*effortlessly debunks your racist ideology*

*effortlessly debunks your racist ideology*

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i dont think i've ever hated a human face more than this one

>gets humiliated and outed as a retard by joe rogan of all people

He looks like a cartoon character.

more like Adam called him out on his pseudoscience bullshit and he threw a roid tantrum

>source: wikipedia

>the wall would only stop 80% of illegal immigration, so it's pointless! oh and racist.

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didn't he throw a tantrum at Dr Mike too

and that video agreed with him some of time if I recall, just pointed out the bits where he's wrong

ironic he can't handle being ackshually'd himself

>guns are bad because there racist
>also taxes are bad
He's kind of based

>bases his personality on being an annoying know-it-all
>gets btfo by Joe Chimpniggerturdbitch Rogan of all people on trans rights so bad that his show is cancelled
Love to see it

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No but he made a point about the post office

>that pic
my sides are in orbit

I died of laughter when he used Contrapoints as a source.

>how do we know putting kids on puberty blockers at age 4 is good
>well the trannies I've spoken to that haven't killed themselves yet say they don't regret transitioning

He unironically has good episodes albeit

>cars bad
>circumcision bad
>work bad
>democracy bad

Now THATS a groomer. Keep that sick leftist queer away from your kids.

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Bullshit is the superior un-woke version of this idea.

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Adam was 100% right on his point about hospitals being kike bullshit, though. Of course that'd be the one thing he'd finally get backlash about from anyone not named Joe Rogan.

>>circumcision bad

Yeah but my point was Dr Mike actually agreed with him on that. I think it was some breast screening stuff where he disagreed. Point was he got triggered even though he agreed with him a lot of the time.

>actually all of medical science is wrong!
>look at this one study with 8 people
Leftists are literally incapable of making an argument in good faith.

>>democracy bad

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Well you’re definitely right about him not putting any effort into his work

Jesus Christ.

Is this the Loco Bandito?

It’s a shame Penn went full woke because he got too afraid of the coof

then show your working faggot

based comic

>on his point
Adam has no points, he was just a talking head for the scriptwriters.

that was too good, I don't even watch rogan regularly and that epsiode had me howling

this screams bandito

holy cringe. he's supposed to be a tv presenter, not on tier with a fucking breadtuber eceleb.

>a tv presenter doesn't have to rely on evidence to educate you!

holy based take

He was at least tolerable when he was fat, because he was a hot fuckable piggy bitch boy. Now he's just annoying

>cries like a girl when presented with crime stats, and never ending black and Chinese hate threads, each featuring a unique clip

>First name basis

>by Mike Matei (2009)

This shit got like 10 seasons but it was all on the TruTV website or some other place where no one fucking watched it

What the fuck has even been happening with Contra over the past two years? I haven't heard much about them lately.

*debunks a strawman*
*then tells you to eat bugs*


Cars are good you easily manipulated leftist bootlicker
Also work is necessary.

I bet you watch Adam something, fucking loser.


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>Actually! The historically accepted number of deaths has come under scrutiny by scholars in recent years, and even so, many of the remaining deaths can be attributed to a typhus outbreak!

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Are you fucking kidding me?
These people have no shame.

looks trustworthy

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Anybody got the Rogan clip?

I'm sick of being an ugly fuck while these freaks waste their Chad genes by wearing dresses and cutting off their dicks, it's not fair.

dude went from chad to absolute freak. a simple autogenephelia fetish pushed to an extreme..

It's not by Mike Mattei, but it's by Johnny Ryan, whom Mattei basically imitated for his Loco Bandito comic

As if the content of your post didn't btfo him enough, you went ahead and raped him with those holy trips. I bore witness.

>>circumcision bad
>>>democracy bad
Broken clock being right twice

There's something very appealing about comics which cover modern issues, but look like they were drawn in 1994


>Adam is gay
>his sister is also a dyke
Makes you wonder? What causes homosexuality, is it nurture or genes?

Dude was handsome af

it's because its juvenile which makes it even funnier

To be fair, at least we know he's genuinely fucked in the head and not doing it for the attention or to fuck women. No one sane would throw away those genetics for internet brownie points.

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Adam Ruins Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

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>circumcision bad
It objectivelly is you fucking mutt. Unless you have phimosis there is no reason to do it. You're reducing your pleasure, you're removing a perfectly natural and functional part of your body, all for a fucking kike.

>looks good as either one
This nigga has cheat codes enabled.

