General Grievous (the real one, not that jobber from TCW) is cooler than Darth Vader

General Grievous (the real one, not that jobber from TCW) is cooler than Darth Vader.

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He needs his own film

disney won’t touch prequel era besides clone wars and bad batch. they only do OT and sequel shit because that’s what the money’s in, they know most consoomers will eat it up. it’s why we haven’t gotten any moobies in the old republic era either.

>every Star Wars character needs their own film!!

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More like his own video game. You'd think during the height of all the great games Star Wars was raining down upon us during the prequels, they would've taken advantage of the droid army leader/jedi-hunting cyborg concept with how popular he immediately became upon introduction and gave him his own game where you get to do both of those things.

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I, too don't want to live in a world where a standalone Grievous game doesn't exist.

Is he okay

He's just joking around

Jackass Clip

He didn’t fly so good.

That's why he was made a jobber in TCW.

>Dude, a cyborg should be able to beat space samurai wizards in a fight!

Nah, fuck off. It was always a retarded idea. Any Jedi could just ragdoll him with the Force.

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Yeah. He became a US president shortly after.

this unironically. best part of star wars was always the designs. its the smartest marketing move, itll sell the most toys, and if you throw 50 pieces of disney shit at a wall at least 1 is bound to stick

Prequel era is the most interesting in terms of lore and ideas, it was just badly executed
After that legends is the most interesting, then OT, and sequels are just dogshit

Ancient Sith and KOTOR era is the GOAT.

>Any Jedi could just ragdoll him with the Force
Not that simple when they're being intimidated and can't focus while being rushed with cybernetic augments specifically designed to combat Jedi and give them no room to breathe.
Imagine getting this filtered.

Yeah they should because it's done well and that makes it cool, retard.


Lol fuck off.

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I completely agree with you, except I think that most prequel ideas and lore were nicely executed. Fuck Yidney's non-canon trilogy though.

You're right and General Grievous is like a precursor of Darth Vader anyway.

the jedi can literally break anybodys kneck just by thinking about it, i seriously doubt grevious could actually kill, or, shit, even hurt, a half-competent jedi.

but thats the problem with star wars.
its the single most inconsistent and retarded """sci-fi""" ever made.

>build these gigantic mountain sized battleships
>a car sized fighter will just completely magically ignore every single defense and shielding on that gigantic ship and just blow it up with 1 pew-pew from his dildo sized lasers

fucking idiotic.

>in 1 scene we see x-wings shooting, its like firecrackers, tiny, little pew-pew
>1 minute later a scene with an x-wing doing a fly-by of a drednought and now its lasers create a 5 mile motherfucking hole in the ships hull, with a gigantic explosion

the funniest part?
the only 3 star wars movies that make the most sense are.... the fucking prequels.

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Actual NPCs.

>muh general grievous is so cool he should have 1v1'd Yoda

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Sorry that you didn't have friends in school to talk about Star Wars with. Must have been hard.

>i seriously doubt grevious could actually kill, or, shit, even hurt, a half-competent jedi.
They make it perfectly clear why he's able to kill Jedi, it's just the actually competent Jedi that are the only ones he ends up losing to or retreating from.
That's why he gets his lungs crushed by Windu.
That's why he escapes from Anakin and Obi-Wan.
That's why he dies to Obi-Wan.

Yeah he could have. He also could have fucked your mom and been the father figure you desperately needed.

Nah, my best friends since we were 10 (31 now) like Star Wars. We're just not 13-year-old cringelords, who think lame shit like Jedi killer cyborgs are cool.

>being this buttblasted that someone doesn't like your shitty children's show character

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Seems like I was right.

the only thing that is made clear is that nothing makes a lick of sense in star wars.

seems like you're projecting. sorry, Jamal

Ok Chang.

You must be 18 years old or older to post here.

its prettty much just a dude waving a sword around.
how does he have any chance agaist a fancy telepathic, telekinetic magician monk?

>well, he does not, zero chance, but uhhh.... the uhh.....

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Where can I find the REAL General Grievous?

If you paid attention you wouldn't have to ask, especially in bad faith.

It's the Batman vs Superman argument. The only way Batman can win is if Superman fights like a complete retard and doesn't his powers correctly. There's just no reason a Jedi can't Force rape him on the spot.

Looks like the mouseketeers are at it early today.

Why does Disney have to do with this? They've never done anything with or to Grievous.

And thank God for that.

After ruining Luke, Leia, Han, Anakin and basically the whole OT, I can't get worked up about a non-character like the general.

Both Disney and Lucas have been doing a good job of ruining Star Wars.

Fuck off, Mike.

Not him but watch the CG series

Grievous was only a non character in TCW and since that's the case, I'm also not worked up they aren't doing anything with him.

This was already explained in the cartoon
Anyways, what's the point of having heroes if there aren't villains to test their grit, skills and inteligence? Villains like Grievous and Durge play by different rules, so it makes for interesting writing.

Grevious was still a living being, snapping his neck or crushing him (like Mace did) is considered a dark side use of force, a Jedi wouldn't normally use that kind of attack.
They would push/pull as the most offensive force uses, which Grevious could withstand with his claw/magnetic feet.
It isn't that unlikely that a sheer display of speed and mixed saber styled would throw most normie jedis off balance

paid attention to what?
how retarded 95% of star wars lore is?

The context makes even more sense when you factor in that Dooku is an ex-Jedi himself.

doesnt this clip prove the opposite, that dooku could just force push/throw grevious around like a bag of potatoes and do whatever the fuck he wants, even without using "evil" force stuff, like breaking a neck?

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>This was already explained in the cartoon
The explanation was moronic. There's no reason a Jedi would fear him more than any other droid. One force crush and it's all over.

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Man I wish Grievous was my dad, at least he wouldn’t be off fucking some washed up Israeli whore

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It does. Mace rapes him here as well. Obi-Wan blasts him across the room in ROTS too. Grievous can't win against Jedi, unless the Jedi's IQ suddenly drops by 30 points.

its like saying a servitor could totally fuck up a grey knight, because the grey knight will be scared of the servitor.

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Ep 5 > ep 4 > ep 6
Anything else isn't worth discussing.

The stuff with Vader, Luke and the Emperor beats anything in 4.

He's a dark side user operating under the rule of two, the power scaling and methodology are different.
Dooku could very well do any of that since he's in complete control but that's the reason he's training him, to remove the flaws in his tactics.
Kinda obvious.


Kind of obvious that if Dooku can casually dismantle Grievous like that, while lecturing him, a a Jedi going hard would be able to rape him.

No Grievous dickrider has ever been able to explain how he avoids getting Force fucked.

>jedi do force crushes willy-nilly
>jedi can just throw force powers at will at any time, even when there's a 9 feet robot swinging 2 lightsabers with superstrenght at them
Grievous wasn't meant to just go and anounce a 1 on 1 duel against a jedi. He beat them at war before fighting them. Jedi get tired, they get scared and they can lose. Grievous destroyed their spirits before he actually fought them. He was relentless, resourcefull and creative.

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watching Mace literally crush his lungs was fucking great. 2d Clone Wars >>> 3d Clone Wars

And Jedi going hard do rape him. That's the point.
That's why they're training. That's why he uses fear, intimidation and underhanded tactics to chip at the focus of the Jedi he's fighting.

>>in 1 scene we see x-wings shooting, its like firecrackers, tiny, little pew-pew
minute later a scene with an x-wing doing a fly-by of a drednought and now its lasers create a 5 mile motherfucking hole in the ships hull, with a gigantic explosion
I don't think this happens once. I know star wars space fights don't make sense (which is why people who freak out about Holdo are retarded) but they don't THAT little sense lol. They have other bombers, Y Wings. The only time in the OT I can think of that there was some bizarre power level inconsistency was in ROTJ when the A-wing crashed into the bridge of a Star Destroyer and that caused it to nosedive into the Super Star Destroyer. It's retarded lmao.

>jedi do force crushes willy-nilly
Why not? We've seen Mace and Luke do 'em.

>jedi can just throw force powers at will at any time, even when there's a 9 feet robot swinging 2 lightsabers with superstrenght at them
Yeah, they can. Obi-Wan literally ragdolls Grievous while dueling him.

>Jedi get tired, they get scared and they can lose.
The idea that a squad of Jedi, including two Jedi Council members, would be afraid of a single cyborg slowly walking towards them is ridiculous.

Except that scene happens after Griveous dismantles a team of Jedi, including Council members, so he's already supposed to be a super badass. It's nonsense.

This, not to mention the fact it was the first time any of the Jedi had fought Grievous. They had no idea wha to expect.

dooku was casually using "light side of the force" moves (push and throw) to pretty much ragdoll grevious around like a bag of rocks and do whatever the fuck he want during a fight.
fuck, even a padawan with a stick, not even with a lightsaber, would fuck grevious up before he would even get close.

this is the same story like with star wars fighters in space - doesnt make any fucking sense.

i guess there only 2 sci fi shows that realistically looked at fighters in space.

>battlestar galactica
>fighters are pretty much just vs other fighters, because the ships have such fucking huge flak potential its fucking suicide to even get close
>star trek
>no fighters at all, just dont exist, iterally would get fucking swatted down like flies by precise fire

training my ass, he could train for a mllion years, wont stop grevious from getting fucking murdered by a padawan in 10 seconds flat.
>I don't think this happens once.

all the new sequels.
and 1-2 scenes in the originals.

It's implied that they've been training together for a while, not to mention that he was already a warlord with major experience under his belt.

And that stops them from TK'ing him because...?

You see, that's all well and good, but it's completely irrelevant against a Force user. No amount of training can stop you from getting TK'd if you don't have the Force yourself.

Because they're tired, they're weak, they've been under siege for who knows how long and their spirits are obviously waivering. The mental toll that has on a Jedi is easily exploitable.

horrible, forced mental gymnastics to somehow make a little teeny tiny bit of sense that grevious would have a 1% chance against even a semi competent manlourished jedi with downs syndrome.