Are there legit any movies that displays this type of behavior?

Are there legit any movies that displays this type of behavior?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fear and loathing in Las Vegas

theres lots of movies about alcoholism, but nobody would watch movie about an alcoholic internet addict

iv spend most of my life in my pc chair but never fallen asleep in it, or at my desk
i dont know how people manage it

God Only Knows featuring the one and only NECRO


Whatcha know about that

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The Batman

i can smell this image

are there any tv shows about streamers?

Attached: streamer apartment.webm (480x853, 2.99M)

This is usually me after about 3 blunts a few hours working on my War in the East campaign

i would. i'm sure it's in the works.

i did once and my mom found me. she tried to wake me up the next morning but apparently i just mumbled some nonsense and stumbled over to my bed where i woke up later confused and very hungover.

Sleep tight steeler

3 steelies will legit put you to sleep

this video is genuine art. really captures the bleakness of the working class life. the fact that i get banned constantly for making threads about it is complete bullshit and jannies should be ashamed.

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this is literally me

they don't call it 'high gravity' for nothin. shit'll make you feel 30 pounds heavier i tell you what.

dude is like an artist now living in la. must have been the kid pix 2

i'm a artfag (BFA graduate, yeah i know fuck off) and he reminds me of basically all my black classmates so i can buy that.

Brittany's new place?

as if your room is any tidier user

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my room's actually not that bad. everything has a place, ya know.

>wanted to watch some kinos tonight
>got drunk and shitposted on Yea Forums instead
what a life

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I always imagine alcoholics as fatter and older guys hanging out at bars not some nerd passed out in front of his computer

>the bleakness of the working class life
It's a nigger drinking until puking. Grow up.

the film captures perfectly that feeling of waking up very early in the morning to go to a place that you don't want to go. I can feel the cold. kino.

Was this the vid where the gf calls the cop on bf for recording her shit hole apartment? And then the dog just pisses in front of them lmao

I do after work sometimes

I'm a total fucking slob and my place is absolutely tidier

>It's a nigger drinking until puking
yeah that's what i'm saying.

t. someone who has never "been there"

lol artist here too, and every black artist i know is a degenerate schizo that fucks skanky white girls

>mcdonalds delivery beside the computer

Too relatable

>t. never been there

you just know

some of them are really funny though.

Fucking disgusting subhumans, no respect for themselves or their surroundings.
Even crustaceans keep their home clean.

Only thing I want to do after work is shitpost on here, drink and listen to music.

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Basquiat proves this theory

>tfw modern life enables my reclusive behaviours way too much to ever want to change

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kek same. i work four ten hour shifts a week and Thursday is like my night to just sit on here, slam beers and listen to music.

i unironically like Basquiat. Jean Cocteau's drawings in Opium have a similar schizoid quality. Basquiat was a heroin addict, so i guess i kinda feel like their work has some synergy.

im doing research material rn

Doesn't even matter if I want to do it or not, this place is like a gravitation hole.

research through experience right? same.

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Yes. It's from a streamer named emmia. But she changes her name every couple of months/years
>911, what is your emergency
>my boyfriend is just standing there
Maybe. She is psycho


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the url was missing an E
somehow my retarded copy/paste took out the e in the url

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Jesus, imagine being such a lazy whore that you can't take your dog out to piss

this. it's a fucking bit, his white friend holding the camera for him and like getting down by his dick and shit is fucking gay and weird.

If it was a bit, it's even more brilliant.

patrick is that you??? get your fucking life together dude

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the amount of beers in his closet lead me to believe it wasn't a bit.

>the bleakness of the working class life

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The one with nic cage


I have 40 pissbottles hidden in my closet(milk jugs, iced tea bottles, 2 liter soda jugs mostly) and I want to make a video with them before I get rid of them soon but I fear someone will recognize my room.

I just don't ever see a lot videos with pissbottles in this kind of thread and I feel like I can make an entertaining video.