I hate liberals so much

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>Roody Pooliani

Did they just have him on the show to screech at him?

It was planned you fucking idiots.

ken jeong-un has never been funny. he is the token asian minstrel

To be fair, he did suck.

This was written, Giuliani knew about it beforehand, doesn't care

Poor little yellow boy

Why are Trumptards still defending Giuliani? He's like the biggest fucking lolcow in Trumpworld lmao

Imagine simping for Rudy Giuliani of all people lol

Don't care. Shill thread. Retard thread. You. Go outside and touch the green.

I would go every year

Go back to red dit please please go back

>Go outside and touch the green.

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It's a fair reaction. Why would anybody want to see that?

Because one walked off? Good job being a bitch, OP.

Glad Borat exposed this fuck for the degenerate he is

Am I in bizarro world? I thought this already happened months ago.

50 year old balding fatty detected

I only like him because he cleaned up my city

Go baaaaaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkkk ur ruining this place

It was taped months ago but the episode only aired yesterday.

imagine being such a political monkeybrain that you are STILL carrying water for the senile retard who did absolutely nothing but embarrass the GOP during the entire Trump presidency because
>he's /ourguy/ through thick and thin

seriously can you name a single thing Giuliani did that wasn't absolutely pathetic and worthless

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Why care? Rudy was always a fraud.

>Am I in bizarro world? I thought this already happened months ago.

It did. But the episode only aired recently.


I thought this too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I thought I was going schizophrenic



He literally made New York safe and it's still a shithole. Imagine what it was like before him

I don't know, seems like a good dude. No one's perfect

Go back to /pol/ and stop shitting up my board you fucking freak

He's a hero he stopped nine eleven

He made you seethe

Because being a nervous little lolcow doesn't invalidate your good work and the fact all lawyers are at least as visibly dirty if you hate their client enough.

>Go outside and touch the green.

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>He's a hero he stopped nine eleven

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Did-did this just happened? Cause I swear to god I remember this happening a couple of months back

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Despite being warned about it, he put New York's emergency response HQ in the twin towers. He made 9/11 worse.

t. salty mafia dons

that's so weird ha ha why would someone do that

What about Community?

Why do they even have that micro dick fob on there anyways.
Asians aren't funny and nobody cares what they have to say


Why do they throw such a fit when confronted with the reality that Trump and Trump adjacent people exist? It's like they're completely nauseated by them. It's hilarious

No you're right, this happened months ago. We probably heard about it during the taping and people are talking about it now because the episode finally aired


>shitting your pants in public to own the libs

He never did that. That’s just some dumb slogan GOP pushed for him.


I hate liberals so much

>lmao imagine being angered by fascists attempting to illegally overturn a legitimate election and seize power
>what thin-skinned snowflakes, amirite?
>Just sit back and take it chumps, nothing bad has ever come from letting people who attempt to subvert democracy into authoritarianism be treated as normal members of society

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>The screeners allowed a secret masked contestant to get past, and it just so happened... to be Rudy Giuiani!!!!!!!! And the leftyboy judgerino was so done like he couldn't even, he just le walked off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking truly despise television and most films, lads. I really, honestly do. If I could press a button that would kill everybody who had ever seen American Idol or whatever this refried-shit derivate of it would be, hell if they had seen TV in general in the last twenty years, I'd mash it like it was my only salvation.

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>nothing bad has ever come from letting people who attempt to subvert democracy into authoritarianism be treated as normal members of society
Exactly, that's why I'm against you leftist loonies. You don't even realize you've become as bad as the fucking Nazis. That's how far down the hole you are and you can't even see it.

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yeah.. its the LIBERALS who are the annoying ones.

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Glanced in the mirror, eh?

so... someone who hates America had their right to participate in public discussions removed for openly espousing hateful ideas?
and that's a good thing!
We should do the same with anyone who has ever said anything along the lines of
>1/6 was a proud day for American patriots, not a terrorist act
you agree, no?
>also, proud phoneposter
at least charge it, shithead, 4% is disgusting


keep going further right and you'll get what you deserve

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>akshually, it's the people mad at my side for attempting to overthrow an election and install our leader again while refusing to accept our apologia for it who are the REAL Nazis!

define fascism

yeah, freedom of speech is important and America literally, unironically did deserve 9/11

Everything I've ever posted was satirical btw Mr. FBI man

I won’t defend his more recent stuff or his 9/11 neocon shilling but he was genuinely one of the best American mayors of the 20th century.
Seeing how bad NYC’s gotten in just a decade of shitty Democratic justice policies should be more than enough to demonstrate why they shouldn’t hold power in any major city.

Giuliani did nothing. Stop repeating this bullshit that he cleaned up NY. He made it worse.

Accurate, good that you got that. I’ve banged 11 black women.

thanks borat very cool

>He's like the biggest fucking lolcow
Isn't your side composed of literal men wearing women's clothing?

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Because we engage with reality, ya fuckin little riddler.

kek, that's the first based thing I've ever heard of him doing.

literally worse than voldemort

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>leftists still pretending to not support authoritarianism after all the mandates and lockdowns they’ve forced on us the past two years

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High octane bait.

Oh okay thanks for the quality rebuttal I will change my views now and ignore the work he did to clean up NYC over 20 years.

>not understanding the difference between a public safety measure adopted globally and a coup.

Stay stupid brother!

keep it up and we will be.

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9/11 killed thousands of people.
January 6th killed fucking nobody.
Continue screeching.

a right-wing Hegelian response to the left-wing Hegelian ideological cluster of Marxism/Leninism/Bolshevism/Maoism (collectively referred to as communism)
in many ways it mirrors communism through restructuring all aspects of society to the benefit of the state, including nationalizing some or most aspects of the economy. However, it does not advance the rights of workers within the state, but rather the right of certain ethnicities within the state
a strong nationalist and isolationist policy is essential, usually accompanied by the concept of an ethnostate
key to a fascist ideology is the creation of a scapegoat to blame most or all societal ills on
in nearly all cases, fascism has a strong single leader or single party rule, with a cult of personality based around the leader.
Suppression of all opposition parties and the restriction of free and fair elections is also crucial.