Admit it, you liked the Matrix before you found out it was a trans metaphor.
Admit it, you liked the Matrix before you found out it was a trans metaphor
Yeah, because I was fuckin 11 when it got released. And nobody cared about this trans stuff back then.
That interpretation is a reach, even if it's coming from one of the creators. Anything in that story that's applicable to the trans experience could also be applied to countless other things
Retroactively saying something was actually something else just because you trooned out and sliced your dick off doesn't make it true.
>matrix 2
>matrix 3
Female hormone usage
>matrix 4
Makes sense honestly since only first movie is good
I still do
I though it was Platos allegory of the cave
Six million?
No. 300k tops, from starvation and typhus. Allies bombed the supply lines. They had hospitals in Auschwitz for inmates and cinemas. Even a camp currency. Awaken my brothers.
It's not a trans metaphor, it's just "dude, zen". When they read in buddhism that reality comes from the mind, they just had a simple nerd moment of "what if that was like, literally as in a computer simulation?"
If you think it's more complicated than that, consider this quote:
>Larry Wachowski : You see, at this point in the story, Neo stands on the verge of satori, ready to resolve the paradox of choice and choicelessness, of free will versus fate, but that can only be achieved through an act of surrender, which occurs after he has abandoned the perspectival nature of truth, accepting the totality of present consciousness which ultimately allows an evolutionary transition, transcending the Cartesian dilemma through the emergence of delimited spirit, which then provides the world with the choice of a third path, the path of Neo, the path of peace.
Aside from swapping out the word 'Buddha' for 'Neo' - this is verbatim buddhism. While speaking here after the trilogy, dude forgot that their IP was actually supposed to be the Matrix and not zen Buddhism wholly unmodified - he even just left the word 'Satori' in, as is
It's pretty fucking obvious that its about being transexual
Red pill = estrogen
Lana Wachowski later said that it's about anything you want it to be and actually makes fun of that in Resurrections.
Never heard about the trans metaphor until the trans question became an important political talking point and it was time for a two decades later Matrix sequel.
it's obviously fake. also, look at the fucking post. bot shit
i like it more now
I doubt anyone here is/was invested enough in The Matrix for it to matter whether the Wachowski brothers being truthful or not.
>be trans
>decades of chemicals and operations
>finally able to pass
>get released from the matrix
>back to your own neckbeard self
The overall concept of the Matrix and some stuff in the movies is interesting but I have never cared for the movies at all and don't see why they're so loved. Take the premise and put it in another, better product and I'd like it a lot more.
When did Yea Forums start hating transfolk? Is this a /pol/ psyop?
>Remember, all I'm offering is the truth
A man taking estrogen pills to look like a woman because he's a pervert isn't the truth.
Trans people are living their truth, and are 100 times braver than you will ever be
Someone post the story of the dominatrix that brainwashed him/her/they.
when you came out of the matrix
Okay what’s the blue pill then retard
So much drivel. Word salaf
That's like saying a serial killer is just living his truth. Trans people are mentally damaged individuals that need actual counseling and help, not butchers molding their genitals into grim facsimiles of the opposite sex and they definitely don't need doctors loading them with drugs just to fuel their delusion.
funnily enough, my trans roommate made me watch the matrix before they started pushing this narrative and I still thought it sucked
>the matrix has always been about being mentally ill
alright, that 1000 smiths fight scene in the backalley was entertaining 20 years ago when i was 14. sorry you have to put on a wig and a dress and pretend you're a lady but i'm gonna attend my takes the bible seriously church and sing praises to my kinsman redeemer, Jesus of nazareth this sunday.
It's actually not, it all refers to specific things that become meaningful if you are studying buddhism, but it is also deliberately put into a salady format for humor - as he is saying this (in the middle of the Path of Neo game) his speech gets speeded up as he goes through it.
It was never a troon metaphor.
Never mentioned in the trilogy, at all. Only (extremely tenuous) link is the red pill. They also said they wanted to make Switch a guy IRL but didn't because they thought it would be too outlandish in their movie about hyper-intelligent robots enslaving humanity in a virtual dreamworld where people who are aware of the dream can jump across buildings and move at impossible speeds, which if true makes them look incredibly pathetic for not having the spine to stick up for their artistic vision.
I still do, I don't care what the directors claim the movies were about after the facts
Death of the Author is a thing, even more so in the case of "Lilly" Wachowski
The auteur thing is retarded anyway, there are enough other people involved in the making of a movie to not have to shit yourself over disagreeing with the guy who took all the credit
thats why you have to die to leave the matrix
It's not a trans metaphor and I still like the Matrix.
Ressurections is fucking atrocious.
>Tranny Cope
>I still do, I don't care what the directors claim the movies were about after the facts
based, i do the same with blade runner and ridley claming deckard is a replicant
Wouldn't give two shits if it was, but I also don't have to watch the film through that lens regardless of creators calling an audible 20 years after the fact anyway.
Han didn't shoot first just because Lucas had kids, and I'm not going to pretend the average civilian in Dragonball is a midget just because Toriyama says Goku is 5'7" which was later changed to 5'9" and could change again at the drop of a hat.
Were GitS, Invisibles, and that pretentious book they had the cast read all trans metaphors too? Because that's where they repackaged "inspiration" when it came to everything people liked about the first film aside from a few slick camera shots and actor interpretations of character.
Embracing such nonsense only serves to dumb down the transhumanism elements of the film. It is degrading to the creators, cast, philosophy, and audience being instructed to fixate on something so tertiary.
what if becoming a disgusting tranny and then killing yourself was the path to enlightenment all along
I liked The Matrix when it came out and I was 9. I've reached most of the classics recently and it's poor. It has some decent bits but is super cheesy. Reloaded is abysmal.
The death of the artist is at the pen. As soon as it's written, it doesn't matter what the artist says about it.
>wasn't a tranny metaphor when it came out
>now it is though
It's pretty fucking obvious you're a gay pedophile who rapes kids. Get killed groomer.
serial experiments lain did it better, esp if you saw it with no context at 2am on toonami
I don't trust your opinion if you put the original against its peers and call it poor. It was decent at least, but not worthy of the fanfare its sequel got. Anything that had a cult following is having that following exploited now, and that includes making it seem like the cult was the status quo and actually everyone loved it and actually you're wrong if you didn't. I fucking hate marketing companies so goddamn much.
Stop molesting children.
Ultra based, the screenwriter also said Deckard is human.
I still love The Matrix, and I don't care about any hidden agenda or whatever.
Great dystopian/cyberpunk film.
There was literally a trans character in the original draft of the first movie
Yeah. I remember when traps and shemale porn were big on here
lmao, it's fucking nothing. You're grasping at straws lad
Lol, no britbong. It’s a clear example of the idea being present from before they even got the movie greenlit, and when you factor in that both of the writers were closeted trans people it becomes very likely that they were putting that interpretation on things.
Also, I’m non-binary.
>Also, I’m non-binary.
You mean you're a mentally ill pedophile.
It's a metaphor for archons, energy parasites, lower astral 4D negatie entities, reptilians, grays and the like, also alien AI and nanotechnology. These elements operate beyond the "believable world" of normal reality reinforced by television and movies, behind the scenes, behind the curtains, but there are far more beings representing the unconditional love essence of the universe which is rarely represented properly in movies, as most media reinforces fearful thought patterns of fear, as energetic food for the fear feeding parasites. Watch any two characters act on screen, as if genuine love and compassion were unknown to these beings chosen to "represent" life. Then you have the more real realities that make this life appear as a dream, or a cheap movie, with the equivalent of movie producers and directors who aren't "really there" because it's their job to pick things into place without being noticed or recognized, never being viewed so they can never be blamed for their choices. Are they manipulators, or creators. It's all very complicated at the true reality, which is actually fa more unbelievable than the machine world depicted in the Matrix, far more fantastic, far better, yet there are rumors of things far worse. Advanced technologies being used for no good, callously exploiting the incarnational cycle and biological life, treating life as cultures in a lab. Cloning, cyborgs, DNA harvesting, organ grown vats, humans used for meat and DNA farming, food for the reptiles, physically or energetically. Hope it's all rumors. Hope it's all fairy tales. Cheap sci-fi and nothing more. Wait it's about getting your dick sliced off WTF
Go watch Total Recall (1990)
I still love it
>closeted trans people
no such thing, a tranny that doesn't come out is a perverted man with fetishes
so why does Neo stay a man after leaving the matrix?
I didn't expect anything worth a shit from a troon and i am still let down.
When i see these debilitated cunt it make me want to put them out their misery with a chainsaw.