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has there ever been a bigger brainlet filter than Skyler in television history?

>women be like
>as long as you bring money, you can be a criminal

> Has a retarded son and can clearly see the toil it puts on the family
> Smokes whilst pregnant anyway
Truly woman are all cunts and the moment we can have a sex doll capable of birth I’m gonna smash my gfs face in with a paper weight

More of a Virgin filter. I bet you're not a virgin

Bateman pilled

And they say Vince can't write wömen

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She was a bitch but was she really stupid?

>as long as you're a criminal I can fuck other men
>as long as I'm fucking other men I can give them all your money

reminder that kim = future skyar
mike = young walt

Kim is the best BB universe character and it's not even close.

Seriously though are we expected to believe she’s just a totally civil person with a completely canon idea of the law? Honestly most people would only care about drug manufacturing and sales because 1. They’re afraid of the cops and 2. They might get hooked on drugs themselves

Skyler White is the most detestable villain in the history of film and television. I tried to watch the series again recently but her obnoxiousness spoiled it.

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It's the pillow scene that did it for me. Walt was 100% right to not want to go through chemo

This is unironically true though. Tax fraud is retarded because it can land you in jail, but there's nothing unethical about it.

uh, yes? taxs are literally just you paying ((((them)))) while meth and drugs can literally destroy entire communities

My friend tried to say she's a good character and people just dislike her because she blocks walt or something, but no, it's because she's an annoying as fuck, cheating, ugly hypocritical whore. She was annoying as well, and generally I don't think she added anything to the show. There is no scene I can think of with her in it where I was compelled by her in any way. She didn't ruin the show or anything, she's just not good in any way shape or form.

she's just a worse carmella soprano, not complicated.

LOL you missed the entire point of her character

She acted sensibly for a person who realizes her husband is a drug manufacturer, the only thing is she starts off the show disrespectful and manipulative of him, while not working and lying it’s to take care of their adult kid and write a book, so her whole pursuit of ‘normalcy’ or lawfulness is not virtuous at all, since for her it’s all about being a lazy malingerer by proxy of her barely disabled son

Dislikable characters aren't bad characters. Her being an insufferable cunt that dragged Walt down made the show great

Skyler apologists are pure midwit. You're smart enough to root against the protagonist and think about how other characters feel, but you ignore things like good writing and nuance when they get in the way of building up your favorite underdeveloped side character. Skyler was a failure of a character because we never got to know her personally outside of her aggressive entitled personality in early seasons and her screams and mindbroken expressions in the end. Even Howard in BCS is a more developed character who the audience can feel for because we've seen him in a variety of situations that aren't just having hysteric screaming fits against Jimmy. If the Breaking Bad writers wanted us to forgive Skyler's horrible emasculating personality that made Walt into the flawed and miserable man that he was, she should have gotten plots that weren't merely about lashing out against Walt. They've clearly learned their lesson with BCS anyway, and know how to flesh out characters other than Jimmy and make them actually interesting beyond "who was in the wrong???"

>This mega-hit and legendary show would have been a lot better if they just listened to me and made these changes

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Agree, nothing wrong with drugs, but Walter actually murders people

That would be fine, I just don't think she was a great iteration of this idea. I usually just want her scenes to be over
Carmella in the Sopranos played a similar role. And she could be insufferable and unlikable as well. She frequently was an antagonist to Tony, such as when she wouldn't shut the door
But she was still entertaining and I didn't dread her scenes so much.

I don’t think she was a failure as a character. I think she was intentionally written to be an absolute ball and chain and was introduced in the whole first season as a callous and distant lying homebody. Now of course that’s meant to be because Walt is such a repressed retentive softie he can’t express himself honestly and lacks any spine, but it’s still true she’s a bitch that way to the audience. Just pay attention while giving handjob! She is not meant to be a balanced and kind person when she’s literally shopping for furniture doing this. With his money no less. Nah she was written to be a vapid selfish liar. Kind of like Walt really

Skylar's demeaner is extremely off-putting and that's a kind of intangible when it comes to rating the quality of
I never enjoy watching her

Daughterwife is the final redpill on women

I genuinely believe that he created Kim in response to everyone shitting on Skyler

>he doesn't granddaughterwife

I have many criticisms of Skylar, but certainly not that she is poorly written as a woman

Skyler didn't even need to have episodes though. Her entire purpose in the show is to react to what the cool characters are doing. Giving her a plotline wasted time in the series which could have been spent developing literally a dozen other more interesting characters.

I don't hate Skyler or the actress, but she didn't need to be a main part of the show at all.

>Dislikable characters aren't bad characters.
They are when they're poorly written, poorly acted, and their actions are completely inconsistent and rarely make sense.

Who does tax fraud hurt? Does meth not harm people. You know the answer, you're just a stupid fuck.

Yep, and it's going to be all the better when she runs a savage burn on Jimmy then skates with Lalo to some island paradise.

im rewatching this kino right now and its hilarious how everyone treats pot as some life ruining drug. Especially jesse's parents.
kind of comical at this point

>as long as I keep making money, i can cook meth and kill people
damn, women are vile. can you believe the mental gymnastics of skylar justifying her actions? Just because it benefits her in some way? absolutely unacceptable.
anyway, my favorite part was when walt watched jesse's girlfriend die because it behooved him to do so

it would be the single greatest twist in television history if she kills jimmy in the last episode

umm.. uhh.. uhh.. well I.. uhh.. NIGGER! NIGGER! JEWS!

>Nah she was written to be a vapid selfish liar
this is not true at all. Skylar's entire point as a character is to prevent walt from doing his thing smoothly. There is no obstacle to overcome if skylar isn't suspicious of walt. You don't even have to go out of your way to write her that way. Walt needs to find reasons to be gone after work and he's a really shitty liar. It's exhausting watching him try to lie (The whole point) and skylar not taking the bait is part of what drives the story.
If she had just let herself believe his lies, or succumbed to numb indifference early, there's no story. It's just Walt and Jesse evading the DEA, who have zero leads on them in the first place. The entire series is built around Walt's relationships being detrimental to his success. His brother is a DEA agent. His wife is smart and motivated (see finding walt when he disappears, challenging hospital bills on the phone). She exemplifies the toll that Walt's actions have on his family. Jesse is a loose end he cant seem to cut.
Later on, as walt comes "clean" to syklar, it exemplifies how money can corrupt your morals. A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. As she becomes unhappy with the new reality, starts to despise walt, sure, she breaks some social contracts by cheating on him. Thats part of the downward spiral of shoving wedges in the crack of a family who was never perfect to begin with, never could be perfect as long as walt carried his failures, inadequacies, and pride with him
you dont have to like skylar, but jesus christ some of you cant think critically at all.

>I let Jane die. I could've saved her. I didnt. whoopsies.

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meth "hurts" a few degenerate druggies while tax fraud hurts your whole country because the government can't use this money to improve the citizens lives.

women be like
>as long as I'm pregnant, I'll keep smoking

the american government uses their money to kill brown people on other continents. probably a moral good to steal from them

>my name is Isaac Schroeder, I've been Jewish this whole time, Gus
I don't get why Vince thought this was important to establish

there was a point?

Funnily enough its Hank who doesn't see it as that big of a deal besides giving the whole gateway drug spiel to Walt Jr at Marie's request.

>improve the citizens lives
should we tell him?

Skyler and Marie were so unbelievably sexy the first few seasons. When I rewatch the older episodes it is an unbearable HNNNNGGGG throughout their screentime.

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>Oh Ted you're handsome, wealthy and healthy, let me cook your books so you can continue to be a criminal

to be an annoying insufferable cunt that makes me skip all her scenes?
mission accomplished

it's so painfully obvious the writers for this show tried to copy Carmella to a fucking t, but failed to actually execute on what made Carmella a good character and made Skyler a shitty dollar store rip off version

hurts the common man
>tax fraud
hurts the kike

based strongjaw white woman keeping her soicuck husband in place

It's not like Jane knew everything because Jesse told him, turned Jesse against him and tried to blackmail him by calling his home

The common man isn't a subhuman hooked on drugs

Those 2 are nothing alike
Carmella is religious and actually tries to be a good wife
Skyler is just your real wife experience and bitch about everything 24/07 and want to put a finger in everything you do

>hurts the common man
yes goy you can hurt yourself with THESE drugs (alcohol, nicotine, adderall, opiates) but not THESE others that don't pay taxes!!!
and don't you DARE consume drugs that are the same as the legal ones but aren't produced by us!!

Ok Shlomo. Drugs dont only destroy individuals. They destroy familes and communities. Tax fraud only hurts the kikes

Carmela falls in love with any man who pays more than a second of attention to her, and marries into the crime family as opposed to Skylar who happens to marry someone who becomes a meth cook 20 years down the line.

>Tax Fraud is okay though

Not him but unironically yes

Tax fraud doesn't hurt anyone but the government, so yes it's ok.