what does Yea Forums think of Pixar's Ratatouille (2007)?
What does Yea Forums think of Pixar's Ratatouille (2007)?
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There was a thread yesterday with her in the OP pic. Are they announcing a sequel soon?
better than helen
no. you WILL watch a heartwarming story about a BIPOC defeating the chud army
>Muh fred wen away mus maek it egennn
Fuck your
god I want a French Jewish gf
it was okay
smartest ESL
what was this niggas problem?
>eats soup and brings back memories of being raped.
britbong here. i refuse to marry a british 'woman'. i have french family so i hope to move there one day.
>niggers and women can't cook
hero of the story
>bri'ish accent
>obviously grew up southern europe
I think it is time you stop posting. I'm worried about your mental health.
post it
hurry up and post it.
This should explain it. youtube.com
post what anons?
No. It's just that he was voiced by O'Toole
the special sauce
He was based and basically said critics are worthless.
he's a ghoul
such a fucking good movie
got me into being a chef and i dont regret it one bit
Do people seriously not realize that Anton is likely at least half German? Germany is right next to France. It is no surprise that his mother might have migrated to Germany or his father migrated to France. Jesus Christ you fuckers are retarded. Anton is a Germanic/Scandanavian/Slavic name based off Anthony.
Well? What're you waiting for? Get it over with.
He was a homosexual who remembered getting raped
Do the rats represent non-whites or just poor people of any race?
They represent the oppressed. Which plenty of white French people are. So it is very vague if you want to talk about it in terms of race but I really don't think that was the point of the movie.
uhh zucchini bros..
Actually pretty great that they included the purple tip which is obviously stainless steel and only the tip is hardened for clean cuts on smaller things.
it's actually just a reflection off something i cropped out the image
Ah. Probably an onion then.
The villain is always the hero and O’Toole knocks it out of the Park. I haven’t seen a ton of Ian Holm movies but I didn’t know he had such a nuanced comedic performance in him.
Did you go to culinary shool?
Deuteragonist is the word you are looking for. And yes, he is. He put out the review that saved the restaurant. The antagonist was clearly the short French head chef who was meant to be a Napolean joke.
Not him but my mother was the executive chef at a country club that caters to an old general and some some of the Houston Astros.
Thanks first year film student very cool
Sounds nice did she go to culinary school?
yes and no, i dropped out then i got a job and have grinded my way up to michelin
I’m having a life crisis and trying to figure out the next step. I like cooking a lot but not sure my taste is good enough to become a chaf
caricature of the typical snobbish Parisian who only changes his perspective because a literal rat cooks him a great dish. desu it's the only conceivable way to lower the ego of those faggy frogs
Yes. Not originally. She was made executive chef before that as she had been sous chef for years until the executive chef died. Such a position required her to go to culinary school. Unfortunately she had a car accident and was paralyzed from the waist down soon after completing it. She died last year from heart failure. I wish I picked her brain more.
thankfully others make the menu for you but you gotta be able to take the heat and work fast under pressure and put utmost care into what you make
the pay is shit the hours suck and the work will stress you out.
But, making someones day with good food is what fuels me and i enjoy the proccess.
No problem bruh. Not like you learn the word in middle school theater or anything. Oh wait.
You mean Racacoonie?
Then don't become a chef.
Make a book and sell it online.
Make a cooking podcast.
Make videos on youtube.
You're clearly interested in it. There's plenty of ways to gain interest, then sell out.
I am in your boat, user. My mother taught me a lot of things but I hate most foods. I am very picky. All that knowledge is wasted on me. It feels terrible to know that you know how to do something but you can't trust yourself to make the call if it is good or not.
Is that cropped porn?
Aren't bongs and frogs mortal enemies? I don't know shit about the average euro desu
No. It is just her cutting veges. Taken straight from the movie. Read reply chains before asking shit like this.
I swear to god that zuchinni picture is literally the funniest picture on the internet, I start laughing like a retard for 10 minutes everytime I see it
Yeah, right
And I'm Elvis the 5th, Emperor of the moon empire
Potentially due to WW2. Bongs are Anglo-Saxon. Germany is Saxons. Germany wrecked the pathetic French.
Well Mr. King, I suggest you stop looking for things to coom for and go out and fuck the billion women that love you instead of getting off on porn.
It has Spyro at subway energy but some how less gross.
I don’t know how to make money. The people on YT who do are either former chefs or women who get simp pay pigs.
I know I have basic skill and the drive to succeed but it’s take a lot of work to become legit. And that’s my struggle - figuring out what to struggle for. I hate being talented in things that are hard to make money in.
kind of it's an animation i'm working on. haven't got to the porn part yet.
i'm actually very flattered you think it's from the movie
The empire has no women, as they only bring chaos and disorder
We reproduce through cloning and insemination of artificial eggs
It isn't? I could have sworn there was a vege chopping scene where she goes to town. To be fair I have not seen it in probably five years. Why flattered? Did you make? Well post the rest, faggot. Or at least a link.