Rebel Wilson

Architect bros... we lost. It's over.

Attached: Rebel-wilson-weight-loss-1578360.jpg (590x350, 42.12K)

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From hamplanet to fridge, I don't know which is worse

You know I thought she would be one of those fat girls that would look hot when they lost weight but I was wrong.

Good. She was fat.

Nah, her face was always weird.

It's sad because her roles are about self deprecation, but she's already made enough money to last forever. Good for her though

Just kidnap her & for feed her junk foo for 6 months.

She does though.
Peak Aryan genetics.
Would pop out strong sons indeed.

>be ugly and fat
>get roles because you're fat
>be ugly and not fat

What was she thinking?

her face is absolutely ghastly

I laugh when these cunts lose the weight and realize they were ugly all along, and the only thing that made them look cute was the weight they just lost.

It was weird but I thought it was because she was fat, I always potential underneath the fat.

Was so much hotter when she was fat

she'll pull a Jonah Hill and blow up again when she stops getting roles

*I always thought she had potential


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is this going from left--> Right or Right--> Left?

>You know I thought she would be one of those fat girls that would look hot when they lost weight but I was wrong.
Adele is the only big name that went from fat to skinny hot.

Good for her, too bad she's still ugly though.

Don't forget she took a shit on some random persons lawn

She looks terrible skinny and fat, shame.
Head's all weird looking.

Now... Adele, she looks fine as hell thin.

Attached: ade.jpg (1167x1094, 258.99K)

both look better when they're obese. Rebel looks worse skinny compared to adele , but adele still looks better as a fatso

Show bingo wings.

You just can't handle a real Germanic woman. Can you?

>You just can't handle a real Germanic woman. Can you?

Attached: Julia Föry.jpg (960x640, 125.1K)

she has a big british head
being fat just made it seem normal sized

Obese women are sexy and I’m tired of pretending they’re not

Holy shit she looks horrible. Her face is terrifying.

Both look better fat because they were rich but still exploitable and can be coerced due to low self esteem
Now they've thinned down and you just know they have heightened ego from this, they no longer seem attainable

Youre retarded. Go fuck a couch.

No memeing or misogyny.
Legit: Good for her. Would have sex with her if she asked me even though im still not attracted to her. She deserves validation for her efforts.

and she'll be fat again in 5 years

No one's pretending they're not because obese girls are genuinely disgusting

Look at that forehead

She's ruined her career but I'm sure she took that into account. Good foe her, nobody should be that fat.

For me, it's Sneeda Mafeedo

Fuck did you subhumans expect?
When a bitch is the size of 3 people, she has the skin surface area to match. If you take the bloat away, such a massive amount of skin doesn't just magically shrink back. She was never going to look good, literally never, because of it. Bar that, she's also a disgusting human being so it's only natural for her looks to match her personality.

Isn't she a virgin?

Anything past chubby is a disease.

the obesity literally makes the sex difficult
pictures aren't real life virgin, you'd prefer the thin woman 10/10 times seeing it in real life

Thats just Toula when you're on pingaz

that forehead is massive what the fuck

>the obesity literally makes the sex difficult
Really? I'd very much like to do it from behind with a sizeable womann.

she should hook up with jonah?

fake name and accent.

Ocgh ma gowd habibi

Attached: Screenshot_2022-04-22-11-56-03-04_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg (1080x704, 173.78K)

>gets skinny
>career dies
Why does this happen?

Attached: kekss.jpg (299x327, 28.5K)

Attached: 1610892902256.jpg (2070x1062, 653.21K)

women are literally born retarded

From hog to hag

>she has a big british head
she's australian


She somehow looks worse skinny. It's also fascinating that US retards ate up the worst thing from Fat Pizza, she's a terrible actress.

I highly doubt a single person in america has seen fat pizza

this is a fat pizza thread now

That doesn't detract from my point at all, doofus.

Im pretty sure her career is just completely over now that she's toned

>ugly fat
>ugly skinny

Thank god Italians and Greeks are still viewed as white so we can be racist towards them

What a fucking coward.
They call me KING in my trailer park cuz I put them NIGGERS in their place.

No the fuck they aren't!
Meds are subhuman.

Archifags deserve death. I get finding juicy girls attractive because women are biologically designed to have relatively higher body fat and it feels good to squeeze flesh. But women should be no more than 10-20% above normal body weight at any given time.

She looked way hotter when she was fat, Fat bodies fit and look good on some chicks. Not all of them need to be skinny, Unhealthy or not.

how long are we talking though? did you watch her on pizza?

Good for her
Disgusting mudshark

You can lose the weight but you can’t undo the stretch marked and loose skin

C'mon man no she didn't. Fat girls look good fat if their head-tit-hip-ass-posture ratio is just right, mainly bazooongers the size of melons. Rebel looks fine as /fit/