>Universal’s indie label Focus released “The Northman,” which is projected to earn $10 million to $15 million in its first three days of release. That would be a strong result for an arthouse film, save for the fact that “The Northman” reportedly cost $90 million to make
What went so wrong?

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Why is it not performing well? It looks like the perfect bridge between lowest common denominator interests and actual quality

Did they fuck up the ad campaign or something

/pol/ told me it was pozzed so I didn't go see it

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It only appeals to chuds.

shut up racist

its too generic. like a videogame. his reddit fanbase and the incessent viral marketing put off a lot of people.

Well I've seen zero ads for the movie. I wouldn't even know this existed, if I didn't visit this place.

because everything that isn't capeshit flops now, people don't go to the movies anymore in general and The Northman is an R-rated arthouse flick

Bad casting. Main actor is a weirdo that acts awkward and creepy in interviews and the rest of the characters look bogged and out of place. Also Eggers isn’t really a super good director and has a rep of making slowburn fartsniffs.

they didn't pay for enough shills on Yea Forums

true. what did they hinge it? whats the appeal? who is it for.
so? why should we care?
>because hes real muscular and screams

do you really think non groyper zoomers are interested in norse mythology

*mongolturkic mythology
ftfy Hansdeep Nigelwong

>10mil profit on a 90mil budget
holy shit
It's too overdone, just like zombie movies, viking stuff seems to have run stale for now

Eggers will still be supplied with money to make movies in the future. Who cares if this flops? I'm sure his previous two films were flops in the box office, too.

the northman is capeshit though. for some reason his fans think magic swords, villains who monologue, cgi spears hurled in peoples neck , is high art that is somehow more artistically credible than capeshit.

It's a very weird movie.

Saw this coming a mile away, no one gave a fuck about this movie except Yea Forums. And the only reason they gave a fuck is because it was has an all white cast, which isn’t even why it bombed.

viknags was ruined by the incredibly pozzed vikings show.

No one cares about Vikingshit

white people are bad

I dont know in USA, but the movie released today here in Spain and I cant see it in any fucking cinema around me(also 0 marketing about it).

I have to do a 2 hour trip to see it. Fuck it, im just gonna wait for the torrent

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Terrible cast, reddit director

>Did they fuck up the ad campaign or something

yes. the public transport ads in ten cities across the US shipped without the title of the movie because they changed the font at the last second and fucked it all up--because the anti-defamation league claimed they used "nazi imagery" with the othala (rune for letter O) in the title. look at original poster and trailer versus newer posters where they replaced it with a little diamond shape

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artsy fartsy flick dishonestly marketed to normies as something it clearly isn't. they've done this exact same marketing bullshit with egger's witch (marketed as le scary horror flick), drive (marketed as a fast and furious spin-off), rules of attraction (marketed as an american pie sequel) etc. etc. if you think a 15 million opening is bad news watch this drop 88% next weekend once normies find out they were duped AGAIN.

Last Duel completely bombed.

Why would anyone expect this film w will draw crowds?

Post examples of your civilised thracio-dacian race, Gustav

what was pozzed about Vikings? All I can think of for /pol/cels to complain about is powerful women, which is an actual part of the legends

It was actually ruined by following the lore too closely and killing off ragnar instead of going its own way with the story

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My town theatre didn't play it

False and misleading advertisement. It pretends to be a viking epic, when that part of it immediately dies after the 30 minute mark, then it becomes a stage play set in icelandic grasshuts. No one is going to recommend it, if they are lured in thinking it'll be an action flick. It's a decent movie, but it becomes too pussified and romantic

>because the anti-defamation league claimed they used "nazi imagery" with the othala (rune for letter O) in the title
lmao fucking hell, I hope you're just making shit up

>I'm sure his previous two films were flops in the box office, too.

his previous two films cost a combined 12 million to make. this cost 65 million before covid fucked it up requiring rebuilding all the sets and paying the main cast to do weeks of reshoots, which bumped it to 90. fortunately they only spend about fifty bucks on marketing.

The audience for this movie are just waiting to pirate it.

How is it making more than Bad Guys?

why do boomer studio execs think the tik tok generation gives a constipated meth shit about something someone maybe did hundreds or thousands of years ago?

>don't go woke
>go broke

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the budget isnt 90 million you tranny

Gustav is a mongolturkic name. Not European.

Isn't Vikings based on history?

how much is it?

>the public transport ads in ten cities across the US shipped without the title of the movie because they changed the font at the last second and fucked it all up--because the anti-defamation league claimed they used "nazi imagery" with the othala (rune for letter O) in the title.
just nuke america already

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lmao no one is going to theaters anymore. I mean big capeshit might still bring out enough spics and r*dditors to make a nice profit but nothing else is. Pedowood is done, the game is over.

Viking shit tends to suck and just be glorification of shitty chimp behavior.

every single source says the budget is 90 MILLION (((ESTIMATED)))

It's a Romanian name, where you come from Gustav

>its a "hollyjew shitting its pants and saying a movie will make 1 dollar before its out" thread

daily reminder sonic made 250 MILLION and nobody saw it coming

70 million so it'll probably break even worldwide
after its run is over

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>the budget isnt 90 million you tranny

eggers himself said it ballooned to 70 (originally 60) before the covid interruption and a month of reshoots. you do the math

lol no it’s not. Just goes to show how much mongolturkics know about Europe

Still waiting for theaters to die out so the companies switch to streaming then I can pirate everything and avoid niggers in one go

I mean I’m sure the studio wasn’t expecting it to be a massive box office success. More likely they just wanted to make a name for themselves, and as the article said it is doing reslly well for an art house movie.


I remember a while back Spielberg and Lucas talking about what they saw happening with the cinema that virtually everything would go straight to streaming except for marquee blockbuster films and you would pay the sort of price to see those that you would for a ticket to the theatre.
That's sort of happened already except for the increased ticket price. Films just don't seem to make money anymore aside from the odd Spiderman or other Marvel film. There's like 3-4 big films every year and everything else seems to struggle to even break even.

This shit is not gonna break even at this rate lmao

history is mostly lies told by long-dead dudes a long time ago
>Still, the film’s rich historical idiom, rampant spirituality and ambiguous heroism feel far more Eggers than its blockbuster budget ($70m, he says) might suggest.
some shitty sources you have then

Romania isn't Europe Gustav

your raid wont work discord tranny you will never be a real woman

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Sure Genghis

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Wasn't this movie released less than twenty-four hours ago? Why are you retards all talking about how it's a flop?

>Why is it not performing well?
Because mainstream audiences don't give a shit, they never asked for it. Understand that as far as those are concerned, going to the theater means getting fancy escapism, nothing more, nothing less. If that's not what you're planning to give them, don't bother, or just send it straight to streaming, because that's the only place they'd give it a chance.

>>its a "hollyjew shitting its pants and saying a movie will make 1 dollar before its out" thread

it released in the entire rest of the planet except the us last week and made a grand total of 3 million. it opened last night everywhere because they're panicking over it and nobody showed up. they're so desperate they're forcing skarsgard to wave the checkered flag at a fucking nascar race on sunday to promote the film.

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No it isn't. History was usually recorded by monks and details or nuances can be corroborated by multiple sources.
You can't just go, dude history was like totally fucking made up

And now Romanians use it.
What are some Romanian names which prove your devotion to Europe?

>it released in the entire rest of the planet

nigger nobody watches movie in eurofag land

Every single ad i have seen for it says it opens friday , why the fuck would people line up for the early showing they didnt know about?

hahahahahaha, wonder if he'll wear a MIGA hat

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lol no they don’t.
>mongolturkics in charge of knowing about Europe

it opened in 12 markets last week, UK being the only big one, why are you lying on the internet?

Every chud has seen it now.

>never heard of this movie
>let's see the trailer
>holy shit it's bad, like really really bad
Did America kill Vikings? is there no hope?

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>History was usually recorded by monks
>Retards that believe in things that don't exist (god)
>>>Trustworthy sources

>can be corroborated by multiple sources
You mean multiple liars propping up their own lie

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Never understood the obsession with Vikings anyways. Surely there's other periods you can talk about.

You are completely retarded

the entire rest of the planet combined is a nothingburger compared to US and china anyway, but 3 mil is still pathetic

>Because mainstream audiences don't give a shit, they never asked for it.
Such a dumb midwit take. Who's out here "asking" for movies lmao

Don't get woke, go broke.

>You mean multiple liars propping up their own lie

if people on either side of a conflict say a thing happened, it probably happened. especially if they admit losing or being embarrassed.

Reminder that based RRR is the highest grossing movie on the international stage right now

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>Never understood the obsession with Vikings anyways. Surely there's other periods you can talk about.

Saxo's Amleth story is set during the 5th century, which is what the movie should have followed.

>7th century ship burial in iceland despite the fact that iceland wasn't colonized until the end of the 9th century

clearly something got fucked up in the process. maybe studios demanded it be transferred to the viking era.

so you're literally admitting to making up the final number, then?

>Artsy fartsy
>Doom and gloom
>Weird casting
>"Muh vikings" about four years too late
>Terrible marketing
>Probably pozzed

They also don't know shit about actual historical "Vikings". Imagine the collective /pol/uted butthurt if they showed "Vinkngs" living in Africa for 2 centuries and having a multicultural norman-arab Kingdom....

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who the fuck goes to the cinema anyway

lmno when rip is out


In this case, you aren't wrong. But every historical source is a lie, the trick is finding truths and establishing patterns of truthiness within the lies

Feels good to be a Norman. I have fucked so many brown girls it's unreal bros

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oh, and i forgot:

>set in the 960s but features an eruption of hecla, the first recorded eruption of which occurred in 1104, and it had definitively not erupted for at least 250-300 years prior

>characters keep calling it "the gates of hel" which was it's high-medieval nickname coined after the 1104 eruption and based on the christian concept of a fiery hell, whereas the norse hel is a place of mist (see snorri sturluson's conflation of niflheim and hel into and niflhel)
>not to mention that hel has no gates in surviving norse mythology, and is separated from the mortal realm by a bridge over a chasm/waterfall

>so you're literally admitting to making up the final number, then?

so you're literally admitting to a fundamental inability to estimate based on reality? every news outlet is reporting the budget as 90 million. cry all you want chud. your aryan wankfantasy flopped.

>name is on there 3 times.
What the fuck?

They aren't particularly interesting to me either. It's cool they were seafarers, but ultimately all they did was invade, ransack, move on. They didn't contribute much else. I prefer empires and kingdoms that actually built things and left a real mark.

Viking hardo culture is really big among a subset of Americans

I liked it :)

Fuck yeah, we live in a place of snow, ice and cold, and we live on salted fish. let's conquer a place full of wine, hot women and good food

ah the PTA excuse. every film flips but they didnt make it for money but for art, because thats exactly how the world works

Of course he is and you’re stupid for believing it

>name is on there 3 times.

the movie is NOT called "Robert Eggers"

>ah the PTA excuse.
Not really an "excuse". Do you think the people that fund his movies expect them to be massive moneymakers? Phantom Thread and Licorice Pizza were supposed to be huge cash cows for the studio? Lmao

>ultimately all they did was invade, ransack, move on

what? they settled gardarike/rusland, they settled the danelaw of england, they settled normandy in france. they were the greatest traders and explorers of their day to boot.

yes because film is a business. you cant be so naive

Wow you set up some mudhuts and took gibs wow so brave

Pretty sure we still have these people around they’re called the homeless

this is what happens when your movie lacks diversity.

Agreed. The main actor is full of himself but he is just an autist. He lost out to Hemsy for playing Thor with good reason