The most kino part of the Star Wars franchise is a video game

>the most kino part of the Star Wars franchise is a video game
Yea Forums btfo

Attached: KOTOR_II.jpg (260x343, 48.18K)

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The most kino part of Star Wars in the end of Rogue One.

it's kotor 1

That's cool but very shallow fanservice, if Vader was such a bad ass he would have recovered the plans.

kotor 1 on its own is pretty mediocre, the dialogue options are bad too
kotor 2 retroactively makes it seem better, because of the way the events of the first game are spoken of in k2.

>tfw no Kreia romance option
Worthless game

KotOR 1's ambiance and vibe mogs the shit out of KotOR 2. KotOR is pseudo-deep with a dead world.

>kotor 2 retroactively makes it seem better, because of the way the events of the first game are spoken of in k2.
Accurate. I played 2 first and the way Revan and stuff was talked about was more interesting than actually playing it in 1.

It's garbage.
>le spoopy Sith man effortlessly cuts through mooks

KOTOR 1 is just a standard Star Wars adventure, despite it taking an honestly insane amount of time before the movies. 2 actually does it's own thing.

>mfw no Shadows of the Empire series

Rogue One is fanservice trash for people who just enjoy basedfacing at applause cameos and didn't understand what was actually happening in the original film

this would make a great movie
>spend 5 minutes walking down identical hallways to hear alien mumble
>spend 5 minutes walking back to tell a guy you heard the mumble
>kreia drops a philosophy 101 quote, incorrectly


Is KOTOR still worth playing today? I don't have much time for gaming anymore but I was thinking about trying it.

Ah, yes. The angry teenage nihilist game that doesn't understand its own lore. Now wonder redditors love it so much.

personally i don't think kotor 1 holds up that well.
still enjoy kotor 2 though, make sure to get the restored content mod, real easy to install.

KOTOR 1 is pretty good, but was mostly overhyped simply because it was the first real Star Wars RPG. Its d20 system is busted (if you don't roll soldier/guardian you're basically gimping yourself, blaster characters are worthless), its morality system is childish (even for Star Wars) and the story is just the OT with a prequel aesthetic but everything is rusty. That said, I think it's an important star wars title worth checking out, though if turn based RPGs aren't your thing it might bore you

KOTOR 2 has its rough edges but is the superior experience - the gameplay is better (you can make virtually any build work), the characters are more complex, and it retroactively makes the story of the first game better. It was really one of the first Star Wars stories to actually challenge the fundamental assumptions that we make about Star Wars as a setting and questions if the morality championed by the films is something really worth celebrating.

Attached: kreia.jpg (720x404, 54.96K)

>Kreiasimps are here
There goes the neighborhood.

If KOTOR2 is better, can I start with it or should I play 1 first?

why didn't the IP count go up? weird.

>ruins your game

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you can totally play KOTOR 2 first

Just play 2.

1 is still worth playing. You won't be totally lost if you start with 2 because it follows a mostly new group of characters with only a handful of returning party members, but a lot of the game's story is built around challenging your understanding of the events of the first game and the war that preceded it

You're right. Stay based.

It's not better. And it actually continues the story of KotOR I (although not directly).
Anyway, never listen to KotOR II incels. They're proto-redditors.

Play 1. It's still worth it and has some cool scenes. Then play 2.

They're separate stories and games, but there are call backs to characters established in the first game that you won't quite understand if you don't play the first

play 1 and 2

honestly hilarious cope

If Kreia makes you histrionically angry it's because you're an NPC who's never actually had to explain why he believes what he does, and having to provide arguments to support your worldview breaks your programming

That's not Dark Forces

Attached: R(64).jpg (1024x768, 176.99K)

based and correct. KotOR 2 is for neckbeards

What was the best locale to visit in the kotor series? Which planet had the best storyline? My pick is Rakata Prime

1 is better than 2. Play it. 2 will make much more sense if you do anyway

I always loved Korriban but I didn't like how much it changed between 1 & 2

>2 doesn't make sense if you don't know who Carth is
holy shit, kotor 1 fans are actually retarded

I bet your mother says you look so handsome in that fedora.

Korriban was good. Also honorable mention to Onderon/Dxun

I just played through KOTOR 1 and it's still great. And the dark side playthrough is a lot more satisfying than in KOTOR 2 where you have to worry about your crew's feelings

i played 2 first, then 1.
kinda wish i never played 1.

That sith place in 2 where you have to use your b team. Even though I always end up running circles around that water bit.

Play both


>tfw I always convert my crew to the dark side and equip with lightsabres

you can pass influence checks with negative influence.
their alignment will just be opposite of yours.
for example +80 will let you pass influence checks but so will -80, npcs start on 0 iirc.

>NOOOOOOOO you can't just do good things!
>NOOOOOOOO you can't just do bad things!
>NOOOOOOOO you can't just do nothing! APATHY IS... LE DEATH
oh my fucking god so philosophical, I'm getting a prostate orgasm

Attached: 1578230941223.jpg (669x678, 36.35K)

>IP counter staying the same for the last 20 minutes or so
>new KotOR 2 simp posts still appear

playing the first game removed the shroud of mystery, and couldn't live up to the small glimpses we saw through the visions in k2, and what kreia told the exile.
not to mention the galactic impact of it all.

he didn't escape tutorial islan-station.
what ruins my game is the expanded mod MOGS my CPU and crashes my fucking PC

The game assumes you have knowledge of the happenings of KOTOR 1. Several party members are part of the original KOTOR party, the MC of KOTOR1 gets constantly mentioned... You have to play them in order and form your own opinion.

IP count didn't go up.

>If KOTOR2 is better, can I start with it or should I play 1 first?
It's not, play KOTOR 1 first.

kotor 1 pajeets are the funniest little retards on this site :3

This is unironically what passes for depth among redditors.

keep replying to yourself, i don't care you got filtered

KotOR 2 simps are so fucking retarded. Holy shit.

Attached: retard.png (507x90, 7.86K)

>o-only thing from 1 is Carth
You're the retard
Reaven is mentioned constantly
The mandalorian wars are mentioned over and over
The war with the sith (the setting for the original) is a huge part of the second
All endings from the original are mentioned in 1 way or another
Malek is mentioned
You literally go back to dantooine
Hk-47 and the ASTRO mech Droid from 1 are in the second
Your ship is literally the one from the first one

Kotor 2 fags are the most pretentious faggots in existence. Your game only works because the first one exists

I'm still mad kotor 2 wasn't properly finished and that kotor 3 was replaced with the cluster fuck that is the old republic

Republic commando is still the best SW game

yeah, there's simply no way to get past the bulletproof system of identification used by

Wrong. See

Attached: Dark+Trooper+B.jpg (1440x1080, 219.97K)

This. I can't imagine being so jaded and contrarian that you didn't love this scene

who is reaven?
u mad?

Yeah, there's simply no way you're a delusional faggot from reddit.

all of these are either irrelevant other than a nice "heh, i recognize that!" or explained within kotor2.

>who is reaven?

Attached: Steven-Seagal-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 86.76K)

I think his point was that really doesn't matter. Revan as described in 2 is better than Revan in 1.


>the most kino part of Star Wars is a cringe deconstruction of Star Wars written by a dude who hated Star Wars
KOTOR2 fans are not Star Wars fans, do not listen to their lies

For me, its Manaan

>le good guys vs le bad guys
awww yis

Korriban for 1, Nar Shadaa for 2

Restoration mod is nice and makes it better. I still prefer the original. I wish we'd gotten 3, but then I also wish we'd gotten battle front 3 and 1313

>so mad you misspell the main character's name

You should definitely play both games. The second one is far more interesting than the first but part of what makes it so interesting is how it builds on and contrasts with the first game so I'd definitely recommend playing both. The first is a good game in itself too, it's just more of a Force Awakens kind of thing where it's a very similar story to the original movies but it has enough new shit going on too.

Before you play, you should know that:
>Dark side playthrough in 1 is actually really kino and satisfying, despite cheesy bad guy dialogue
>Both the light side and dark side endings are canon to KOTOR 2 so you don't have to worry about that
>Playing as a woman in KOTOR 2 replaces one of the most interesting companions in the game with a boring faggot
>KOTOR 2 is an unfinished mess and extremely buggy without the restored content mod
>There is a really kino twist in the games, if you don't know about it yet I'd suggest that you immediatly start avoiding any KOTOR discussions. Avoid wiki's as well.

honestly i would probably have been disappointed with the 3rd.
the direction they went for in the book is probably similar to what we would've gotten. the book sucked ass

I haven't played the game in years user. Im not gonna take the time look up a name for the game. You know what I meant and you nitpicking just proves how gay kotor 2 fanboys really are