Pick one right now
I hate to say it but Spider-Man
>spider-man made thrice time the money batman did
lol this is what happens when you fire snyder.
batman is stand alone and has a better aesthetic than that plastic MCU green screen and fix it in post shit
Left is a shitty product movie. Right is an actual movie.Yea Forums is filled with man children so they prefer the product movie. Reminder this board has hundreds of threads for that Boba Fett show.
I liked Batman better and also hated it less
Can I choose neither?
Spider-Man every day of the week, I like Batman as well though
>BvS didn't even break a billion despite being the first time audiences got to see Batman with Superman on the big screen
People who actually think NWH is good come off as insane to me. I laughed my ass off when Aunt May had the forced Uncle Ben death scene. Jesus Christ, how you can faggots enjoy that trash? It was also uglier than shit.
Is nostalgia bait all it takes for you to giggleshart?
the worst spider man movie ever or the worst Batman movie ever mmmmmi can’t decide
Is every other movie poster getting outsourced to the same guy?
I choose death
>amusement park ride vs flawed but good movie
how are people saying spiderman? i'm not a boomer but i was so bored during that movie. Batman was actually good.
>Gonna cry?
Yea Forums liked Boba Fett too. This board has horrible taste.
The Batman is an actual movie, NWH is an anti-art consoomerist fanservice overload that basically represents what all movies are becoming in our homogenized late-stage capitalist entertainment landscape
lmao this, the only reason nwh is “decent” is because of the crossover, the rest of the movie and the scrip is fucking stupid and ridiculous also the visual effects looked fucking cheap
The Batman. No contest. NWH doesn't hold up on rewatches. The worst parts are the quiet moments they stretched out to give the theatre audience time to freak out or clap or whatever do not hold up at all when watched at home.
Spodermun because i have yet to see the berdman
Yes I am sad that Spiderman has been reduced to being a glorified theme park ride and we'll never get good Spiderman movies like the original trilogy ever again.
Batman 100%
the only redeeming quality of the new Spiderman movie was seeing Dafoe, Maguire, and Garfield back in their respective roles, but we already have the two previous Spiderman movie franchises so we really don't need this third one
The Batman movie had some genuinely good moments and there's potential for a more kino sequel
>Is nostalgia bait all it takes for you to giggleshart?
look at the number of blockbuster threads that go up every day
Batman easy.
I enjoyed Far From Home but it was still generic marvel crap. It had its moments and I liked Garfield and Maguire returning. But the story was so fucking stupid.
The Batman felt fresh. It reminded me of Burton's films but done less cartoony and over-the-top.
Spiderman was good, Patman was too long
if you say nwh you are legit a brainless fucking retard.
>>look mommy, big words and a totally unique take i came up with on my own!
you might be right but you sound like a trilby wearing fat vaping retard, you know because fedoras are too mainstream now.
I rated Spiderman 7 and Batman 8
Since Batfleck didn't get his own movie, I'll go with Spider-Man.
I can understand not liking what Batman was going for but NWH is genuinely the most cancerous "movie" I've ever seen shat into existence the consequences of it making a billion dollars will ruin any semblance of good capeshit for years to come.
The raimi movies are good, all this shit has going is an aged actor who was in 3 good movies. Nwh itself is just nothing.
The Baman and NWH are both unwatchable a second time
Go to bed, marty.
good morning, sir!
No Way Home isn't a movie
i'm sorry that I read
This thread proves this website is plagued with underaged zoomers
Spider man was more fun but it didn't feel like a real movie it looked like it was shot entirely in a warehouse
>>this was nominated for an academy award
all you need to know about the movie industry.
>Snyderjeets literally eating MCU slop just out of spite
Did Snydertards really boycott The Batman? Damn can we just let Snyder do JL Part 2 and finish his DCEU already.
This. I can’t believe tv as a board has devolved to the point where OP would even have to ask such a ridiculous question.
HOLY SHIT now i am 100% sure you vape.
>left: dumb and shallow but satisfying and fun
>right: dumb and shallow on top of being dull, long and uneventful
What a difficult choice, geez.
The multiverse is exhausting.
>this post: dull and shallow
It's sad, because Into The Spider-Verse and Everything, Everywhere, All at Once show that the multiverse can be used to tell real, meaningful stories, it's just that the major capeshit film studios have just decided to utilize the concept so they can provide an in-universe explanation for retcons, recastings, and as an excuse to just regurgitate old branding that millennials are nostalgic for because everything sucks now
Still more effort and innovation than any modern day capeshit.
I was just happy to see a good old wiseguys story again.
Mass replying is some real fag shit. Kys.
i haven't seen the spiderman but it probably is shit anyways so i'll say batman
plus batman is lot cooler character
It turns out your stories start to lose meaning and purpose when there's multiversal world threats that can just be plucked into existence.
Iron Man 1 is so quaint and good compared to modern capeshit. I'd rather watch Tony Stark escape the Taliban camp again than watch Dr. Strange and Professor Xavier fight evil Iron Man or some gay shit.
I haven't watched a single one of the new Spider-Man films, Batman it is.
Right now Spider-Man. Batman just seems kind of boring when compared to it atm
Wouldn't you pick the one you haven't seen to try something new?
Haven't seen Batman yet but No Way Home was garbage.