>very legal edition
you'd think she could afford a new bed
what would be the best strategy in this case, in terms of making an impression on the judge? appear dazzling or as if time has taken its toll?
Don't know, don't really care.
I'm all about posting walled sluts.
Not walled
Not walled
Were always walled
There's a small chance of recovery. I read an interview where she talked about going vegan. And not long after she looked like you picture.
She needs to go back and eat some meat.
Get the fuck out
Is 20 the new wall for wh*te w*men?
Is that a faint heart tatoo on her cheek?
not walled. just a terrible photo and terrible hair and makeup desu
>not walled
Asian one is fine, but for the others I have no comment.
Not nearly as bad as that pic makes it. I still would
Chang won
How come they all (except the chink girl) look older than JK Rowling?
Like I said, bad photo, bad haircut. The only one coping here is your sorry virgin arse who needs to post in these threads to make them feel better about their own ugly, disgusting face. Admit it user, you've never slept with a women even half as attractive as her. You're a bitter, lonely incel who copes with the fact by shitting on others. You'll deny it but deep down you know its true. Cope, seethe and dilate you disgusting fat chud.
>I still would
>airbrushed garbage
Yeah, no shit.
Kek cry harder, pathetic simp faggot
Why does no one talk about how milfy she is?
lets see a candid photo of you then you fat cunt
>Kek cry harder, pathetic simp faggot
>he knows it's true
>he knows he's getting uglier every year
>he knows he'll never amount to anything
>he knows he'll die alone full of regret
cope, chud.
After you hang yourself, you pathetic coping simp piece of shit.
look up Bailey Jay – My Creaky Wood Floors
men can hit the wall, too.
>he won't post it because he knows he's a disgusting fat piece of shit that has never achieved anything
Step up, you little bitch. if everyone on Yea Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
samefagging and coping to this level?
Unironically kill yourself you worthless fucking faggot
damn, Dan Schneider really did a number on her.
Oh my, Bailey has been architected.
very nice
>he still won't post it because he knows he's a disgusting fat ugly piece of shit that's never even sniffed a girl let alone fucked one
Cool story, now why haven't you killed yourself yet?
can't get enough of these wallin's
Why haven't you posted it yet? Scared chud? Can't handle someone judging you like you judge others?
Cool story, now why haven't you killed yourself yet?
I STILL would. Go outside you fucking loser
So those asianposters were right? She actually looks way better now
This isn't the wall this is the call
>I STILL would.
Yes, because you're a pathetic, worthless, garbage, samefagging-simp that should kys.
still hot af
cute dog
It looks cold and early
>here's your new Thor, bro
Honestly not bad for the wall. Most women get hit harder.