What does Yea Forums look like?

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I've been told I look like Dolph lundgren in stature and Brad Pitt in looks.

Far Napoleon Dynamite without the curls

I look like James Caan's kid. Spitting image.

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Scott Caan they call him. That or a jacked Giovanni Ribissi

i'm literally Rust irl

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yeah me too haha

square or oblong, usually black and bright with fake electric light. used to be super fat but not ultra-thin.

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what's that face for

Something like this

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i'm a big dumb fat retard.

with the rest of the queers you degenerate.

Like shit but not THAT bad

what show is this?


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Too Old To Die Young

its kino

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what do you want from me

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imagine if this came out today Ted Cruz would watch it jack off then try and form a mob to burn down netflix

I look like all four guys who played Tony in the Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus got mixed together

Like this man right here, I used to have a wigger phase growing up just like Channing, acting like a manslut.

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>I'll be damned, Kenny fuckin' Powers, last time I seen you I think I had a yeast infection, I'm all cleared up now.

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You sound like a Cruzophobe. You probably want him to fuck you. You've probably been attracted to a Ted Cruz and didn't even know it.

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my mom says i look like keanu reeves but every time i ask the barber for the keanu haircut they end up shaving my head
what do they mean by that?


Where to cop such a t shirt?

>what does Yea Forums look like?

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>what does Yea Forums look like?
this but instead of a turkey its my reason to live haha

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Literally this guy

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I'm ugly

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its your show, doc

>you might not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

Like a young Steve Buscemi with Adrien Brody's nose

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Been told that i look like daniel radcliffe by one person, another said i look like a polish rapper

I'm by no means a chad but my genetics could be worse i think

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do you have kids?

literally me

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Adam Driver in Napoleon Dynamite remake

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Not goona lie, I'm actually ugly, depressed and have nothing going for me.

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welcome, brother

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Holy shit Xander went full Nick Nolte, right down to the hair

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This is what I look like on the inside.

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me irl

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I've been told Tim Robbins by multiple people. Including a judge who stopped a court proceeding for my friend to point it out to the entire room. It was discussed briefly by the lawyers and clerks.

>POV: OP’s room only he has a bunch of girl shit splayed everywhere because he is a tranny
you will never be a woman, you will never give birth, you will be buried with your birth name, archeologists in the future will identify you as male by your bone structure so even after death you won’t pass