colleague
>comes back 5min later and asks me where I live.
>say around the corner
>dude gives me three fines (no lights, no ID, no car docs) for a total of +600 EUR and tells me to drive safe
I still have no idea why he let me off without making me take a breathalyser. It did scare me straight though, after 10 years of drunk driving I've taken a taxi every single time since.
Realistically whats the chance of me dying from too much drinking?
>leaving club at 2 am drunk af
>hands in pocket, not paying attention,
>bump into car (hazards on, they were prolly waiting to pick someone up)
>imw earing jacket so my bump is audible and my metalic zippers bump car
>driver gets out tried to get my attention
"bro.. HEY BRO, BRO "
>dont turn around, dont stop, just keep walking away
fuck confrontation
what's your intake?
I'm in law school, this is the future that awaits me apparently
who here druk and high?
cant smoke alone but after a few drinks i love that shit
You sound like my drunk driving brother. He's reached the stage of alcoholism where he functions and drives better while drunk, he drinks while driving even when passing the cops he has a can of beer in his hand. Basically, no one can even tell if you guys are drunk since it became your default state you appear normal to someone who doesn't know you.
Been drinking between 30-50 cans of larger a week for the past 5 or so years
so 5-7 beers a day? you'll be fine.
I'll let you know when I'm dead.
Sometimes I crave cigarettes even though I've had maybe a pack at most throughout my life. Mostly when druk. It hits so nice druk but does nothing for me sober
Anyone here ever dropped acid? How was your trip?
Kek, what do you work at?
It was good in the beginning and then some asshole ruined it. Turned into a horrible experience. Would recommend a very controlled environment
Share comfy songs for druking alone
>flat is currently having a party
oh boy time to get drunk enough to the point where I actually have a normal sociable personality
Also, don't get caught. Depending on where you are, if stuff like that gets out you might get fired or have your bar license revoked or unprofessional behaviour.
Useful skill to have I suppose.
yeah, once at a festival and it hits strongest through death grips, aphex twin and king gizzard, was great.
i drink minimum 12 beers a day every day
How fat are you?
Nigga I said comfy not make me want to drive off a bridge
>tfw alcohol doesn't work for me
I'm sensitive to it so after about 1-2 beers i start to rapidly feel like shit/feel extremely down the next day. And the 1-2 beers don't even feel too great either. I'm cursed...
same for me. had some retard banging on my door for some random reason and I was not sure did I imagine it or did it really happen. ruined as fuck
was fun before that
This. You fall apart after a while and do dumb shit.
t. user with a broken nose
For me its drinking untill i pass out and shit myself
That's more like it, good shit