Did it matter to women what clothes you wore in the early 2000's? Seems pretty far fetched

Did it matter to women what clothes you wore in the early 2000's? Seems pretty far fetched.

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yes? still matters today

They’re just like me.

why do americans like to wear cargo shorts

no it never mattered. wear sweatpants.

I always get more looks from women when I'm in a suit. It matters.

it's funny how steve carrol's fashion in this movie has been coopted by hipsters ironically. Though he doesn't fit it exactly, look up "normcore"

the southern states are subtropical

It matters. I haven't had any sex since i started wearing anime t-shirts

Watch this scene.
Then watch it again.

Unless you have the looks and money of ryan gosling, you need to look well put together.

This doesn't mean you need to wear a suit everywhere. This does mean you need to wear clothes that are fitted to you. Baggy shit is unacceptable.

Easy storage and access for two blocks of cheese

Do people really care if your outfit matches? I just put on whatever and it seems like no one notices.

I watched this movie expecting something hilarious and relatable but it's just a script made by normie Hollywood suits that have no idea what a virgin wizard actually acts like. The best comedic depiction of the virgin wizard is Paul from 90 day fiance. Whether it was real or fake.

Attached: Paul-Staele-fired-from-90-Day-Fiance.jpg (800x450, 19.41K)

I always used to rock some cool band shirts in my teenage years

normcore was a thing a decade ago

yes and so were hipsters user

This is somewhat true, but if you’re a 6/10 or below it won’t matter.

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Even the most basic t-shirt can look dapper if well fitted

People are still giving incels this kind of advice. As if showering and getting a haircut were the inflection points on why dudes were becoming wizards.

this movie is from the early 2010s

Some shirts just don't seem to attract a lot of women

Attached: A13usaonutL._CLa_2140,2000_A1ptJQ6uSGL.png_0,0,2140,2000+0.0,0.0,2140.0,2000.0_AC_UL1500_.jpg (1476x1500, 174.61K)

Most guys don't really dress that well to be honest.

When Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Kevin Bacon get into a fight, and Steve says fuck everything and walks away, turn off the movie.
It makes the movie pure kino.

I feel that the happy ending was sloppily tacked on at the end to satisfy hollywood audiences, and was not the original ending.

>As if showering and getting a haircut were the inflection points on why dudes were becoming wizards.

True, but actually improving your looks just makes you feel better about yourself.

no, only matters for ugly people.

Imagine going on a hot date wearing that

Don't even have to wear a suit. Just dressier pants and shirt.


If you want someone who doesn't care if you look like shit, then you better not care when she looks like shit.

I carry big macs in my cargo shorts for easy access and because they never go bad I can carry multiple sandwiches at a time in case I'm ever stuck in traffic or need a quick snack. This is such a stupid post I'm sorry to everyone reading this it's not even funny

I wouldn't expect a second date

>just get a new wardrobe bro

There are NO clothes for your face. There is NO workout for your face. There is NO substitution for your height. There is NO pick up line that will change your race. Please stop giving these pitiful creatures hope, most of them unironically don’t know any better


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But girls care if you look like shit while not caring if they look like shit anyway?

>There is NO workout for your face
wrong, if the guy in your picture lost weight he would look way better.

Here's a sigma male 101 tip.
incels complain that "women hate nice guys"
that's bullshit
women like guys who smile at them.
The trick is don't smile like some kind of fucking weirdo or homo.
Just VERY slightly turn up the corners of your lips like the guy on the left side picture.
It's a smile that says "I know something you don't", and women are drawn to it.

Thanks, I know that is correct today, but was it when this movie came out? Reads like an ad to me.

unironically asking.. so if I normally wear a solid t shirt and jeans (sometimes I'll wear a long sleeve button up shirt with jeans).. what shoes should I wear? I find myself wearing hiking boots a lot but want to get something a little nicer, but not TOO nice. maybe like a "casual" boot. any recommendations?

Seriously that guy on right would look way better if he wore clothes that fit him. Who the fuck has that many creases on a t shirt? Who has creases on the shoulders? How baggy is that shit he's wearing.

Wearing nice looking clothes is 60% about the fit and cut. Don't get normal tees, get slim cut tees. Mix and match with v necks. No one is saying by wearing better clothes you will turn into Brad Pitt, but you will up your game by 2 or 3 points in ratings.

Attached: Common-Projects-sneakers.jpg (1024x683, 40.18K)

if you're wearing these, you've given up or have settled down.

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>The trick is don't smile like some kind of fucking weirdo or homo.
Just VERY slightly turn up the corners of your lips

Attached: terminator-genisys-smile.jpg (620x348, 30.75K)

Rock those with cargo shorts and you will have the Disneyland daddy on vaction look

not my style.. no way I could pull them off, plus all white would get dirty easily. I wear pic related or like I said hiking boots.

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>2 or 3 points

Anything times ZERO IS STILL ZERO

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You're only supposed to wear shirts of obscure bands nobody has heard of.
She'll think you're mysterious and cultured.

perfect. good job.

Don't forget the wink and pistol fingers.

I’m not watching that video, someone summarize it in a sentence for me. Thank you. I’ll give you one billion etree coins

Guy on the right has a better hairline at least

White sneakers is something that you can match you pretty much anything

>Did it matter to women what clothes you wore in the early 2000's? Seems pretty far fetched.
No, this is a Jew smartphone propaganda thing just like most "standards" nowadays.

look I like black metal just as much as the next autisic philly hipster but I do not wear any band t shirts anymore

If you switched their outfits, who would get more pussy? Steve Carrell in a nice suit or Ryan Gosling dressed like an autistic 10 year old?

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>plus all white would get dirty easily
thats the point
dirty white shoes look better

Get yourself a pair of Red Wing boots. Great casual boots that go really well with anything but mostly jeans.

They're a bit expensive depending on the model you get but the best thing about Red Wings is that they look better the older they get and they last for decades.

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>I can carry multiple sandwiches at a time in case I'm ever stuck in traffic
You eat in your car? Nasty.

>no way could i pull off sneakers

Gosling, unless Carrell went after gold diggers.

checked and thanks a lot.. that's honestly what I wear most of the time minus the boots of course and the glasses.

If you're over 30, stop wearing shit with brand names or logos on it. It looks tacky.

Dark colored pants that are well fitted. Preferably with a taper near the ankle so shit doesn't bag over your shoes.
Plain t shirt or button up, layer a jacket or sweater over that. Again, well fitted.

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No one is a zero unless you just barely recovered from a fire that burnt half your face off.

Me on left

>Be better than the GAP
Such a great line. My parents and I unironically use this saying whenever one of us is being pathetic and not respecting ourselves/appearance/etc.

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face and body matter, clothes don't
one day we'll have the disclosure of fashiongate (everyone telling people to dress nice were paid actors)

>Preferably with a taper near the ankle
Wrong, that looks awful.

Bomber jackets are a must have. You just can't miss

no, fashion sense is made for uggos or manlets, the illusion that if you dress a certain way you'll get pussy wet. it's a bluepill

My Lifelover shirt just looks emo and my SOD shirt doesn't look cultured at all

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I'm wearing them right now. They're comfy and they look good. I don't even use the lower pockets ever.