Why are there no women in LotR movies?

why are there no women in LotR movies?

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Entwives preferred their Human lovers.

Becauce Tolkien hated women. Got a problem with that?

there are, but it would be detrimental to the storytelling if their roles were larger. this comic is extremely disengenuous

Or maybe you hate women

What's the point of this comic, there's clearly a woman with a bow right there?

Oh maybe we watched different movies but I remember a shieldmaiden killed Saurons right hand man

Dude who makes these is male feminist/redditor/rapist

There are. One of them kills the strongest enemy after Sauron (and I guess Balrog). Another one effortlessly defeated all nine nazgul.

I do, but that's beside the point

It's a story about war and backpacking. Women are terrible at both.

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sounds based

I don't understand these people. Do they want every piece of fiction to look like a metropolitan mutt cast?

XKCD has been fucking garbage since his I'M WITH HER comic. Suck a fat shit out of a whore's ass Randall.

Arwen, Eowyn, Galadriel, Rosie Cotton, Lobellia Sackville-Baggins.

>male feminist/redditor/rapist
The rapist part is redundant, all you had to say was male feminist/redditor.

Is there any "male feminist" who isn't a creeper or a rapist or Graham Linehan-tier insane?

Because it's faithful to the source material, and the source material was written by a chud who values tr*ditional g*nder r*les and thinks most strong, independent woman couldn't match a man in combat based on Nazi ideology like "biology".

everybody on the left online who didn't have their brains fried by gg had it fried by trump

weird stuff

Xkcd is so gay

No see they have to break your immersion by making female warriors as common as male ones, rather than treating them as extreme exceptions. We all have to entertain this commonality as though it's anything other than a joke.

did xkcd troon out yet?

No seriously, are there no Entwomen left? Can a LotRautist confirm?

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>why are there no women in LotR movies?

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You will have sex with no woman

"Our women are tending to the home and our families. We would be cowards and monsters for putting them directly in the way of evil when they neither want it nor could they handle it"

I still read xkcd, but I no longer have any respect for the author because of how a guy who built his comic on science and questioning everything got swept up into the covid hysteria without ever bothering to look at an IFR table

You better believe it

yes, they do, because they believe that people can't be inspired to improve their lives unless they see someone who bears similar features to them in a movie

They're probably gone. There might be some somewhere, but it's too late to make a difference. If there are any, they're probably mostly sleepy shrubs by now from wandering so far alone.

Because women are fucking useless. No amount of propaganda or forced diversity will change this.

>wives dissapear
Sounds so peaceful. Sign me up.

Women are not ageing well on a spiritual, moral, physical or intellectual level

ok, homophobe

>covid hysteria without ever bothering to look at an IFR table

only virgins like sword & sorcery shit

Not even a full LotR autist but the Entwives are famous, Tolkien specifically set up their fate as a mystery because he wanted there to be some things that remained unexplained in his setting.


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IFR: compiling several variables to deduce the Infection Fatality Ratio, the best metric to determine how dangerous a disease actually is. For anyone under the age of 70, the covid-19 IFR is ~0.65% or less, depending on age group. That didn't stop randall from writing comic after comic about how scary covid is and how it completely warped his mind

*rate not ratio

XKCD is the Big Bang theory of webcomics

>xkcd misrepresenting something to make a shitty joke
stop the presses

I want an Ent GF so bad!

Fuck off faggot

xkcd had gone full seething bugman by 2016, maybe 2014, I can't remember

it has been shown time and again that studios have quotas on how many of a percentage a script must have for women and brown people to either be talking or on screen and if a movie does well without them noticing it they make it a point to include these quotas to "improve" any future movies in the series.

Don't worry, all will be fixed in September

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>I’m with her
I wonder how he felt the next day

Is this guy still around? Looks like the quality hasn't improved much since his "beer tastes icky" comic.

Fuck me, that's low

Women have a better track record with wars than men.

Men are expendable, women are not.
Men get to go on adventures in which death is an option because even if they fail the species and tiny village can keep going without a rather large chunk of their virile young men.
If the women do the same thing instead and all perish they'll run into serious, real population issues fast. It's basic, common sense for how adventures would have and were handled for our entire existence.
Humans that were not smart enough to do this didn't make it very far generationally speaking and their entire bloodlines we're annihilated.
It's just science people, don't be anti science.

XKCD, a webcomic for people who never grew out of their "Catcher In The Rye is about ME" stage.

They should fight the rest of them then, give the guys a break.

This makes both incels and stronk women seethe

lol boudica

Ummm, The Ghost of Kyiv is a trans woman of color though???

And maybe people like you are why.


Have none of you niggers read the silmarillion? Luthien basically dabs on Morgoth and all of Utumno and snatches a silmaril from him. She puts the entire fortress to sleep so she can marry a mortal.

You will never be a woman tranny

>Have none of you niggers read the silmarillion?
it was boring and I forgot all of it

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>the silmarillion
Probably the gayest book I have ever read
>and then the elves sang
Nobody got time for that shit nigga

Source: Dude just trust me

If they had womyn within the fellowship of the ring, they would have betrayed them at the first sight of big orc cock.

>a guy who built his comic on science and questioning everything
Jesus, user, I grew out of his bullshit in like 2011 when I was still in high school. He was a cringy fedora-tipper and his jokes were Big Bang Theory-tier namedrops of science/math terms when the "joke" is just everyone sucking their own dicks for reading something they view as intelligent.

Now that the dust has settled.
Was it a good idea to give Arwen Glorfindel's role in saving Aragorn and the Hobbits?

Pros: It introduces an actually important character (Arwen) whereas Glorfindel never contributes anything ever again to the plot despite supposedly being very powerful. Arwen at least remains relevant to Aragorn's plot to become King, if only to serve as a device motivating or tempting him elsewhere.

Cons: Now that it establishes Arwen as a powerful warrior/sorcerer princess we are left wondering why she sits in Rivendell doing nothing to help advance the Fellowship, playing a will I leave or won't I leave game. I think her dilemma of "do I leave Middle Earth with my father as we are immortal beings not meant to live in this world or stay with my true love Aragorn and give him a son based on the hope of rekindling goodness here in Middle-Earth" makes more sense if she isn't already established as a powerful agent in the movie.

Thank you for reading my question. Please contribute.

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Let's see, what attributes did allow them to succeed?
Can you now see why there were no women present? They succeeded because of everything women are not.

it was a bad decision because there's no point to introduce arwen as a yaas kween saves-the-day character

Why shouldn't he? And does that diminish his claim?

If this is b8, then good job OP. If not, kys, tranny. Go sign up for the military if you're so brave and powerful. We'll see how the enemy will react to soldiers whose training standards were slackened just because they have a cunt in between their legs. They'll understand.