Who will direct it?

who will direct it?

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that would be funny actually
haha, heehee hoohoo

There was an animated series episode where this happened.
Clark was “killed” by a car bomb, survives.
the corrupt officer is sentenced to death and figures out Clark’s secret just as they pull the lever.
Kino episode

The CIA don't murder journalists, this isn't Russia or some third world shithole

>The CIA don't murder journalists

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News flash...


Kek good bait, I was going to comment the same thing.

>News fla-ACK


You know what I think is truly dystopian? It's really difficult for people to learn from the past. Like most people would be redpilled to the truths of their government and its agencies when they witness it first hand. People will dismiss domestic violence until they experience it. People will dismiss the danger of climbing a 4 ft unstable ladder because they never saw anyone fall and die from it. People will dismiss the fact that you could potentially die from a mere verbal argument with a cop with the wrong body language because they might feel threatened by your demeanor or intention.

Same thing with the CIA, jews, the government etc, now that those entities have a hold on social media, most people that didn't witness their exposed meddling at the time will never know the truth and will dismiss people's many times proven opinion of those agencies... Only because they didn't experience it themselves... Kids that were under 9 by 2012 and all the kids that will come after will probably exist in this social bubble that's approved by the government and the elites and they will never need any warning or advice to protect themselves or their sanity from them.

kek nice b8 m8




the fuck? are you serious?

Congress has a literal secret police that's been going around the country rounding up political dissenters for the last year.
Where the fuck have you been.

If it's secret then how do you know about it?

Becuase it's the Government, they can't do anything right.

If you want to know if the CIA murdered a guy they usually murder the whole family with him. Russians don't do that.

Change the villains to the Mafia and change the hitmen to d-list superman villains and have him be protected by a wannabe hero like Gangbuster.

That's actually a pretty good idea.

I would love to see one shred of evidence of this but alas you've got nothing so just fuck off you brain dead conspiratard

Name one (1) journo in the USA killed the CIA.

There are actual police following up on reports and crimes, that's not secret or dystopian, retard, simply the rule of law.

toppest of posts

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Is this already a comic book? With all the stupid crossovers and what not, why wouldn't they do a kind of one off joke issue about someone having a beef with Clark Kent and trying to subtly murder him and escalating their attempts from poisoning or something to just walking up to him with a gun.
Not necessarily the government, but that would be the obvious choice for a realistic story.

cynicism does not equal intelligence

Gary Webb

Jamal Khashoggi

>Because he stopped believing
What did they mean by this?

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Yes. But thinking the CIA does not murder journalists is just dumb regardless.

>the nazis genociding jews was legal so it wasn't dystopian
very based take

they legally have to outsource it, doesn't mean they don't kill people

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The CIA and the Mafia: Name a more iconic duo.

the mafia isn't italian though

Publically arresting the people who smashed up cities is totally dystopian bro, it's just like the Nazis gassing jews. Get a grip, retard.

Michael Hastings

>Jamal Khashoggi
Killed by Saudis, not CIA
Plausible, but not proven

This will be pure kino if done right.

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>[other country]'s state-backed official organization performs murders
>"Based. It is not morally good, but it will help in the long run. Sometimes....you have to do hard actions...."
>CIA maybe commits murder


>Make it a comedy
This is your brain on marvel quips

>i need absolute proof a clandestine organisation trained in spycraft since WWII killed someone

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This. Fuck other countries.

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Then it isn't a secret you fuckin idiot.

>"Based. It is not morally good, but it will help in the long run. Sometimes....you have to do hard actions...."
Who, in your mind, is saying this?

Most journalists in the US already work for the CIA.

And hillarry don't kill babies during her grand witch ceremonies.

Lots of seething replies to this post. Can any of you list a journalist who was killed then?

Faggots like you who would defend anything your country does as long as it benefited you

ZOGbots don't care about their own benefit.


Faggots like me would flip that original example around then. Anything is good if it is for the benefit of the Great American Empire™

calm down Boris

Shut up retard.

gary webb

relax, snownigger.

>muh russian bots

Primitive leftist brain can't handle differing opinions.

because they kill or threaten the ones who don't

Best bait I've seen all week. And I see a lot

>The elites DO NOT have a secret rape island!
>The NSA IS NOT spying on everyone!
>Covid19 DID NOT come from a lab!

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>Webb was found dead in his Carmichael home on December 10, 2004, with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide

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>Primitive leftist brain
But I'm not a communist

You're a ZOGbot, so might as well be.