Troon BTFO by ZOGbots
>another tattoo'd asshole cop
gonna be a good day when conservatives get the rope
What a great Yea Forums-related thread! Based!
>racist sexist cop assaults a woman
Based. Trannies on suicide watch.
no man this is just wron y'all gone too far
Wasn't that guy given a crazy fucking sentence for stomping that tranny? IIRC the tranny recovered fully but the dude got the book thrown at him for it
>The comments
So normies hate trannies too huh? Great
probably was considered a hate crime
how do you know it's a troon?
looks like a tall dude with long hair, probably plays drums in a metal band
He's a big guy
Everyone outside of twitter does
Not everything is Twitter. Remember that ~90% of the world population aren't fans of the American brand of left-wing political activism.
Cops did a good job. Another freak off the streets.
nah i know him irl, he's out there stomping trannies to this day
the general population's opinion on trannies doesn't reflect Twitter/the media at all
>FUcking piece a sheeit
>seething tranny
kek kys fag
Hope they put the tranny into a womyn's prison.
rent free
>youtube shorts
The cop is the beta here. Imagine being so offended by what someone says you resort to violence kek
nah they didn't, if they were doing their job they'd euthanize him. pedos get the rope
his voice changed
Troon? Is that not just a dude with long hair? Am I being trolled here?
Holy shit, what a stomp
It's just a dude in his PJs
Unironically die chud
Yuropoor foreigners were the ones first supporting degenerate shit
that's what a tranny is
Kicking someone on the ground counts as attempted murder where I live so you can pop a cap in their ass
Do you live disconnected from the real world? Of course normal people dislike troons.
No those things have more issues than long hair
>Unironically die chud
>I was waiting to hear him sing
"Tip Toe Through The Tulips"
Holy shit
More likely to rope yourself, tranny.
Seethe, dilate, rope.
You will have kids and they'll be gay lol
that girl in the green top is cute why is she dating a trannoid
>you don't buck up to the po-lice DUDE
Miss live PD so much bros
Everyone I know hates them
Just looks like some random guy getting belligerent with a cop and the cop reacting like a typical roided up tard, seems like a nothingburger
>guy kicking your ass is the real beta
ya sure you stupid tranny, kek
>You aren't going to buck up on the cops DUDE
wow really, at least have the respect to not misgender her.
kek you only know other Yea Forums losers like yourself, incel
>crazy mental patient starts screaming at you close you your face
He didn't want to catch AIDS from the tranny's breath to se quickly tackled him. He should have shot the faggot in the head to spare children from future molestations
>I dindu nuffin
Holyshit he said it
>troon doesn't get shot
baka at the troon privilege in this world
nah everyone hates trannies. women snicker when you fags walk away KEK
>Violence makes you a badass alpha male
Damn I guess just walking around hitting children and retards makes me manly. Masculinity is dead, and faggots like you have killed it.
Yes, but the Americans have taken the reigns. Weimar Germany isn't around anymore.
>Damn I guess just walking around hitting children and retards makes me manly
>supports cops brutalizing and arresting citizens for the slightest 'not respecting muh authority!'
I don't like troons but that person didn't do anything that warranted that. I'm sure they'll get some trumped up charge like 'threatening/intimidating police and resisting arrest' or some shit
That's a huge bitch(male)!
You will have no kids and your name will end with you.
Cops on Fox news streaming with geraldo Rivera is bretty good. new cops episodes, not reruns from the 90s
Really brings awareness to tons of leftist anarchist types getting btfo
You don't step on people's head, user, even if you don't like them that's not really allowed
being a filthy tranny is more than enough provocation. they were protecting the peace.
Where's the video with sound?
Yes, more of that
Google is hard, huh
>gonna be a good day when conservatives get the rope
Yes the retards telling you to go back to pol are just other trannies