Netflix made a tv show that is anti-west propaganda

netflix made a tv show that is anti-west propaganda

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nigga i used to watch this on the sony gem channel it's an old as fuck show

>Netflix made Japanese show from 30 years ago

American city layouts have made this impossible.

>american thinks this is insane
I thought they watched anime, literally any anime with a kid will have the kid go pick up the groceries

Why can't American children walk down to the grocery to buy stuff?

boomers watching this and going like "it used to be like this here in the UK when I was growing up".
What happened? Why can't kids go out alone anymore?

If it's not a miles between, it's the pedophiles that line the road

They can in some areas, but generally speaking American cities and suburbs make walking to grocery stores either impossible or very unpleasant and possibly dangerous, especially in the case of little children.

O-old enough for what?

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God I wish I were a Japanese child.

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Pedophiles, violent homeless, criminals, nosy cunts and reckless drivers

Is this a JAV set?

Shitlibs somehow spinned this as an issue of roads, like as if we doubled the budget of road constructors we would somehow be able to get rid of blacks and lax crime laws.

i wish a was a Japanese pre-school teacher, Japanese kids seem like angels compared to disgusting child westoids

>be Japanese
>live in constant fear that one day a natural disaster will devastate your entire country

they'd get mowed down by an SUV or snatched by a pedo within 30 seconds

getting used as an onahole

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>2013 was 30 years ago

Because 70+ years of Democrat policies have turned previously safe areas into crime-ridden shitholes.

Doesn’t Japan have a huge pedo problem?

such speed

Tokyo Noir has successfully shattered my conception of Japan as a peaceful and orderly place. I almost viewed it as utopian in a way. But Tokyo Noir really recontextualized some of its virtues as vices, and other virtues as lucky byproducts of other shitty aspects of its society.

>an entire "reality show" about watching grade-schools children do completely mundane things
Who is a show like this for?

Niggers made those city layouts necessary

>ran out of bread and milk
>minimum 30 minute trip to and from the store
I hate this country so much bros

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>a Japanese variety show that has been aired irregularly since 1991!

Are you retarded or are you retarded?

Yes, but if they don't officially report it then it doesn't OFFICIALLY exist.

Americans treat walking more than 200ft as a mighty hike.
When I was in college and living off campus my weekend wagie job was about one and a half miles from my apartment. I got off work at 4:30AM when buses were no longer running and I didn't have a car.
When I told people I was fine walking home they thought I was crazy.
The neighborhood was stupid safe and I'd see police from campus PD, local PD, and county sheriff's office patrolling almost every night.

better then poc's right?

>Tokyo Vice
I've heard from foreigners who live in Japan that it's pretty accurate, is the show actually good though?

normies who like cute things

My nephew who lives in Switzerland has been walking to and back from school on his own since he was 5.

It was a bit surprising, but it's apparently the norm over there.

>here we see an SUV in it's natural habitat, roaming the American streets searching for a stray child to obliterate

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They actually have less pedo problems than most countries do. But anons here like to lie about that because they hate Japan.


Lonely women who's children have moved away and they want to reminisce what having a young child was like before they call their kids and ask when they're going to have kids of their own.

>old enough
hell yeah

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One of my favorite things to do is look at crime in Japan.
During the pandemic it was a ton of parents getting stabbed by their children.
Surprisingly a lot of murders for insurance money happen too.
Pedo-stuff still happens but it doesn't make the news too often, usually it's someone looking up a young girls skirt or harassing them.
Hit & Runs are also very common. Truck-kun is more than a meme.

Aside from the maniac wherever that is looks just like my nipponese animes

the west is anti-west propaganda.

My city in the US legitimately has a problem with organ harvesters. Kinda insane that with all the surveillance and personal security cameras everyone several people can have their organs harvested and nobody is caught.

It has a loli problem, not a pedo problem. There's less child rape because all the pedos are too busy with loli porn and have developed unrealistic standards just like everyone else.

>American woman doesn't feel safe with vehicles bigger than hers on the road
>Buys a big SUV
>Another American woman sees an SUV bigger than hers and feels unsafe
>This has continued to the point were the only new "car" Ford sells in the US today is the Mustang
I just want a fucking hot hatch.

I wish I lived in a walkable town.

I'm going to ask again. Does anybody know where I can get the whole series? I like watching these, they're comfy.

>Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic …

They prefer to be called "police".

What do you mean aside from the maniac, Truck-kun is a anime staple.

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how fucking unsafe is it in america
i refuse to believe that the streets of america are less safe than the streets of the third world shithole i am living in

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>ton of parents getting stabbed by their children.
overbearing parents or something?

It is you should believe everything you read on Yea Forums.

Unironically stay on the right side of MLK boulevard in most cities and you'll be perfectly safe.

Pretty much. The pandemic caused a lot of those kids/young adults to be stuck with their parents (or move back in) and it was baseball bats and hammers with a side of knife stabbings almost every day.
"Why aren't you a doctor? Why aren't you married yet?" type of shit like you said.

before gen-z, everyone rode a bicycle around before they drove and they didn't claim they were a victim being oppressed by suburbs. middle school and high school kids often walked home, and they'd visit a corner store or dollar store on the way home. not everyone wants to live like a bunch of sardines in a can, if you don't like where you live then move, stop trying to herd people like cattle into commie blocks and project housing.

also child protective services

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Really makes you wonder who's behind it all.

Caucasians are predisposed to being pedophiles. So nobody can trust them

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I couldn't imagine not living in one

they why don't the above characters have gooky eyes and can say words properly?

The West is ruled by satanic Leftwing jewish pedos

I'd be scared too

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A child followed by a camera crew would be safe in any city you stupid niggers. It's not a fucking nature documentary where they have to let pedophiles anduct the kids.

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Probably not the kikes but definitely someone paying off our officials.

Burned-out women who were peer-pressured, fear-mongered and manipulated by media corporations into sacrificing their peak years so they could be shaped into the ultimate worker, consumer and voter.

This, I'm American and I follow kids with cameras all the time.

most of the stuff you hear about america on Yea Forums is written by people who have never been to america

>blue/green eyes

Cope ricecel

They're ten minute segments of a much longer show, but the only bothered releasing the cute kid parts outside of Japan.

>dude they're totally asian bro

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it's not safe, cops patrolling everywhere, ambulance sirens every hour, and lots of gun fire from the distance. A kid got snatched up 2 days ago in my city. America is pretty dangerous.

>ford no longer produces the taurus
fucking gay

Anime is the ultimate seethe of ching chongs

Your entire entertainment industry is making white characters that just so happen to speak ChingChonginese

God I hate how leftists want to live in clean, safe, walkable cities but can't come to the realization that such a thing is impossible with negroes.

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>have comfy childhood in homogenous world
>turn 18
>work 60 hours a week plus hanging out with your boss every night until he drinks himself to sleep
>throw yourself out a window at age 30 once anime and pachinko stop working
I'll take a long commute and occasional feral nigger over living in dystopia

No one one defends "supposed" Rightwing pedos

The Left covers and deflects their pedos because its the core of their gender ideology

Cope and dilate groomer

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white people are so sad

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I can bet that you are black

Empty nest syndrome

good thing the west is steadily progressing towards feral niggers, long commutes, AND dystopia

well in the case of Shizuo he is asian with blonde hair i mean they are anime thats not beyond the realm of belief also what is the issue with identifying with asian or black characters i thought that was a meme just dont identify with south american characters and life is fine

its a meme by people who seethe about america. china has kids being kidnapped in broad daylight every second and russians take up most of youtube's car accident compilations. coincidently they both hate americans

he wanted to isekai her

I was walking around downtown San Antonio a few years ago. It was barely past 6 and it had just gotten dark. I was walking with some friends back to where we left the car, but we decided to walk the non-tourist path we'd taken to"explore". I found it curious how only a block or two away from the tourist hotspot everything suddenly was very quiet and lonely. No people, no cars, nothing. We passed in front of some sort of business that was closing for the day, and three white women turned their heads towards us as we passed by. The look of surprise and slight fear in their eyes told me everything I needed to know. Oh. We shouldn't be walking here at this hour. We're gonna run into whatever this women thought we were.

You can walk that close to downtown and that early in the day in my third world country without a worry.

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I'm American and I can confirm that every day is a living nightmare here


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There exists an inherent psychopathy in the Asiatic character. The Japanese were committing seppuku while your grandparents were alive.
The American stereotype of overbearing Asian parents isn't a stereotype, but a universal fact. Seung-Hui Cho was a spoiler to the question of integrating them into the West, but no one listened.

Netflix made nothing. It's a 20 year old japanese tv show.

not him but it's pretty kino

Crime rates today are significantly lower than they were 30 years ago.

>truck-kun says hello

>We're gonna run into whatever this women thought we were.

And they massively spiked back up in the last two years thanks to Democrats.

There is a grocery store that’s a 15 minute walk from my house. City > burbs.