
Thread for the discussion of arthouse films and classic cinema.

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>last two threads die in less than 200 posts
it's over...
movingpicbros... we need to make a discord...

>films are… le cinema

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New films added to Cannes' official selection.
LE OTTO MONTAGNE Charlotte Vandermeersch, Felix Van Groeningen (Italy/Belgium)

UN PETIT FRÈRE Léonor Serraille (France)

TOURMENT SUR LES ÎLES Albert Serra (Spain)

DON JUAN Serge Bozon (France)

LA NUIT DU 12 Dominik Moll (France)


REBEL Adil El Arbi, Bilall Fallah (Belgium)

PLUS QUE JAMAIS Emily Atef (Germany/France)


LE BLEU DU CAFTAN Maryam Touzani (Morocco)

HARKA Lotfy Nathan (Tunisia – 1st film)

L’INNOCENT Louis Garrel (France)

MI PAIS IMAGINARIO Patricio Guzmán (Chile – Documentary)

THE VAGABONDS Doroteya Droumeva (Germany – 1st film)

RIPOSTE FÉMINISTE Marie Perennès, Simon Depardon (France – Documentary – 1st film)

RESTOS DO VENTO Tiago Guedes (Portugal)

LE PETIT NICOLAS QU’EST-CE QU’ON ATTEND POUR ÊTRE HEUREUX ? Amandine Fredon, Benjamin Massoubre (France – Animation – 1st film)

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it’s too late for this year but how exactly do someone get a film into cannes

You submit it. The instructions for submissions are probably on their page.

might as well get into a new hobby

Yes, watch anime.

Might as well hang yourself.

why the FUCK did no one tell me Shinji Aoyama died last month :(

time for a eureka rewatch

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what are some /films/ with ted k vibes

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any film with this aestetic?

didn't know that either, that's probably why jim o rourke put his music up on streaming recently.

Stemple Pass

Captain Fantastic

Monsters Club

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Space Jam

>that's probably why jim o rourke put his music up on streaming recently.
is that an american thing cause eureka and insignificance is still not on spotify for me in australia :(

Film bros, recommend me something like this please

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A piece of shit?

forgot to say Apple Music (which I don’t have either, I’m also a Spotifyfag)
nice to meet a fellow o rourke fan on here though

He ripped off Castle of Purity with this so watch that since it's better. I'm surprised it isn't talked about more.

Thanks user I'll check this out


Upcoming Albert Serra film TOURMENT SUR LES ÎLES


>ripped off
Not even remotely true, perhaps inspired by the setting of a father isolating his family but the execution couldn't be more different, Dogtooth tackles the use of language itself and how it shapes our identities, from the kids not having names at all to the strange use of vocabulary, the lengths the father goes to build up a foreign like lore to their world is also very unique, the last scene in the trunk speaks volumes at what he managed to achieve.
Castle of purity on the other hand is purely physical in it's oppression, violence and abuse is rampant, it's more of a claustrophobic take on isolation whereas in Dogtooth the children have a lot of space to roam freely in as to contrast it with the psychological aspect of it.
I genuinely think people who keep comparing both just want to be snarky about watching older stuff with a similar premise, coupled with a complete lack for nuance.

>He ripped off Castle of Purity
Proof? Are you stupid? both movie are conceptually similar but that's it
>I'm surprised it isn't talked about more.
Yeah because one looks like you are watching El Chavo del 8 and the other one looks like real european art house

I don't like Lanthimos but in general I think some of his stylistic quirks are similar to Greenaway who is more baroque and opulent. They both have similar dark humour and sometimes more mechanical performances with more sterile feeling camerawork. The Favourite is like a lesser version of Draughtsman's Contract, which is a good starting point for Greenaway.
I haven't seen this but I can believe it.

Cope. It's similar up to some screenplay elements. Of course it's not 1:1.

Wait. I will just find the interview where he admits he ripped it off, give me 20 minutes.
>real european art house
Because it has detached aesthetic? Lol. Don't make me laugh. Castle of Purity is like Bunuel flick.

Point out those elements.
And here is an interview where Yorgos is asked about it and says he hasn't seen it before.
The fact that Ripstein went calling him out for supposed plagiarism when it's completely unfounded is honestly just pathetic, I watched Castle of purity just to see how similar they were, but I refuse to watch anything else such a whiney unprofessional man has made.
Dogtooth is just miles ahead of his film so all he had to latch on was the similarities in premise to cope with his jealousy, very bitter small man, not a good look for Mexican directors.

sucks that he died, but that movie about saving humanity by playing shitty gimmicky noise rock was horrible. Haven't watched Eureka, though

Kek, Ripstein is 10 times the director Hacktimos is. Unlike Lanthimos he actually made interesting and good films not stereotypical crap with aesthetic plugged out of arthouse cliche catalog. Yes, he denied it, just like Tarantino denied City on Fire. Sure proves something.

I'm still waiting on that interview you said you were going to drop, until then spare me your buzzwords.

It was an irony you fucking retard. Even Tarantino didn't admit he ripped off that flick, nobody will admit lol dude I just ripped it off haha. Fucking retard christ. No wonder you like Lanthimos.

>merely pretending
we're done here, thanks for proving my point.

>he thinks an arthouse director will publicly admit to ripping off another film
are you really that stupid?

>Liv Ulmann can do better Bergmans than Bergman
kinda surprised desu
maybe it had just the right amount of pretension

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I don't particularly like Lanthimos but you type like such an insufferable faggot, is this your first time here?

If you think this behaviour and shitting on Lanthimos (who was never liked here) is anything new you might be here 4 months tops. Funny how you accuse me of being a newfag while exposing yourself. Good job I guess.

Yes, it's been proven you're low IQ.

>ripping off
Again, both films are completely different, there is no ripping off, you have yet to post those similar elements you keep complaining about, and most directors do admit what films they were inspired by.

>irony if I was wrong
>not irony if I was right
Don't worry we just disregard his whole opinion, nobody takes clowns seriously

>same concept
>completely different
Yes, the director whose breakout film and its concept are being praised as the most original thing ever will come out and claim he stole the very concept from another film. Makes sense.

>who was never liked here
Pretending to speak for an entire general is the most obvious sign of being a newfag trying way too hard to fit in, and it's not so much about your dislike of Lanthimos than your very limited vocabulary and use of buzzwords, I can't remember the last time someone used "kek" unironically while replying to me in these threads, I can easily tell you stumbled here from some porn/tranny thread on the catalog.

Only a mongrel retard could think that I would seriously look for an interview where the director spells out he ripped off a film. You're unironically retarded.

Having a similar premise is not ripping off, are you genuinely braindead? both the execution and themes are completely different, is this your first time watching a film or what, you still haven't pointed out to those various elements you cited once again, I see no scenes being brought up, no character interactions, no similar subplots, no nothing being posted by you, just do us a favor and kill yourself.

>he thinks the general didn't have specific directors it favoured
Obvious newfag. Quite embarrassing actually.
Threads from 2020. Not that you would be in them, you obviously came yesterday.

You are a clown, not superior to anyone, you are incapable to communicate accurately thoughts with people on the internet, keep on raging no one cares.

But he is correct. Lanthimos' films were never popular here.

>same concept when the concept is praised as original
Yes, the execution is different because Lanthimos is your stereotypical fraud. The themes are only slightly different not that much, you highlight the language aspect as if the corporal stuff wasn't part of the film at all.
No, thanks. The plot, several key elements including the themes are more or less lifted.

>I'm so stupid I actually think an user will provide me an interview with the director saying I ripped off this film therefore you are bad at communicating
Not my fault you can't detect irony and are clearly braindead.

What exactly are these threads supposed to prove beyond a shitposter or two making snarky comments about certain directors without elaborating? you think that's quality discussion? funny how your notion of being an old fag is a random thread from 2020 that just highlights faggots like you who are unable to elaborate on their points.
I am yet again still waiting for you to point out the various elements you mentioned, this is my fourth time asking, and you are still deflecting from any discussion of films.
Again there is no point generalizing how a general views a certain director, I myself don't like his films yet clearly there are people who do that occasionally come and ask about his stuff
>more buzzwords
>no I don't have to watch a film to say it's similar
I rest my case, don't bother replying to me again, these threads would be far better without people like you.

In the old days Lanthimos would be called a24 nihilistic zoomer dogshit and inferior filmmaker xyz and the whole discussion would be done with.

>Again there is no point generalizing how a general views a certain director, I myself don't like his films yet clearly there are people who do that occasionally come and ask about his stuff
His statement was correct. He was never particulary liked or praised here. Stating a fact is stating a fact. Doesn't matter if there's a grander point.

>in the old days
Clearly not that old if that's your point of comparison

Old days of /film/ that is

>What exactly are these threads supposed to prove beyond a shitposter or two making snarky comments about certain directors without elaborating?
It's obvious you're new, it's just funny because you call other people newfags while being one. I already elaborated on it, the corporeal stuff is in both films, the concept is the same. No shit they're shot differently and adding the dimension of language is not a groundbreaking addition. There is enough common ground between both to point it out.
No, it's just to point out that kek use is normal maybe not for super serious tough guys who pretend to be oldfags but have never seen kek used in their life.
I already pointed them out.
>without people like you.
More like without newfags like you who get triggered by the use of kek. Nooo you have to remember the whole film to cite specific examples nooo you can't just point out the whole premise and dealing with the corporeal and psychosexual aspect of itNOOOOOO THERE IS LANGUAGE AND HE SHOT IT IN HIS OWN WAY AGHHHH

This is your level of idiocy: "OMG did you believe I was believing in it!? You are sooo stupid, I was obviously being sarcastic but you are too stupid to see it I was being not ironic BUT SARCASTIC, Jesus you guys sometimes are beyond retarded, ooof course nobody believes such a thing, in fact, I'm not even the first user, I was pointing how stupid you are when you can say any dumb stupid shit and pass it as irony but you are so retarded you can't even catch the simplest subtexts in a conversation" Pure anti intellectualism, incoherent shit, I now you can't see it though, just keep on raging and keep amusing your audience you clown.


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>dumb stupid shit = irony
That's not how it works bucko so your pointing is invalid from the get go.

Lacks Einsenstein like editing. 6 Underground was better.

Whatever you say clown