Do people here go to the cinema all by themselves?

Do people here go to the cinema all by themselves?
What's even the point?
I mean it's not like I have any friends either but I at least go with my dad(we watched the Northman yesterday).
Why do you do this?

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I'm vaccinated

The point would be to watch a movie...what is the point of going with someone else, you can’t talk to them during the movie, you might as well be alone.

No need no hoes distracting me from kino

I love going to the movies alone. Its fucking kino. Comfy chairs. Snacks. No one to annoy you. Play on your phone. Big screen.

As a kid, I used to sometimes just randomly go to the movies, and then when I get there I'd decide what to watch. It was just a way to spend time, really. Also, I don't know if it still exists, but going by yourself into a full theatre in the dark is pretty comfy in the right setting, right movie, right people. Comedy and Horror movies benefit greatly from this. There's a certain voyeur Nightcrawler feeling I get when I did this.

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Same, I go to late night movies, not many people around, and when I get out mall is closed and very silent, I love it.

>you can’t talk to them during the movie
You can discuss about it after the movie

Cinema is for watching movies. If there is a movie I want to see in the theaters without having to wait until the torrent comes out, then I will go see it. It's not a family event nor a party event. It's just for the movie. I actually see no reason why I should watch movies with anyone else. I always do it alone. I don't ask people to watch the same porn with me, and I don't ask people to play the same games as me. Likewise, I don't ask people to walk into the cinema with me either. This but unironically.

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This is how autists actually “think”

The first movie I saw alone was muooet treasure Island when I was 5. My mum dropped me off I don't know why. The movie had an area to fill up bags with lollies to then weigh them and pay for them at the counter I just filled up a giant bag and walked into the movie and had a blast. Didn't go again alone for like 20 years until the dark Knight rises. I actually think it made the movie semi decent because I didn't have to agree with anyone how shit it was and could just enjoy it

Max comfy brother HH

The only reason I bring someone to the movies is for a date. If I can't get a handie in the cinema why would I bring another retard with me? I can't talk to them during the movie anyway

I don't get it either, it would be like going to a restaurant alone or to a theme park alone it's just sad and weird. Maybe if there was one closer by to my house or work I would have a different opinion

Going to a movie is expensive and most movies are soulless cashgrabs. On the weekend it's filled with loud idiots. If there is a movie I really want to see, I prefer to go alone at times when there are only few people around. So if you enjoy silence, go alone. If you enjoy company and cinema as an event, go with people you like.

Wow so cool all the dudes in your class must want you to suck their dick

I've gone to resteraunts alone. Its comfy.

>I can't talk to them during the movie anyway
Beta bro doesn’t talk at normal conversational volume during movies lmfao

I go with my gf

I don't and will never have any friends

nothing wrong with it, sometimes your work schedule doesn't align with friends/family and you want to see it. No one is paying attention to you, if you wanna go to the theatre do it, if not don't.

I love going to a theater by myself, especially if it's an empty movie.... such an amazing feel

it's like $5 (maybe $7 now but still nothing really) on tuesdays or something

It's the optimal way to experience the kinoplex. I do have one friend, but he isn't into movies like I am and the last time he went was to see The Rise of Skywalker. I've set up my own little autistic routine and nobody can disrupt it. I like that nobody talks to me, I like that I can just ignore everyone and focus on the movie. It's comfy.


u mald bruh

If my friends are busy or not interested in a movie I wanna see, why the fuck would I not go?
If it's something I wanna see, id prefer to go to the movies than dl some shitty cam rip.

Lucky duck

I go by myself. It's comfy as fuck compared to when I go with friends. You don't have to meet up with people which depending on the person can make you late to the showing, you don't have people talking to you during the movie, and if you're a scumbag like me you can sneak into a 2nd movie after the first one ends. When I go alone I truly immerse in the movie instead of a social activiieoth other people. It depends on the movie though imo some movies are fun with others some are movies where I prefer not talking with others and just focusing on the movie.

You can talk during movies ya know people do it all the time. It's one of the reason I like going alone sometimes vs going with my friends.

>I can't talk to them during the movie anyway
>you can’t talk to them during the movie,
Are you guys retarded or something?

>have close friends
>start talking about a film
>they say we should go see it together
>watch it by myself anyway

This sums it up pretty well

I go to small food places alone like my local pizzeria not full blown restaurants with waiters and shit. It's comfy.

Why go to a movie if you're just going to talk over it, miss what's going on and disrupt people around you?

going to places alone is shit. i tried this solo traveller reddit shit and i had an awful time going to thailand (what a shithole) once. since then i'm never going to places alone including the movies.

Most people go to the cinema to enjoy movies as an event with their friends. They talk to each other during the movie hopefully at a reasonable volume. This is a big part of why people go to movies with one another vs alone.

me? i only watch kino on my phone with split screen mode while browsing social media or doing my homework

> t. normie who talks all the time during the movie and then wonders what happened

Going to the movies alone is comfy. It only sucks when the movie ends up sucking.

>go to marvel movie alone on a Thursday before the Friday premiere date showing so I can avoid spoilers
>call an Uber so I can make it there on time
>get in the car
>Uber driver is a friend of a friend of a friend that i have met a few times but barely know like that
>He recognizes me
>Asks where I'm going
>tell him like a sperg
>'re going alone?
>say I'm meeting people there heh heh awkward laugh
>tfw he could probably tell I was lying
Was pretty awkward but at least I got to see the movie early and thus avoid spoilers

Going to literally everything is better alone

Just pretend you're from out of town if you're going to the cinema by yourself. Buy some tourist apparel before and wear it to make it look real.

Lol you've actually done this

More than once.

Uhh I can ask Siri what happened during the movie. My air pods are dead tho let me turn the volume up

>Buy some tourist apparel
Like what?
A Hawaian shirt?

Bout to go see The Northman by myself. I will bring with me two tall boys and some chewing tobacco

I would sneak beer in if my bladder wasn't so shit. I hate going to the bathroom during a movie I hate missing stuff. I sneak food in though. There's a deli type.olace right near my theater so I usually buy pineapple slices and eat them during the showing

>be me back in the days
>at someone house
>lets watch a movie
>i wanna watch some KINO
>faggs always want to watch some pleb tier comedy or the league of extraordinary gentlemen even tho we see it like 4 times already
>tfw have to watch KINOs by myself and pleb tier flicks with this 90 iq idiots

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I make sure to chug one pretty fast so I can go once during the trailers

I go to the movies by myself all the time. It's awesome.

Hmmm maybe I oughta try that

This. I don't know why some people are afraid of enjoying their own company

>restaurant alone
>movie theater alone
>theme park alone
Not normal, unfortunately. I miss theme parks, I haven't been to one since childhood.

I buy items associated with the city I live in. Make sure they have high visibility. It can be a t-shirt with a landmark on it, a hat with the local football team or why not items from the local museum?

>movie theater alone
Arguably not. If the cinema screen mostly plebby hollywood flicks and you're into that as an adult... let's just say it's not difficult to assume you're either on the spectrum or a complete manchild.

>go outside chud

>if you're into mainstream normalfag movies you're actually an autist

>go to the cinema
no one does this

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>assumes I'm a political ideology internet warrior or out to own the CHUDS
Yeah this pretty much confirms you're on the spectrum

I'll go to the movie by myself if it's a kino that deserves a full surround system and for whatever reason my wife and friends can't go. I prefer to go with someone else but there's nothing wrong with it, it is a different and superior movie watching experience.

They're movies for kids. Teenagers. I don't know how to break this down for you, but you'd be looked down upon for enjoying those outside a social setting.

Based I might bring some talls with me tonight when I go (alone)

That's fine, but you're missing the context, which is whether socially awkward incels would be laughed at for going to a theater alone. They would be.

i havent paid for a movie since 2003

My girlfriend loves capeshit and harry potter movies, so i have to watch them with her. I usually fall asleep halfway and made her seeth

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>Do people here go to the cinema all by themselves?
no, I haven't been to the theaters in over 20 years because I have no one to go with, and last time I went I was bullied by teenage girls making fun of me

Incels don't have a girlfriend and are awkward. You've missed the point of the question.

I don't think they let you in alone unless you're wearing a trenchcoat here.

>I was bullied by teenage girls making fun of me

>I was bullied by teenage girls making fun of me
did you sex them?

He had to let everyone on know that he has a fat ugly girlfriend, forgive him.

Doesn't watch porn with his bros,what are you a homosex?

>did you sex them?
I haven't been to the movies in 20 years and you think I would sex them?

The point he's making, how did you not end up in jail from furiously jacking it to underage girls bullying you in a cinema setting, are you gay?

oh, no I'm not gay I was just very intimidated by their group