



Attached: ICarly_Revival_S2_Poster.jpg (810x1200, 1.08M)

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Who the fuck is watching this?

Nos Sam, no fun

Is Freddie redeemed from a cuck?


is gibby in this

just guppy

Why did they keep the old guys hair the same

Isn't he pushing 50?

Had no idea that season 2 had already premiered.
I watched the first few episodes of season 1 but got bored of it. They should've made a Drake & Josh reboot but now it's too late with Drake testifying

Why is there niggers


He had like 3 different hairstyles in the original show. Funnily enough too he's the only one of the cast who hasn't really aged

This. They replaced her with two characters, and neither does what Sam did with the fun charm she had in the original. Freddie's daughter is just a jerk for sure.


yeah i knew about this channel, wondered if hes back

feels like just yesterday I was seeing "where are the sexual situations they promised?" Threads on here. Damn that year went by too fast.

Reminder that Sam hates and mocks all the fucking zoomers who watched this trash show:


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why is this so sexy?

It's not, it just sounds like a little kid exposed to something new.

He is always so close, but never gets it. Freddie deserves a threesome!!

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sour grapes because she was dissatisfied with her career

holy fucking based

Jerry tricked us. I want to see Miranda doing hot sex scenes so bad ;_;

wait what didnt the 1st season come out like 3 months ago

i'd do dirty things with miranda




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Calm down, Dan. She is too old for you now.

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you know, fat virgins that are obsessed with niggers and trannies. you wouldn't get it

She fucks niggers

But I'm not watching this

Her feet is perfect. No wonder Dan was completely obsessed with her.

I don't find her that attractive but dear lord, those soles

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I'm sorry for her

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Holy hell. I envy Danny boy so much. Imagine that cutie giving you a feetjob.

>She also recounted a painful moment from age 10 when her mom was giving McCurdy's agent a hard time after the child didn't book a role in the 2005 film "Because of Winn-Dixie" that ended up starring AnnaSophia Robb.
>"My agent, I literally hear her on speaker phone go, 'They want an ethereal beauty. Jennette is not an ethereal beauty. She is homely. She reads homely,'" the star said. "And I was like, 'OK, guess I read homely.'"

what a fucking ungrateful cunt
her entire life has been bank rolled by this show during a period in her life that not even 1% of her cohort had the opportunity to do and would all be saying now they wish they could have that opportunity

Not everything in life is money, user.

she's still a talentless hack who's ONLY opportunities today are because of that show

Her book and play are literally titled "Im glad my mom is dead".
Nobody would have given a single shit about her if she never was on that dumb kid's show in the first place. iCarly is the only reason anyone listens to her post child star, manic-depressive autobiographies. She probably still resents Ariana Grande's success.

Selling your clothes online is better than being famous and rich lol

Imagine being Jenette. You are at Miranda's shadow while doing iCarly. Then you have your opportunity to shine and Ariana steals the show. It's not easy to deal with it.

She looks happier and self conscious. So I say yes for her case.

I'm into that.

And not anorexic at all too

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Based ASR

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the title literally covers her ass. it's obvious that dirty dan schneider is no longer involved. i guess they're all too old now kek

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>pretending like you have the artistic merit to do anything higher than iCarly
lmao just lmao

I miss fanservice scenes so much. Why is not Dan in charge baka.

it's sad

Flipping Ariana Grande upside down on the bed.. choking like a scene out of Throat Gaggers 12. Dan was a fan service hero...

Pure gold. It's so obvious a bunch of feminists are in charge of the iCarly reboot. Sad.

Did she show her panties yet? It's literally all I care about.

iFUNNY POWDER episode when


