So is he coming back or not?
So is he coming back or not?
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Is he coming out or not?
i’ve got his body but love handles. i’m medically normal weight but they make me look like i’m 20 ibs heavier. it’s making me depressed.
Not likely. After the WB-Discovery merger they announced that they'll "revamp" Superman.
The WBD boss said WB let Superman stagnate. He didn't say anything about revamping. The ones to mention a reboot was the old WB regime.
>David Zaslav, the new owner of Warner Bros. Discovery, is reportedly looking to institute a significant overhaul for the studio's DC film and TV properties
>Zaslav's focus is more about unlocking the fuller potential of the DC IPs, as Warner Bros. has faced its challenges in the last few years, especially on the cinematic side of things. Based on the report, Superman appears to be one of the big priorities for the new company
That's pretty vague wrt casting. All it means is we're getting more Superman.
Wtf why does that suit make him look kinda short? BRB..
Henry Cavill height 6ft1
Christopher Reeves height 6ft4
Henry Cavill mogged by the of!
It means no decisions have been made. Warner is losing to Disney who is losing to silicon valley. So big changes are needed.
If I were Cavill I'd be thinking less about what got me where I am and more about what I can do to add value to the Hulu brand and how to get that written into a sweetheart contract.
I hope that Snyder's Justice League gets continued, but I doubt it will happen. Especially considering the guy who plays The Flash can't stay out of trouble.
There's also Amber Heard to consider and nobody liking Leto apart from some Snyderfans who are just lying to themselves. ZSJL was kino but it ended on a wet fart because that guy just fucking sucks
>Disney who is losing to silicon valley
What do you mean?
The Sneederverse is overrated garbage.
Man of Steel is the best movie in it by a country mile, and even that split the audience.
Not only is Sneeder not a Feige, but Sneeder wouldn't work with a Feige, and like it or not if you want to do a cinematic universe you need a Feige.
The opinions of a pleb idiot. Begone.
Man of Steel was by far the worst one. It had Nolan's stench all over it and just generally felt like a very compromised vision.
DC could have a Feige for their regular comic universe then have Black Label one off's like Joker. They could have the best of both worlds but now everything is broken beyond repair
Man of Steel is better than Snyder's Justice League
I mean Apple and Amazon make Disney look like Warner, Warner look like Newscorp, and Newscorp look like Channel 9 Australia.
Maybe ONE of the legacy media corps survives the coming wave of consolidations as the streaming market matures, MAYBE. If it's going to be anyone it's going to be Disney, everyone else gets eaten by Bezos and Apple and maybe Google.
So Warner is losing the fight to be "the one" to Disney.
And Disney is losing the fight to even have a "one" to silicon valley.
You just gotta find someone that can handle them.
Nigger look at the rest of them.
Batman vs Superman the dawn of Martha
Wonderjew beats the nazis in the wrong war.
Suicide Squad - make it more like Deadpool
Wonderjew 84 - the one that nobody watched.
The Whedoncut where batman makes jokes now
The Sneedercut where at least it's not the whedoncut
The Suicide Squad - make it more like Guardians of the Galaxy
If you're being generous BvS is the average. Man of Steel by far the best.
hopefully no, he's awful
>Man of Steel is the best movie in it by a country mile, and even that split the audience
they were getting progressively worse and by a landslide
On the money about MoS
Imagine liking Man of Steel but getting filtered so hard by BvS
Imagine thinking this is even in the same league as The Dark Knight Returns.
It is easily better.
Ignoring for a moment the classic "it's good because the things look like other things" meme, it's no secret that the movie is chock full of a random grab bag of hackneyed literary references in order to seem smart. If you were fooled by that it's because you're as retarded as Snyder is. He and his films are the very definition of "pseudointellectual".
nigga BvS is just a greatest hits of classic moments from comic books without any of the context, worldbuilding, pacing or emotional impact. It's like a movie version of cliff's notes.
>without any of the context, worldbuilding, pacing or emotional impact.
It adds new context, provides new world building, and it has major emotional impact.
You got filtered, nigga.
You're right. I was filtered by the atrociously stupid and dramatically inert storytelling, the horrifically bad pacing issues, the generally pretentious, brooding first year film student attempts at "gravitas", the blatant advertisements for movies to come, the canned symbolism and 1:1 references to other, better works in a desperate attempt to leech off of their reputation and influence, the crappy video game cutscene fight sequences, the bad acting and the generally tonedeaf portrayal of heroism. As I am a filmgoer with some semblance of actual standards, these things filtered me.
Yeah, you're a faggot with shit taste that got filtered by the movie.
the answer is a resounding no
henry wants to come back, of course he does. it's a lot of fucking money and steady work that any actor would be appreciative of, especially him who 1) really likes money 2) isn't exactly lighting up the world of cinema with other performances. but it's not up to him. it's up to wb.
the old regime of wb fell out with cavill because he made them look like idiots with the theatrical cut of justice league by refusing to shave his mustache.
david zaslav might save his ass, but remember that snyder's interpretation of these characters starting with man of steel ultimately resulted in a polarizing batman versus superman movie, and absolute chaos on justice league (granted, a lot of that can be chalked up to being wb's fault for greenlighting justice league and filming it so soon after the release of bvs, when they should have waited to see how it would be received).
at this point, the goal is to completely reboot the character. most likely with a person of color as superman.
And you're a faggot with shit taste who likes bad movies.
WB fucked with BvS in post by cutting 30 min of the movie. This lead WB to release The Batman in full because they fucking known they fucked up. Justice League was them soulless trying to copy the MCU and ruining the movie to such an extent it burned everyone involved. Everything wrong that happened is on WB.
Then you add SS, Birds of Prey, WW84, TSS, and so on and it is shown that the problem was never the actors or not even the directors.
You're the faggot with the awful taste here. We established that.
The movies weren't good before they started meddling, which is why they panicked in the first place. They tried to fix a dumpster fire and instead made it worse.
>Yeah, you're a faggot with shit taste
>t. Sneeder fan
"Some people call me Martha Manhunter".
The only thing we've established is that you have a dramatically over-inflated sense of your own intelligence and so you embrace pretentious pseudo-intellectual trash masquerading as artful cinema because you think it makes you look cultured, when in fact it does the exact opposite.
>WB fucked with BvS in post by cutting 30 min of the movie
As JUSTice League demonstrated, those 30 extra minutes would be the same shit, entirely in slow motion.
You're here defending WB execs. The most notorious stupid people ever known. They asked Snyder and Goyer how Superman would go back to his planet if he used his pod to destroy Zod's ship. The planet that fucking exploded. These are the guys you're defending.
You mean the critically praise ZSJL that was recognized at the Oscars?
>I haven't seen The Dark Knight Returns
Oh I see the problem.
It is not hard when there are people like you posting shit. You make everyone look smarter. Real ego booster.
I've read the comic and seen the two animated movies directed and animated by Zack Snyder's friend Jay Oliva. Who also worked with Snyder in his movies.
Fucking idiot.
>71% is critical praise
lol that's like a C-
>recognized at the Oscars
don't be disingenuous, it got nominated for a throwaway award that they introduced to appeal to the MTV music award audience
You clearly have a very fragile ego considering that you blow a gasket whenever someone has an opinion you don't like. BvS is still trash, by the way.
Still better than the studio outing. That's all i need to show how wrong you are.
>He and his films are the very definition of "pseudointellectual".
Please tell us then what Snyder was going for in BvS and what some of the themes were.
>what I said was total bullshit but if I move the goalposts that means I win
sure buddy
You have the taste of and act like a child.
Enjoy your BvS hoodie you fucking pathetic wretch.
I can’t believe you think you’re the one with hood taste LOL
Other guy gets it. You are a faggit or a zoomer or both for sure.
You seem mad, bro. Chill out.
You're the one excusing WB butchering of the movies saying that the WB executives were right about BvS using JL as an example. I just showed that Snyder's version of the same movie did better critically than the studios' butchered version.
Is he the homosex? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
NTA but he's not defending the execs, he's saying the execs panicked because the movies were shit, and made them shitter.
But lets be clear, the MCU that the sneederverse was trying to copy is entirely controlled at the level of the executive producer. Taika, the Russo fags, the other ones, all they do is take copy from a writers room controlled by Feige and produce raw footage to feed an editing room entirely controlled by Feige.
And that's what it takes to do a successful cinematic universe. Sneeder can't do that at either end of that relationship, he can't be the Feige and he can't be Feige's bitch. So where the execs fucked up is recognizing that too late and reacting poorly to the realization.
But honestly that's par for legacy media these days. For all the progressive wank that comes out of their mouths they don't want to learn, they don't want to change, they just want people to give them money for posters and trailers.
As much as Marvel and Disney are (fairly) accused of having the "fuck you, you'll buy anything" attitude, they're actually a rather benign case compared to literally everyone else.
Sneeder wants to be an auteur, and he's actually pretty good in that capacity. 300 was a GREAT movie. Watchmen and Man of Steel were pretty good. But that is not the skillset that produces a good cinematic universe. He's a famous chef trying to flip burgers at McDonalds, it's not going to work.
How could you POSSIBLY like BvS better than TDK Returns?
It's not possible, you're lying.
He can definitely come on my back.
He was exploring, or trying to explore, a whole number of things. Far too many things, actually, which is one of the many key problems. To just prattle off a list: first, what would actually happen if a being like Superman existed in the real world? He'd be a divisive figure regardless of his actions. There'd be a cult of followers in direct contrast with a conclave of cynics and reactionaries, pundits arguing about his intentions on CNN. There'd be widespread paranoia, and a person in the right position of power could take advantage of that paranoia. You know, all the stuff that Snyder lifted wholesale from the works of Alan Moore. Second, the nature of trauma, specifically childhood trauma and the way it shapes a person's worldview. The eroding properties of cynicism on a person's character. The nature of vigilantism and the way it corresponds with or even leads to authoritarian perspectives. You know, all the stuff that Snyder lifted wholesale from Frank Miller. Finally, in an attempt to seem profound, he draws 1:1 parallels with superheroes and the figures of Arthurian legend, Greco-Roman myth, and the stories of the Bible, because he somehow didn't realize that those comparisons were obvious. He compares Superman's sacrifice with that of the messiah, which like I said is first year film student stuff. It's not hard to figure out what Snyder was going for, just like it's not hard to point out the numerous reasons why he failed miserably at what he was going for. But feel free to tell me everything I said was wrong and make up a bunch of BS to save face. It's in your nature to do so.
You're full of shit. You didn't say it fared better than Josstice League with critics, you said it was "critically praised" when it was barely given a passing grade, and then you moved the goalposts. Anyway, my point was that I'm not as upset about executives butchering a film that was already a pretentious, overlong bore and a colossal trainwreck to begin with.
>Anyway, my point was that I'm not as upset about executives butchering a film
Of course you aren't. You're a corporate's slut who loves to defend fucking brands and the faceless owners of said brands.
And you need to clean your buttplug as it is clearly giving you the shits.
Correct on everything except the Feige simping.
I love how it is clear you gleaned all that shit from the threads here but doesn't really know what the fuck you are talking about.
BvS is really just a Greek tragedy with DC heroes and a Campbellian bent.
No, I just don't care about the artistic integrity of someone who's only pretending to be an artist in the first place
Because you're a fucking moron, user. You're nothing but a consumerist and a pleb.
It's not Feige simping, it's just a fact.
If you want to do a cinematic universe with 30 films, a dozen TV spinoffs, videogames, toy lines, a sports stadium for some reason, and all the other stuff...
... you need a Feige.
Wait, you mean to tell me that a superhero movie pulls from Joseph Campbell's monomyth? What a novel concept that's never been done before. God you are fucking pathetic.
>y-y-you only understand the t-themes because someone t-t-told you what they were!
Like I said. Pathetic.
You mean he's the sort of person who watches Batman films?
I can't believe you actually read that horrible wall of text.
You're displaying more brand loyalty than I have this entire thread. You're a consumerist retard who thinks his preferred flavor of corporate diarrhea is enlightened art for intellectuals because the idiot who made it borrowed his shot composition from Renaissance paintings, thus easily tricking your feeble mind into defending it. You're transparent as all hell.