Christ died for your sins and took on all of hell for mankind. Because of him, you have a direct relationship with God and can be saved by realizing the weight of your sins and repenting
Christ died for your sins and took on all of hell for mankind. Because of him, you have a direct relationship with God and can be saved by realizing the weight of your sins and repenting
Other urls found in this thread:
Get saved, Yea Forums
What sins? The absolute worst thing I've done in life is jacked it to femdom mommy hypnosis and I'm pretty sure Jesus would be a chill enough dude to forgive that
Blessed laborer of the most high God
>don't use Yea Forums the verse
Why he white?
It doesn't say anything about femdom here.
>salvation by faith only
Kek. You have to go to church on Saturday and not eat unclean food too buddy.
>nooo you can't tell anons about Jesus, it's Yea Forums aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh
Jews used to be white before they were scattered and mixed with arabic and turkic people
It's the truth
>Christianity: the ultimate guilt trip
>you are born with sin cause Eve fucked up
>it's okay though, Jesus DIED for you so you don't have to have that sin we just told you you were born with
>just do what he (we) says, follow his (our) rules, give us your money so we can build lavish temples and adorn them with gold
>remember not to accumulate any wealth yourself unless you're really skilled at coaxing camels through eyes of needles
>there you go, you're saved! Sure your life on earth will be horrible and wasted in service to us, but there's heaven on the other side, we promise. Just look at Jesus, he wouldn't lie to you!
it's good that you're checking to see if you're in error user. masturbation is defilement of the body and Jesus tells believers that the body is the temple of the holy spirit of God. pray for understanding and you will receive it
Pray for me please the flesh is never satisfied
are you bitter because of isms? see pic related. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, study the bible and get to know God while you still can. think of what you're throwing away
>Christians haven’t realised yet that they have been brainwashed.
>had half siblings
I thought Mary was pure
Imagine believing that shit in our day and age lmao
Biblical Israel = whites.
Inb4 shitskin and kike cope
the modern world is too scary and complicated. so I have to obsess over dubious eyewitness accounts from goat herders during the bronze age
More believable than you thinking you'll ever be a woman, pedophile groomer.
Why are you projecting? Last I heard, it was your Church that was doing the grooming
too eloquent to be a non malicious musing of a bystander. be on your way seething deceiver
Movies about dead jewish rabbis, anyone?
>muslim hands typed this post
>pedophiles infiltrated an ism
>therefore Christianity is false haha
spoken like a born and bred roganite
They infiltrated 1000+ years ago? Weird the jew worship cabal had all this time and did not do anything
religious infighting between muslims and christians is the funniest thing.
You can deny the fairytales of other religions, but not your own. you just dont have the heart to take that final step, do you?
Oh no, it's false because it's a bunch of nonsense, simple as. The pedo shit is just the icing on top.
But since you are willing to argue, humor me: what makes your religion more legit than, say, Hinduism or Buddhism?
I don't give a FUCK about some sandnog kike who got brutally murdered by romans 2000 years ago. You can larp all you want to justify your inceldom, just stay the fuck out of my way or I'll send you to Him real quick. Got it?
Oh no
catholicism is the current iteration of the ancient mother-son cult
see this post and understand
you don't just contradict God on so many crucial key doctrinal issues without manifesting for the world to see and beware, a clear cut way of proving how you're a counterfeit (vatican pedos haha)
and look how you wouldn't fall for it, IF you seek God in His word, the way it pleases Him
i hope you at least think about these things
Jesus got owned by romans and his believes were turned into Roman population control. Cope.
I won't because your shit is literally a cult of personality fabricated by Saul of Tarsis as the original church by James, aka the one Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef actually left in charge of things, was wiped out by the Romans. Mark 16:9-20 was written somewhere in the 80s CE whereas Mark itself was written in the 50s CE, which means there's no lines in there about preaching to non-jews, which is why James didn't do it. Saul did though, and he never even met Rabbi Yeshua. Not to mention the fact Rabbi Yeshua's claim to godhood was that he met the jew Moses, a person who never existed. Also your post does not explain why pedophiles were in the church thousands of years ago and it was reported as much. Inb4 your off-topic thread is deleted and you take a three-day vacation.
Have a great time!
>You are a sinner. Sinners deserve Hell
That's it, I'm convinced. How do I join this compassionate humanist peaceful group?
Or, you know, if you're from nay developed Western European and East Asian country
Christianity is the religion of shitskins
>using a gif of god's chosen programmer to spout your atheist drivel
delete that gif off your computer nigger
>developed Western European
*(((developed))), i.e. colonized by degeneracy and globohomo.
you are an actual idiot who has no businesses attempting to mock christianity or christians
i'll tell you how i ended up here, i was born in an islamic country, to an islamic household, brought up in the love of God, with exactly the way He commands moses how children are ought to be brought up, in exodus, by how God delivered the jews through the red sea and the wilderness of sinai.
when i became an adult, and realized the counterfeit memellah, the idol of memehammed is not the one i loved all my life growing up and felt like i was deceived so i strayed. God called me softly when i was entering my 30s and i sought Him out earnestly, in the bible, with qualified teachers explaining through parallels and callbacks to OT and found out everything checked out and my adult, previously unsatisfied brain was satisfied. i asked to be a partaker of Jesus' shed blood on the cross for the forgiveness of my sins so that God is on record having paid me in death, according to my sins, so now that my sins aren't in the way when i die, i can go be where God is, because it's what He wants.
>taste and see that the Lord is good
>baseless, headcanon seethe and ackhtuallies
>i'm not unhinged you are
>a woman with a black baby to drive the point home
>have a great time!
how do i achieve such peace in life? put on a wig and a dress?
Glad you have chosen a more righteous path brother
No he was sent to fix the hews which had deformed God’s religion. After that God raised him up to heaven. Also God can’t have a child that’s far beneath him.
why do atheists care?
this is a cool post
do you not see the parallel between adam and christ? Christ is an intertwinement of God and the flesh, he made himself one of us so he could die for us. I relaly cant make you see this, you have to have faith to come into the full understanding of God
sure you can poke holes in my statement
>muh faith hurrr
but at the end of the day, you wont understand until you do
To us humans sinning may seem like a little thing but death is evidence that God is serious about sin
Romans 6:23
>For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 John 3:15
>Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.
Revelation 21:8
>But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
You see God’s moral standard is a lot higher than ours. Jesus said:
Matthew 5:28
>But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
On judgement day God will judge you by your sins and your sentence will be eternal hell. How can anybody avoid this?
The ten commandments are called the Moral law, you and I broke the law but Jesus paid the fine. That’s what happened on that cross, his last words were ”it is finished” in other words the debt has been paid. If you are in court and someone pays your fine the judge can legally let you go and justice is done and mercy is shown. Even though you and I are guilty under the sentence of death and damnation, God can dismiss our case and let us live forever because Jesus paid the fine in his lifes blood and then rose from the dead. If you’ll simply repent of your sins, turn from them and trust in Jesus alone for your salvation, God will immediately remit your sins and grant you the gift of eternal life.
Why is religion being discussed on Yea Forums?
Why not? It's more important than anything.
Because this is more important than anything on your precious tv user, this is eternal life and salvation
this is the politics and metaphysics board
this is not what atheists believe
user I’m muslim. I do believe in God but it’s unfair to inherit sin because sin comes from your actions. So you can’t be blamed for things you didn’t do.
entertainment fiction... yeah, should be in Yea Forums
Based Yea Forums preacher
there is no hunter schafer thread up atm
so I'm here, asking for forgiveness, in between furious masturbation sessions
Christ is k-ACK!
Why do I have to go on this merry go round in every thread. We were punsihed for the ultimate sin, which is vanity. Every single man woman and child that has and ever will have existed would have committed the exact sin that Adam and Eve committed in the garden
why God “allowed” this? I cannot explain, he is an all-knowing entity that has a wisdom far beyond what you and I will ever understand, even when we die and join him in heaven. But i know that it is good and that it is true
>humans bad because... they just ARE, OKAY??!
This is the television and film board.
so accepting and wallowing in ignorance is how you serve your "God"? Sounds like a dick.
you've made a free will decision to follow a marauding pedo over the sinless son of God
you've taken it upon yourself to dictate what God can or cannot do
you've worshipped a cube and fasted around a specific phase of the moon
Ok user, you win. Just know that he loves you and wants a relationship with you, all your life you have been rejected, mocked and belittled, but God views you as his ultimate creation. He will never turn away from you
you made a free will decision to follow "the son of god" right after being told that God is all knowing and punishes those that worship false idols... then the new testament came along and said "here is a new guy that says he was the old guy, but made some mistakes and changed!"
The faithful fail the test of faith.
Prots and non-denominational like you lead to the dumbest takes on Christiany know to man
Why don't you look up Matthew 16:18 and stop sucking yourself off
I'm not bitter so much as I feel bad for Christians who have been tricked into wasting their lives over an untruth
Duke Ai of Lu said to Confucius, "In Wei there was an ugly man named Ai T'ai-t'o. But when men were around him, they thought only of him and couldn't break away, and when women saw him, they ran begging to their fathers and mothers, saying, `I'd rather be this gentleman's concubine than another man's wife!' - there were more than ten such cases and it hasn't stopped yet. No one ever heard him take the lead - he always just chimed in with other people. He wasn't in the position of a ruler where he could save men's lives, and he had no store of provisions to fill men's bellies. On top of that, he was ugly enough to astound the whole world, chimed in but never led, and knew no more than what went on right around him. And yet men and women flocked to him. He certainly must be different from other men, I thought, and I summoned him so I could have a look. Just as they said - he was ugly enough to astound the world. But he hadn't been with me more than a month or so when I began to realize what kind of man he was, and before the year was out, I really trusted him. There was no one in the state to act as chief minister, and I wanted to hand the government over to him. He was vague about giving an answer, evasive, as though he hoped to be let off, and I was embarrassed, but in the end I turned the state over to him. Then, before I knew it, he left me and went away. I felt completely crushed, as though I'd suffered a loss and didn't have anyone left to enjoy my state with. What kind of man is he anyway?"
dude trust me is exactly what mohammed did, see pic related of
the marauding pedophile, the author and finisher of your cube and moon worshipping "faith" called Jesus' mary "miriam, you sister of aaron" (who is moses' brother, that lived 1500 years before Jesus walked the earth)
read and study the bible while there's time, you are deceived, you will die in your sins and end up where sin belongs and you will not get to say i never knew
I want to go back