Now that the dust has settled, was it Asperger's?

Now that the dust has settled, was it Asperger's?

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> roiding for this

abused orphan

He was gay for Batison.

No. It was very clearly stereotypical delusions of grandeur and projection. It's the same as the retards who think that the coffee waitress is in love with them because she smiled at them twice, or the schizos who leave cryptic messages for public figures/famous people and convince themselves that they're in communication

What did he mean by THIS?

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Seriously, this was some awful overacting from Dano. This scene would have been so much better if he had a blank expression on his face and then smiles after seeing batman.

This movie sucked:
>too much raun
>shit batmobile
>3 hours long
>”privileged white people” quote that was not necessary
>shit third act
>shit car chase scene
>no memorable music
I understand it was supposed to be a batman starting out movie, but it felt confusing and shitty.

>too much rain.

Aspergers is not a real thing anymore, user

>shit batmobile

You take that back.

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Naw, I've met actual Asperger incels when they get upset, this is pretty accurate.
> t. younger brother is mega aspergers runs around scream and hitting himself, or us if we get too close.

I-I'm not real?

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True. But I like the expression he made here.

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>hey what if we had batman stall it instead of crashing into the penguins car for a laugh.
It ruined the buildup of showing it.

shitty woke movie

He was radicalized on Yea Forums

its just reclassified as Autism Spectrum Disorder or something. ITS A SPECTRUUUUUUUUUM

Worst part of the movie. Never seen Dano act so bad before this flick too.

>rain is perfect for a batman movie
>best batmobile since adam west
>actually its 2.45 excluding credits
>the line actually feels pretty realistic for her character to say at that moment
>kino third act. when was the last time capeshit had the balls to have a hero fight goons in matching outfits
>good car chase
>music is insanely memorable. whether you like it or not, it gets stuck in your head pretty easy

Only insofar as it was regular autism all along, unless you had no early childhood language delay, in which case autism can't be diagnosed, so you just become weird without a reason again. Rolling it back from the DSM was kinda weird, should've just been made a subset of autism like it actually is

That definitely wasn't a stall for laughs, it was an intimidation move to provoke Penguin into driving off. Crashing into his car then and there would've been the total opposite of what Batman was trying to achieve

he's also a hapa, so that's two big reasons why he'd have trouble connecting with people (women, mainly)

None of this is about the movie though. The plot is boring plodding dogshit and speaking of the soundtrack yea we've all heard nirvana before this movie. Yea everything looks good but the story just sucks.

>>shit batmobile
that's batmobile SOUND tho, that was cool as fuck

You can’t say it’s delusions of grandeur when his plan literally worked
Hate when faggots say this shit about Napoleon as well
Like no nigger, he didn’t have delusions of grandeur, he just had grandeur

Not that guy, but
The rain wasn't needed for damn near every scene.
I liked the batmobile going into the movie, but left feeling underwhelmed by it.
The movie is still at least 30 minutes longer than it needed to be.
I don't care about catwoman's line.
The third act was deflated because I felt confident from the moment I saw her that no modern film would cause lasting harm to the black mayor.
The car chase was actively harmed by the pouring rain and only the last minute of it was any good.
Beyond Ave Maria I can not actually remember any piece of music from the film.

You can remove the white privilege quote from the sentence and it still makes sense. She kisses batman after saying it. Wtf?
The music is two notes from the nirvana song for 3 hours.

Napoleon lost retard

Ah thanks.

Based take.

His delusions weren't whether or not his plan would work, it was that Batman would recognise him as the same and be wanting to help him with his plan. That he was so great and significant in coming up with his plan that his idol would immediately notice and love him for it.
I hate it when faggots are immediately pedantic to try and seem smart while actually outing themselves as fucking brainlets.

>None of this is about the movie though
Okay and? I was only responding to the points that user made retard. Also I was talking about the score, not the soundtrack

>I can not actually remember any piece of music from the film
You are genuinely lying if you don't remember DAAAAA DAA DAAAAAAAA DUUUUUUUUUUUUUN throughout the entire movie

Everyone in history lost at some point you fucking retard, and it took 7 coalition wars featuring every country in Europe to take him down, and even then he still came back and gave them a run for their money
That’s just poor writing though
>oh nooooo batman I thought you would be friends with me even though I tried to kill you :(
Not really a good look to have your main villain lose his dignity and be captured half way into the third act

They try to make every Batman villain a copy of the Joker now, even Lex Luthor.
Riddler is the opposite. Gets beat up all the time. About 10 years older. Doesn't care if people die. Should have made him like a business owner, responsible for all these crazy workplace rules and doesn't care if people get maimed.
And don't do an origin story every time. Just drop us in the middle. It started off good, the corrupt city.

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For me it's this one

He was bad because he was poor user.

How did he know what every corrupt official was up to and who exaclty was corrupt? or was it a case of being public knowledge but not prosecuted?
I started playing the batman games for the first time and they're ruined for me. Too superhero-y. Growing up with nolan and snyder made me expect super heroes to be flawed and edgy.
Batman is such a hyprocite cuck though. Why does he think he stands higher than riddler? He's literally an outlaw criminal with an in with the police, an officer who doesn't arrest him because they're buddies. And somehow beating up random citizens is better than killing corrupt politicians who OBJECTIVELY cause more harm and death than random thug #46162 jumping a chinaman in the train.
Batman is clearly a 40s psyop from before cynicism that needs to be adapted or outgrown. Commie joker unironically solved the cape genre.

>taking psychiatry seriously

terminal inceldom

>literally the same chinlet face with the spectacles
This Riddler was clearly suppose to represent Yea Forums (specifically /pol/), especially with the whole "fringe radicalized internet group gathering to do violence" slant being a call to Charlottesville.

The fact that every Riddler goon was cast as a white male further adds on to this.

Not as hypocritical as this one though

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lmao seeing you faggots try to poke holes in the Dark Knight is always hilarious

>3 hours long
This should be the minimum for capeshit.
Sorry you got ADHD and never learned to control it as an adult.

i love that line.

>3 hours for capeshit that you already know how it will end.

A group of guys to my right laughed out loud literally every time Dano was on screen and it made me feel bad for the guy. Their laughter almost made me burst out laughing too

>Take Chris Chan
>Make him a Batman Villain

>actual officers of the law attempt to take matters into their own hands just as batman does

the riddlers piss bottles

Nobody is poking holes, I think TDK is the best Batman, but its objectively hypocritical for a man taking the law into his own hands to go "noooooo you can't do this, I'm the only one allowed to"

Batman is a trained man. He has dedicated his life to fighting crime. It's very different from a person who suddenly decides to devote himself to vigilantism from one day to the next.

you're right

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>Batman is a trained man. He has dedicated his life to fighting crime. It's very different from a person who suddenly decides to devote himself to vigilantism from one day to the next.

It absolutely isn't. Batman is a criminal with better gear.

>they’re using rifles and shooting people
>clearly aren’t cut out for it because they got absolutely jobbed by Scarecrow and needed the real Batman to save their asses

>Batman is a criminal with better gear

Vigilantism is always illegal. That's a given.

shit take

>Batmobile starts shooting literally right after it shows up

it was set to intimidate, not kill
get your batlore straight

Real take, everything else is cope. TDK Batman is a hypocrite.