Netflix kino just dropped
New Gay Coming of Age Romance
jews need to stop
If you still have a pedoflix account you only have yourself to blame
> Stock takes an absolute once-in-a-decade shit
> Continue to pump out the same type of garbage that caused the problem in the first place
what did they mean by this
Cope. Representation is good
ngl id let dude bussin bussy ong
Better than tranny shit.
Nice to see the kikes won’t learn anything from cratering the stock, the wave on nigger-filled woke shlock continues unabated.
>netflix replaces good content with faggot pedo shit and "cuties" child porn
>wtf why are people leaving our service?
>makes more faggot shit
Imagine if the FBI actually went after the pedos in hollywood
Why do you care about gays? More gays there are, less male competition for pussy. You should embrace it
Faggotry is immoral and homosexuals are riddled with parasites and diseases. Also you queers are now inextricably bonded with the tranny movement so you REALLY got to go.
cope, chud
It's not about the money anymore. It's about spreading "the message" as a means of dissolving the nuclear family so that these elitists in power can rape children. Homosexuality is the first step towards pedophilia.
this is probably the type of shit he thinks about while having his anus fisted by 2 guys.
his argument is good, but when every single show has the same gay agenda it gets tiresome
>I would have felt seen.
These """people""" aren't human. They're vermin. I finally get what Hitler meant.
>More gays there are, less male competition for pussy.
gay guys are less than 1% of the pop. why do retards love saying this shit, its not true
Seems cute
>It isn't between a high school boy and a 30 year old man
Fake and gay
You're not the target demographic for this
Its terrible, it started as a comic about teen romance and now it's all about eating disorders and problems that trannies face. Also zero sex scenes so what's the point
Looks like the most generic romance show ever
It's not representation, it's gay propaganda and indoctrination.
There's not much practical difference between the two, trannies are just crossdressing fags on toxic hormones and some of them mutilate themselves, but fags were already drug addicts and junkie losers. You probably think this because fags mostly kept it in the closet before trannyism took off after the occupy protests and now banks put a rainbow filter over their logo and nobody protests them anymore.
They're sinners. They're sex perverts. They want to normalize sexual immorality. They openly molest and exploit children at pride parades.
Thank god we have 4channers to show us how to live a good life
Why does Netflix and all the other mayor Companies for that matter keep pushing this LGBT indoctrination.
What possible benefit cold (((they))) reap from the collapse of the Western World
So has its stock value
>gay pandering
>its about little boys in school
WHoooo no way??
It is literally fake and gay user
I watched the first episode
> he says as he's being rammed in the ass by two niggers
I'm honestly surprised it isn't interracial considering that it's on netflix
Will chuds ever recover or is it over?
Teenage coming of age stories just dont appeal to me. And most things for adults are getting too edgy and depressing. Cant they just make a nice balanced series?
It is
Women ruined being gay
Women ruined race relations
Women pushed trannies on the world
I envy all the straight men who are blinded by pussy and don't have to see how truly awful women are every single day
I know you might think they're pretty awful but trust me when I say that if you're straight they are so, so much worse than you could ever imagine.
This is the author.
"Asexual aromantic"
This show is going to be DOA for the simple reason that people are going to meme that it was how Netflix tried to save itself.
Damn. How is Netflix losing so many subscribers when they make such beloved programs like this?!!!
I can only hear "the message" in a scottish voice with reverb. Am I retarded?
>netflix kino
The stock price says this is a lie
>Gay boy couple: Charlie Spring, Nick Nelson
Those names sound very caucasian english
Well, if this one doesn't work, Netflix also produced a japanese show about a guy who becomes pregnant, surely that will be a hit.
When the most degenerate and counter-culture place online can only be truly offensive by advocating for loving monogamous heterosexual relationships we are lost as a culture.
Gay sex is fucking disgusting
>ugly mongoloid as the lead actor
Heartstopper indeed, people will have heart attacks seeing that gremlin
I dont care what gay guys are up to.
Jewish pedos are grooming harder than ever.
Wait, wait, wait: if I am still subscribed to Netflix, it's my fault? You're blowing my mind, man.
when will they realize theyre producing this shit for max 5% of their total userbase and its by definition going to flop?
Then you're just as big of a problem
Hmm i like to fuck my kid
>Your on camera
Ok lets listen to the self hating snarky one liner poster instead everyone.
Why is it so gay?
Peak reddit image btw.
Don't like it? Don't watch it.
I'd love to overpower, hold down and de-virginize that qt redhead twink with my tongue, finger and cock - in that order.
There's no sex in hardonstopper
It's a comic about a gay romance turned into a show.
Yeah they're both brits, charlie is just a bit more tanned than blonde nick
You guys DO know that this is the most sexless story ever? It was literally writen by an asexual chick disgusted by sex so the result is that the whole comic treats intimacy with downright fear
Its so chaste even a cristian priest would be willing to air it
We have some actual alternatives in /wcg/