How do the Japanese usually depict westerners in film?

How do the Japanese usually depict westerners in film?

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>all white people have the exact same face

>in film
Hmmm maybe they like, get a white guy

I was hyping up this white character in this battle manga i was reading, when he was sliced and diced into tiny pieces by his japanese opponent. All the fights in the manga are around 5 to 6 issues long. This was two and a half. Im crying right now.

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>shit thread
Derailing. Hey look Yea Forums, a monkey!

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The only European character in Boku No Hero Academia is a gay cowardly traitor


I don't recall this being in any episode of the Simpsons. I know the coloring enough for this to be an early post-digital Al Jean showran zombie episode and yet I still don't know where this fucking scene comes from, are you fucking with my mind?

>VHS filter looks realistic
Are you fucking with my mind?

Deleted scene maybe?

Fucking whitoids always bitching about something LMAO

The only deleted scenes I know that involve a monkey are in the Scully era. This one is clearly Jean, so my mind's a blank.

Who the fuck cares you bloody faggot
Post some monkey torture videos
I can't because they all got sound

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holy autism


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What kind of autistic shit is this? Not all white guys are pretty boys

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European? Or white American. Cuz all might is Japanese American, right? Or did you mean captain celebrity?

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Real Japanese don't look korean

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just look at the difference in character creation between Dark Souls1 and 2

we look like cartoons to them, they look like cartoons to us

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in 2 they knew they'd have to cater to the Western Market so your character went from looking like a lumpy potato person in 1 to looking like a runway model in 2. In other words, they know it's important for us to have good-looking avatars in games

Aoyama is French

who is this semen demon?

Like this:

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No he's not. He's just a gay aesthete posseur

it's because they've been depicting themselves as white since they first encountered europeans.
you can find some old jap art, probably woodblock prints, where they depict chinese people in the same yellow skinned, buck toothed ching chong way that america did, while illustrating themselves in as white passing of a way as possible.
So of course when it comes depicting whites in their art they make them look different than most of them are, otherwise they'll look too much like how they depict themselves.

Holy fucking based

Kento Yamazaki

>it's okay when non-whites do this!

so better than the west.

it's okay when non-kikes do this

>pale skin
>built a civilization you'd actually want to live in
>technological innovators
>have contempt for their neighboring ethnic inferiors
>the only non-Europeans to ever fight Europeans on equal terms

Japanese are non-European whites

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Can't wait for Japanese live-action blackface in a popular franchise! God, let this happen!

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So what you're saying is they make westerners look less faggy? That's fine by me.

they literally sold it off willingly to these shit companies who is being the kike?

the kikes

what the fuck is wrong with you

Who are you replying to?

He look, a sneed!

Apologize for being white. Fucking ignorant shit. You're responsible for war and colonialism and slavery and the holocaust and your white privilege is poison.

Fucking apologize.

I can't wait till you are a minority and we can take the gloves off with you and your white family.

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this but completely unironically

>Who are you replying to?

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meanwhile, the blackboi

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he’s honorary american and there’s nothing you can do about it

>Apologize for being white. Fucking ignorant shit. You're responsible for war and colonialism and slavery and the holocaust and your white privilege is poison.
>Fucking apologize.
>I can't wait till you are a minority and we can take the gloves off with you and your white family.

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Can I get a buck status on that one?

I look like that IRL but everyone calls me a fatty :((


we are winning so go cope and seethe some more, retard. the inconvenient truth is that eurofags truly do deserve it.

If we had the skeleton of the edit in the top right of OP's pic we would literally suffocate to death due to improper circulation in the airways and the brain, I think OP has a point

>we are winning
What are you winning? Yt just gave you stuff because we wanted you to grow up right. It's not working.

wHAT makes you think that you retard

White characters are like 90% of all Anime characters

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blonde hair, big nose, tall

million pity for bayi monyet

Does this person who made this think he's being smart? There's barely any difference, much less than regular caricatures, and there probably are europeans with those proportions anyway. What a fucking retard.

edit on the top right has a taller midface + brachycephalic forehead shape, it would be problematic

try throwing your weight at a shoplifter you'll get Yea Forums famous for 12 minutes at 3am

>a shoplifter
a nigger*
we wont care otherwise

like rutger hauer?

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