We need more horror fetish kinos. If I was a film director I would blow the entire budget on realistic tentacle sex scenes like that one in the Untamed
>that feel when they cast the perfect women to play one of my all favorite female characters ever >she plays second fiddle to the director's fan fiction character I like Milla and everything, but holy shit, I'm still mad about that.
its amazing the level of fascism people put up with just to have guns which are supposedly to protect against that
Angel Garcia
>fascism is when black women with room temperature IQs govern your children's lives
Benjamin Cook
Ain't that the truth, brother. Perfect-est casting in movie adaptations history, if you ask me. And now look at this shit. How can things get this bad, this quickly.
The number one criticism I heard about that movie was "it's trying to please the fans too much" and I have to wonder what the fuck those people were smoking. Because that movie was not made for fans at all and it shows.
I watched it for the first time like last week. I was shocked at how *every* single thing, plot element, back story, scene presentation, character, had something wrong with it.
Like you'd get a cameo from "itchy tasty", but it's written on a window by some random zombie. You'd get Jill sandwich, but she's just eating a sandwich. You get Birkin, but he's not the cause of the outbreak. You get Annette, but she's not a scientist working with Umbrella. You get Sherry, but Claire never interacts with her, Chris does it. You get Wesker, but he's really a cool frat boy who works for Ada, not the other way around, and just for the money. You get Bravo team, but they're just regular uniformed cops, no Becca/Enrico/etc. You get Alpha team, but no Barry for some reason. You get lickers, but not in the RPD. You get Lisa, but not in the mansion, and she's a good girl now. You get Leon, but he's an incompetent drunk who only got his job because of his rich daddy. You get Chris and Claire, but they're orphans raised by Birkin for some reason. RC gets destroyed, but not by a nuclear strike, it just falls down a hole. You get Irons, but he's not a serial rapist/murderer taxidermist. I could go on, and on, and on.
Not a single thing anywhere works. Every single time you recognize something you know, it's wrong somehow. Yet it's "for the fans".